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Past Events

Aug 2011
Workshop on Personal Knowledge Management


25 Aug 2011 - 26 Aug 2011


Prof. Eric Tsui and Dr. Ricky Cheong

Event fee:





2-day workshop on PKM successfully held by KMRC
The 2-day workshop on Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) has successfully come to a fruitful end last Friday. This is the third PKM workshop held by the KMRCin history.
In the workshop, Prof. Eric Tsui, Professor and Associate Director of Knowledge Management Research Centre together with Dr. Ricky Cheong, Associate Director of UBS AG illustrated and demonstrated much of the essentials of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), which has actually long been under-explored. While PKM may appear as a new idea to some knowledge workers, Dr Ricky Cheong gave a comprehensive comparison on PKM VS EKM (Enterprise Knowledge Management). Emphasis was also placed on the effectiveness of different PKM models and how PKM can be leveraged to enhance Organizational Learning.
Across all industries, knowledge workers also have to advance themselves with time, especially under this fast-moving era of technology. On this subject, Prof Tsui has provided a comprehensive investigation and comparison of an array of KM tools which helped participant tremendously to obtain the most updated information by leveraging current technology. Interesting and inspiring discussion among participants has further enriched the outcome of the workshop.
By the end of the two-day workshop, each participant has successfully developed their own unique PKM blueprint and with that, continuous learning is truly the low-hang fruit that everyone can harvest. Participants have also established their own Personal Learning Environment and Network for capability building and knowledge advancement.

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