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Past Events

Mar 2018
The International Conference on Innovation & Knowledge Management (iKM2018)


17 Mar 2018 - 18 Mar 2018


Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



Event fee:


Please view here for more details


The International Conference on Innovation & Knowledge Management (iKM2018) will be held in Beijing, China. The iKM is initiated by Prof. Chen Jin, who is the director of the Research Center for Technological Innovation (RCTI) of Tsinghua University. Prof. Ikujiro Nonaka is committed to chair this conference.

Selected submission papers will be recommended to Management and Organization Review (special issue) , the International Journal of Innovation Studies (special issue), International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (Scopus indexed), and the Knowledge Management Research and Practice

The coming Asian Knowledge Forum & Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award (MAKE2017) Presentation Ceremony will be held at iKM2018 on 17 March, in Tsinghua University.

Time and location

Event time: March 17-18, 2018

Location: Tsinghua Campus, Beijing, China

Host Organizer

Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, China


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Shenzhen Landray Software Co.,Ltd

CNKI-Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., LTD, (Beijing)

Supporting units

Tsinghua Business Review Press

China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.

Technology Economics Editorial Office

Theme and Topics

Theme: Research on Knowledge Innovation


(1) Knowledge sharing and technology innovation

(2) Organized knowledge management

(3) Eco-system of knowledge management

(4) Strategy of knowledge management

(5) Architectures and design of KM systems

(6) e-Learning, m-Learning, Experiential Learning, and Gamification

(7) Global and Cross-Cultural Aspects of KM

(8) Human Computer Interaction, Multimedia, and Knowledge Visualization

(9) Information Society and Social Networks

(10) Integration of Knowledge

(11) Learning Organization & Organizational Learning

(12) Mobile and Ubiquitous Communications

(13) Organizational and Interorganizational KM

(14) Search, Semantics, and Content Management


March 16, Registration

March 17 Morning, Theme speeches of iKM

March 17 Afternoon, Asian Knowledge Forum & Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award (MAKE2017)

March 18 Morning, Theme speeches of iKM

March 18 Afternoon, Forum of Enterprises’ Applications in Innovation and Knowledge Management

The two-day event offers simultaneous interpretation of Chinese and English

Conference Registration Fees


In USD ($)

In RMB (¥)

Registration fees



Student fees



The registration fees include lunches and refreshments on 17th and 18th March. Welcome evening reception on 17th March, Gala dinner on 18th March as well as access to full conference programmes.

Paper Submission

(1) Submission of full papers: Dec 15, 2017

(2) Notification of acceptance: Jan 15, 2018

(3) Full paper in double column format. The first page shall include paper title, authors' names, affiliation, and short abstract.

(4) Please submit your full paper by email to Dr. Yu Fei (ikm@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn).


Ikujiro Nonaka, Japanese organizational theorist and Professor Emeritus at the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy of the Hitotsubashi University

CHEN Jin, Director of the Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University

Phillip PHAN, the Alonzo and Virginia Decker Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, University of Washington School of Business Administration

LEE, Wing Bun, Chair Professor and Director of the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre (KMIRC) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Giovanni Schiuma, Editor in Chief of the Knowledge Management Research and Practice