HKAR-147 Approved Maintenance Training

Aviation Requirement
The Civil Aviation Department of the HKSAR has published comprehensive and detailed aviation requirements, referring as the Hong Kong Aviation Requirements (HKAR). With a view to set up standards and minimize type certification problems and to facilitate the export and import of aviation products, HKAR make it easier for maintenance to be carried out in Hong Kong. In addition, maintenance personnel should be trained and qualified according to international standard, so as to assist the aviation industry in obtaining suitable staff.
The HKAR-147 provides the maintenance training standard for maintenance certifying staff.

HKAR-147 Practical Training
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is an approved organization under HKAR-147. Currently, IC is providing HKAR-147 training to PolyU's Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering programmes, including BEng (Hons) in Air Transport Engineering and BEng (Hons) in Aviation Engineering. Students undertaking the programme can opt to take HKAR-147 practical training provided by IC to path their future career in aviation.
*The photo shown on the right is not taken at the approved HKAR-147 training venue of PolyU.
Building Information Modelling (BIM)

About BIM
BIM in Hong Kong
A "Roadmap for Building Information Modelling (BIM) Strategic Implementation in Hong Kong's Construction Industry" was prepared by the Working Group on Roadmap for BIM Implementation under the then Committee on Environment and Technology of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) in 2014. One of the key initiatives in the Roadmap was to expedite the building up of BIM capacity and capability.
In 2017, the HKSAR Government decreed that BIM technology must be used in the design and construction of all major government capital works projects with a project estimate of more than HK$30 million that were scheduled to start during or after 2018, and that the use of this technology in private construction projects should also be promoted. This has generated a surge in demand for BIM personnel and training needs.
To ensure that construction professionals have appropriate skill levels and competency in using BIM technology, and that the scope and quality of BIM courses provided in the market meet the requirements, it was important to establish a certification body for BIM personnel and an accreditation body for BIM training courses in Hong Kong.
To facilitate the healthy development of BIM in Hong Kong, CIC has introduced the BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes to ascertain the competency of BIM personnel and the quality of local BIM training courses.
What is BIM?
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the process of generating and managing building data during its design, construction and during the building or assets life cycle. Typically, the process uses three-dimensional building modelling software to increase productivity of consultants and contractors during the whole asset life cycle. The process produces the Building Information Model database, which encompasses building geometry, spatial relationships, geographic information, quantities and properties of building elements. It is a new way of working using new technology to facilitate project management, better construction process control, cross-disciplinary collaboration, communication with external stakeholders, decision support and risk management.
(Courtesy of Construction Industry Council)

BIM Training in IC
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Industrial Centre is a CIC-accredited BIM Manager Course provider. Currently, IC is providing CIC certificated BIM management training to Faculty of Construction and Environment’ programmes, including BEng (Hons) in Building Services Engineering, BEng (Hons) in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering, BEng (Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development and BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering. Students undertaking the programme can opt to take CIC BIM management training provided by IC to path their future career in construction industry.
IC always strives to provide the best and up-to-date technology training to address the needs of our students and the industry. To provide the next level of BIM training to our students, IC has equipped itself with the latest software and hardware. New facilities including CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) and other immersive technologies (such as HTC VIVE and Microsoft HoloLens) are applied to our BIM training to help students to visualize 3D or BIM model in 3D virtual environment.
SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider

About CAD

Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA)