A student team led by IC received the “Best Usability” award in the Design Category of the 15th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Global Student Innovation Challenge (gSIC) 2022 Hong Kong SAR held in August 2022 with their project “PolyCARE”. A total of 23 teams from different countries and cities participated in the competition.
PolyCARE is a smart human-like robot designed and fabricated by PolyU students under the supervision and guidance of IC. PolyCARE can carry out public hygiene monitoring such as face mask detection, social distancing and body temperature measurement. It can also be used as an intelligent personal assistant as well as companion to patients by monitoring patient’s health data and vital signs, conducting remote medical consultation and detecting emotions. The student team generated the idea of fabricating a care robot in times of pandemic when they saw the manpower in care industry was facing a serious shortage and many patients were suffering from psychological health issues.