A call for the participation in an international survey about the value of heritage of the First World War (1914-1918) and its relationship with tourism launched by the World Heritage Tourism Research Network
Email: jansen.verbeke@skynet.be / wanda.george@msvu.ca
Website: http://www.whtrn.ca
Asia Tourism Forum: The 10th Biennial Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Asia
(8-10 May 2012, Bandung, Indonesia)
Contact: Djoni Sofyan Iskandar
Email: joiskandar@atf2012.com
Website: http://atf2012.com/
The 6th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure
The 2nd Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference
(24-29 April 2012, Fethiye, Turkey)
Contact: Metin Kozak
Email: M.Kozak@superonline.com,
Website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/rana