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Past Events

Oct 2014
International Conference
The 7th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP 2014) – Bangkok, Thailand


09 Oct 2014 - 10 Oct 2014



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The 7th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP 2014) held on 9-10 Oct in Bangkok came to a fruitful close. The conference, organized by Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre of PolyU and IKI-SEA of Bangkok University, was well received by KM researchers and practitioners from many countries. Several world renowned KM scholars and experts were invited to share with participants on KM development covering the hottest topics e.g. Cloud Computing, Big data and Innovation. The luminaries include, Dr. Arthur Shelley from RMIT University, Dr. Alex Bennet from Bangkok University, Dr. Usama Fayyad from Barclays Bank, Dr. Helen Paige from The Paige Group Australia, Mr. Madan Rao from Yourstory Media, Prof. Josu Takala from University of Vaasa, Prof. Chitoshi Koga from Doshisha University, Mr Paul Sun from Industrial Technology Research Institute, and Prof. Eric Tsui from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

At the conference, winners of Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award were also invited to share their best practices, including Arup, PwC and GP Batteries. Participants enjoyed the conference as well as their social networking time during the river cruise.