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Useful Information

Induction Notes

New to IC? Check out the important things to know about your learning activities and other study support services in IC.

(Last updated 8 Nov 2022)

PolyU's Innovation and Technology Hub

  • PolyU Industrial Centre (IC) is a Central Technical Facility equipped with a complete collection of engineering facilities, equipment and technologies for staff and students to realize their research and project activities. It also provides hands-on learning activities for students to enhance their engineering knowledge and technical capabilities to further pursue their studies or dreams. The ‘IC Experience’ plays an important role in engineering education.
  • IC is the only establishment of its kind among the local 8 UGC-funded universities. We have 6 technical streams delivering academic, research and project support to our various users including students, academics and researchers in core and contemporary engineering and technological areas such as Additive Manufacturing, Digital Manufacturing, Electronics, Intelligent Automation, Composites, Fabrication, Building Services, Safety, Construction, Design Realization and Aviation Maintenance Repair & Overhaul.
  • Like nowhere, IC offers a multi-disciplinary open environment where students join its hands-on, research-inspired and multi-disciplinary learning activities to learn and integrate key and trendy engineering skills and knowledge shaping the future of our community.

Serving around 70 academic programmes

  • Around 70 academic programmes offered by local universities and college adopted IC’s hands-on learning and teaching activities in their programme curriculum, benefiting approximately 4,000 students each year. Majority of these programmes are from engineering/civil engineering. In addition to academic teaching and hands-on learning activities, IC also takes its strength and niche to contribute different support to PolyU’s Service Learning and laboratory teaching activities. We actively support a number of Service Learning activities, providing guidance and supports to hundreds of students on delivery of engineering project of large and small scale as a community service in Hong Kong and China. In recent years many students are able to take advantage of our multi-disciplinary application-oriented expertise and technologies and pursue their various competition projects, such as Rocobon, Formula SAE, etc.

Learning Activities 

  • The design and progression of IC learning activities for your academic programme is a joint effort of your hosting department and IC to complement your study at the best and feasible way.
  • Depending on the programme you are undertaking, the learning activities and schedule will vary. Students can access to their IC learning activities and schedules according to their intake cohort. 

Hands-on Learning Experience

Hands-on learning offers a stimulating and inspirational educational experience for students. It ties theory and exciting hands-on experimenting activities which enables students to learn and explore engineering knowledge. Through different hands-on learning activities, students’ professional knowledge, capability, thinking, all-round development, industrial and social perspective as well as creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are further reinforced and enhanced.

IC’s hands-on learning is more than just a practical experience. The activities are delivered in a well-planned and systematic approach with special emphasis on the technologies, skills and knowledge that are highly relevant to students’ discipline. Students will go through different hands-on learning activities designed to enhance their understanding on different technologies, skills and knowledge. Activities are delivered in technology-based, project-based or even integration-based mode. Implicit in the activities are aspects of industrial design; software applications; types and uses of engineering materials; engineering processes, machine and hand tools; instruments and test equipment; safety and health matters, engineering project planning and management. In project-based and integration-based learning activities, generic and all-round qualities such as team work, communication skills, interpersonal skills, leadership, professional ethics, attitude, etc. are also emphasized as part of the learning outcomes.

Most importantly, the involvement of students in planning, designing, building, testing, modifying and manufacturing things turns out to be an extraordinary and exciting experience to them. Students are amazed and excited at what they are capable to create from engineering and science theories. 

The assessment of hands-on learning activities is different from traditional lecture and tutorial. Some qualities and essences are more emphasized in these activities to reflect their uniqueness. Although IC’s hands-on learning activities are delivered and assessed uniquely, they are planned, designed and delivered in meeting the departmental and programme learning outcomes as well as the University strategic objectives and goals.

Why Safety?

Industrial SafetySafety is strongly emphasized in IC in order to education future engineers, supervisors and decision-makers and help them to implement safe practices in industry.

  • Good safety practices are a matter of thinking ahead. They are humane, and undoubtedly can improve productivity and thus make good economic sense!
  • Remember that your safety begins with you. We in the IC will make every effort to ensure that you work in a safety environment and that you are not injured, but in the end your active participation in safety is important. Please remain vigilant at all times and have proper regard for your own safety and for the safety of others around you.


Safety Gears

Safety ShoesStudents undertaking workshop activities are required to wear the following: 

  • Safety shoes with non-slip soles and steel toe caps to reduce the risk of being hit by falling object or contact with sharp object or exposure to chemical; and
  • Long trousers to reduce the risk of contact with sharp object or exposure to chemical or molten metal.
  • Students should bring their own safety shoes and long trousers. Other personal protective gear such as gloves, apron, etc. will be issued by individual workshop and the wearing is compulsory.
  • Students should obey instructions on  warning signs, notices and given by Workshop staff.
  • Students are not required to wear safety shoes or long trousers when taking lecture in Engineering Drawing, Safety, Computer Training or any workshop activities as specified.

Safety Gear Supplier Information


IC Safety Officer

Mr CHOW Lap-yan Fenkins


IC Health and Safety Guideline

  • The Health and Safety measures in IC are established to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of students throughout the learning activities.
  • The measures taken as part of this commitment are designed to achieve high health and safety standards over and above compliance with relevant statutory requirements.
  • To safeguard your well-being and your safety as well as those of other persons, you are required to follow the general health and safety guidelines stated: 
    • Fully co-operate and participate in all measures taken to ensure health and safety;
    • Take reasonable care at work and study for your health and safety and those of all other persons who may be affected by your acts or misbehavior;
    • Not to interfere with or misuse, intentionally or recklessly, anything provided in the interests of health and safety; and,
    • Report problems relating to health and safety matters to workshop staff nearby timely.

Mandatory Basic Safety Training (MBST) Certificate

  • The IC is one of the course operators recognized by the Labour Department to offer Mandatory Basic Safety Training (MBST) Course under the Section 6BA(4) of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance, Cap 59. 
  • Students who have undertaken IC Safety Training are entitled to apply for “Construction Industry Safety Training Certificate” which is commonly known as Green Cards, depending on the total hours of safety training they had undertaken and the final test results in general.
  • Students applying MBST certificate MUST be aged 18 or above on the day of their safety test. If you are aged below 18 on your safety test day, please alert your instructor immediately for re-schedule of safety test.

Most of the IC learning activities are continuously assessed. The following elements are generally assessed and taken into account in the modules; students are requested to draw their concerns and attentions to these elements.


  • Students will be rated on various manual or task-oriented skills, and on the achieved learning outcome to professional skills.


  • In most workshops, an Appreciation Test will be given at or near the end of the activities, to assess the understanding of students on the technical principles underlying the learning.


  • For every workshop in which students undertake activities, unless otherwise specified by instructors, they are required to submit a Report to the Blackboard through Turnitin.
  • Unless otherwise specified by your instructor, students are required to submit each Report to respective teaching staff, within ONE week after completing the activity or module. 

*Students are recommended to retain a e-copy of marked reports as they could be useful to your future career or when you apply for professional membership (e.g. HKIE).


Dishonesty and Plagiarism

  • Dishonesty and plagiarism in examination or coursework is a serious misconduct. Penalties ranging from disqualification and expulsion may be imposed in a proven case.

Timekeeping and Attendance

  • The attendance requirement is 100%. Student MUST be present on every scheduled activity and session, and must attend each session punctually.
  • If your attendance is less than 100%, your subject may be regarded as incomplete and your subject grade will be shown as “Incomplete’’ in your transcript, unless you completed all outstanding classes/activities. You will not be able to graduate if your subject status is “Incomplete”.
  • You are strongly advised to make up any missed training before the finalization of subject result. Approach IC Student Enquiry Counter for such arrangement. Once the subject result has been finalized and released, your make-up class will not be counted. The IC Student Enquiry Counter will help you with the logistics.
  • If you need to take a period of leave from your study, please complete AR8 Application for Leave of Absence and submit to your department.

IC adopted hands-on learning style and outcome-based assessment approach. We encourage you to actively participate in your IC learning activities in order to pass all assessment elements of your IC learning. 

If you omit some of the elements or assessments, you must take remedy ations prompty:


Element Situation Remedy Action Maximum Element Grade
Attendance Absence Make-up Class --
Test Absence of Class Make-up Test --
Inadequate performance Nil F
Assignment, Report No submission Late submission D
Inadequate performance Nil F
  • At the result finalization deadline of your IC studies, all your assessment element results, including those obtained through your remedy actions, will be used to calculate your subject grade.


Subject Grade

  • If your calculated subject grade is between “D” and “A+” but you cannot fulfill attendance requirement because of leaves, your subject result status will remain “Incomplete”. Please approach IC Student Enquiry Counter for make up class arrangement as soon as possible.
  • If your calculated subject grade is “F”, your will receive an “F” final grade. You will have to retake your subject. 
  • Students are required to inform their IC Subject Leader / IC Subject Coordinator if they cannot attend a class.
  • Reasons or grounds of leave should be provided to IC Subject Leader / IC Subject Coordinator.
  • Contact your IC Subject Leader / IC Subject Coordinator to discuss on the possible make-up class options as soon as possible and arrange make-up class with IC Student Enquiry Counter. Attend make-up class as arranged.
  • If you need to take a period of leave from your study, please complete AR8 Application for Leave of Absence and submit to your department.


  • Attendance requirement of IC training is 100%. Students are reminded to arrange make-up class with your IC Subject Leader / IC Subject Coordinator before the current semester ends or else your subject status will be affected.
  • The IC General Office (ICGO) coordinates the services for students with disability. All students with disability are advised to contact ICGO at 2766-7585 / or their own Department Offices to discuss their special needs in prior to their learning activities in IC.

Facilities to support your learning and realize your dreams

  • IC not only possesses a collection of engineering facilities and equipment but also a pool of expertise in different engineering disciplines. Many students have made the best use of IC facilities and expertise to pursue and realise their engineering innovations, research or even business ideas. Likewise you will also find academics and researchers making use of IC facilities and expertise in pursuing and realising their R&D projects and scholarly activities. IC not just offers technical help but also provides valuable advice or even networking to both students and staff members.


Types of Support

IC currently offers the following support services for students:

  • Workshop Facilities Booking

A wide range of facilities under different technology domains are available for students to use. e-booking is available for most of the facilities. Visit our list of facilities for more details.

  • Project Base

A number of dedicated work spaces in our different workshops to give students a temporary project base to focus on their project development and fabrication. Period of use ranges from 3 months to 9 months.

  • Maker Lab

(Coming Soon)

  • Student Computer Service 

Computer service via physical computer room and remote control of computer via UDS/ RemotePC are both available.


Workshop Facilities Booking

  • Students who have completed their IC learning activities are strongly encouraged to use our facilities and services to aid their study work or research. Advance booking is required to ensure the availability of workshop, supporting staff and facilities. Students should have appropriate skill or knowledge on the specific operation of equipment or machinery. 
  • Student who wishes to make booking can approach the specific workshop directly or book online. Learn more on our facilities booking.
  • Please note that booking and use of facilities by students is only applicable to UGC-funded students. Non UGC-funded students should request fabrication and manufacturing service from Virtual Technical Hot Desk and a charge will be imposed for such services.



  • Except for facilities or services using expensive tooling and consumables such as laser cutting, EDM wires, RP resins, most of the services rendered us to students are FREE of charge.
  • If a student brings his/her own materials for fabrication and manufacturing, we will not charge for your materials. If a student uses our workshop materials, a charge will be imposed.
  • If a student has not learnt on that particular facility or machine before, we can also offer a fabrication and manufacturing service. A charge will be imposed for such services. 
  • Please note that booking and use of facilities by students is only applicable to UGC-funded students. Non UGC-funded students should request fabrication and manufacturing service from our Industrial Projects Unit (IPU) and a charge will be imposed for such services. Contact us at for more information.



  • Students should strictly observe the safety instructions given by our technical staff at specific workshops.
  • The regulations concerning the issue and return of tools and materials must be observed at all times. 
  • Students are not allowed to remove any tools or materials from the teaching area or store room without prior consent of the relevant IC staff member in charge.
  • Students who are responsible for such loss or damage may be required to make good the loss/damage depending on the degree of negligence involved or the circumstances surrounding the mishap.


Copyright & IP

  • We encourage students and staff to innovate and incubate. Individual staff and student can also use our facilities service for his/her personal interest. Users are reminded to ensure their work / designs / products do not infringe any copyright or intellectual property rights. All Intellectual Property and Materials made by the PolyU staff members during their employment with the University and those Intellectual Property and Materials made by students of the University (PolyU) when registered as a student of the University (PolyU) shall upon the coming into existence belong to and vest in the University and be owned exclusively by the University. For details please refer to the PolyU’s Policy on Ownership of Intellectual Property (PIP). All users are also reminded that their work / products / parts should not be used for any commercial purpose.
  • Limited student lockers located at the podium level of Block W are available for use by students. Students are free to use the locker to keep their personal belongings while undertaking IC learning activities.
  • No booking or application is required.
  • Students are required to bring their own padlock.
  • IC will not be responsible for any loss or damage resulted from the use of locker.
  • Students are reminded not to keep valuable belongings in the locker. Hazardous materials or items such as explosives, weapons, etc. should not be kept in the locker also.
  • IC will clear all locker at the end of each semester. Notice will be posted on the locker two weeks before clearance. All cleared items will be treated as trash.
  • Students are expected to reap the maximum benefit from the learning process by respecting teachers and classmates and observe discipline in class or other study related activities.
    Students are prohibited from the followings:
  • Violation of prevailing health and safety instructions of the venue; 
  • use of electronic devices that are unrelated to learning; 
  • eating and drinking; and 
  • unauthorised activity that interferes with or interrupts the normal learning and teaching progress.

  • Violation of the above may result in receiving a warning from the instructor. Upon being warned consecutively, the instructor may ask the student to leave the teaching areas and later report the incident in writing to the Department to which the student in question belongs.
  • Repeated offenders may be liable to suspension from attending future IC classes. Your Department may at their discretion report such cases to the Student Discipline Committee for consideration of further disciplinary actions.
  • The University’s arrangements during bad weather shall apply to all IC classes and examinations. Students may refer to the most updated version of Student Handbook issued by Academic Registry of PolyU for details.
  • Please note that announcements made by the Education Bureau are NOT applicable to the University, and the arrangement does not apply to training/clinical placement outside PolyU campus.
  • Learn more about our Bad Weather Arrangement.

Teaching Activities and Classes

  • All activities/class will be delivered on weekday (i.e. Monday to Friday) from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. (Morning Session) and 1:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Afternoon Session) unless otherwise specified.
  • Unless otherwise specified in class timetables, class will normally not scheduled on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.


Technical Workshop

(Monday to Friday) 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed)

  • Day-time activity/class may last to 6:30 p.m. on weekdays. If you need help or support service from the technical workshops other than the normal opening hours, you can approach technical workshop staff for special arrangement.


IC Student Enquiry Counter

(Monday to Friday) 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
(Saturday, Sunday and General Holiday: Closed)

  • We will extend our service throughout the lunch hour during Week 1 of every Semester.
  • If you need urgent assistance from the Student Enquiry Counter other than the mentioned hours, please approach the IC General Office located at Room W309.


IC Student Computer Room

(Monday to Friday) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
(Saturday, Sunday and General Holiday: Closed)

***Available for use by PolyU students and staff only***

Learn more on IC Student Computer Room



  • IC is located at Core W (Ho Iu Kwong Building) and Core U (Realink Building) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Available Items

Item Unit Price
MBST Certification Application HK$40
Record of IC Application HK$50
Departmental Materials / Training Finished Products

At Cost

Other items with listed price  Listed price


Payment Method

Payment Amount Acceptable Payment Methods

Below HK$200

  • Cash
  • Octopus Card (at IC Student Enquiry Counter)
From HK$200 to HK$1,000
  • Cash
  • Octopus Card (at IC Student Enquiry Counter)
  • Credit Card
Above HK$1,000
  • Cash at PolyU Finance Office Cashier Counter (VA205 Shaw Amenities Building)
  • Credit Card

Please contact IC Student Enquiry Counter for any queries. 

The learning and teaching platforms of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (‘PolyU”) are for the use of PolyU students to facilitate their learning. The student shall use the platforms and the materials available (including teaching sessions conducted by staff of PolyU) for their personal study only. Where a student needs to download or save the materials available on the platforms for the permitted purposes, the student shall take all necessary measures to prevent their access by other parties. The materials are copyright protected. Save for the permitted purposes, no copying, distribution, transmission or publication of the materials in whole or in part in any form is permitted.

As well as having your efforts assessed by the staff of the IC, you will have the opportunity to make your own assessment, to comment on the usefulness of the various learning activities which you undertake and about the manner in which the activity is conducted. 

Please have your comments, suggestions, queries and complaints to the IC through:

Reach us for enquiries or information at your preferred communication channel.

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