Please accept my deepest gratitude towards my beloved Alma Mata giving me such a wonderful Poly-preneur® Banquet! It was really a very meaningful occasion and great pleasure for me that recalled memory of my student life after graduation exactly 30 years ago! I am also delighted to know many of our alumni became chair of listed companies. I must work harder in order not to disgrace the reputation of PolyU and Poly-preneur®. As an impactful network, I hope Poly-preneur® could become much contributive to our Alma Mata as well as to the society. Quite often I was asked what the 4Ps in our University logo represent. Now, we have the answer. If you may agree, I would like to suggest they represent “People, Passion, Professionalism and Poly-preneurship”. 多謝母校安排一個理大企業家宴會,使我們有機會放下忙碌的工作,靜聽學長們成功之道。在學時,總是覺得校方對我們有不周缺乏,畢業多年,到昨天晚上,方知我們真的受了學校很多恩惠。希望各師兄弟妹們,將我們所學的回饋社會。晚宴後,大家紛紛上台跟校長合照。其中一位師姐打趣説,讀書時無機會接觸校長。這晚,一定要跟校長影過痛快! 理大之所以邁向成功,獲得外間國際認同,除了努力不懈的學生,還有平易近人,領導有方的唐偉章校長!
Prof. Alex Ng
China Water Technology Limited
I will frame the big PolyU logo poster and hang it in my office, and let all my friends and customers know how great is The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thank you so much for gala dinner.
Joan Lai
Geoffrey Capital Hong Kong Limited
Ellis Ng
Tulip HK
I will always be honor as Graduate from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University! I would like to express my congratulations to PolyU on the success of the Poly-preneur® Night. I found the event and the Poly-preneur® in the Changing Times was extremely inspirational!
Vincent Wong
Samposh Holding Limited
Steve Chuang
Protronic l Precision l ProVista