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Past Events

Apr 2013
IJKSS Announcement
Publication of a Special Issue on 'A New Direction of Chance Discovery' for IJKSS (International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science)


18 Apr 2013 - 18 Apr 2013


Prof WB Lee

Event fee:



In science and industry, a lot of important discoveries and useful invention are thought due to serendipity, i.e. discovering things you did not intend to (like penicillin, rubber, Post-it, etc). Recently scientists begin to realize that there are many relationships and coincident events that are not down to chance alone. The process that new knowledge can be discovered and accelerated from the mining of what seemingly unrelated information and patterns is a fascinating and challenging research. Success of chance discovery depends on the dynamic clustering and interactions of a huge amount of human, physical and digital resources. The special issue in the recent Journal of ISKSS, the topic on " A New Direction of Chance Discovery" addresses the new findings from various researchers - W.B. Lee, Chief editor of IJKSS