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Past Events

Jan 2018
KMP Gathering and Talk on Knowledge Risk and its Management


13 Jan 2018 - 13 Jan 2018


2pm – 4pm


Room BC404, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Miss Haley TSANG

Event fee:


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Sharing on knowledge risk and its management

Most Knowledge Management (KM) programs emphasize on the importance of capturing, retaining and sharing of organizational knowledge among its stakeholders. As the benefits of these processes could not be realized in the short term, the senior management often has a lack of sense of urgency to plan and launch KM. To overcome this, another approach could be the assessment of knowledge risk and its disastrous effects on the daily operation of  a company. Knowledge risk refers to the potential threats caused by improper management of knowledge. For example, leakage of trade secrets to outsiders and loss of critical knowledge because of system security problem and employee turnover respectively may negatively affect the reputation or even the competitiveness of companies. A risk tool has been developed by the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre (KMIRC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to assess the knowledge risk factors of companies systematically and reliably. It has been tested in various companies with encouraging results and feedback, thus promising to move KM to more business territories. In this session, Haley will briefly share her master research on knowledge risk as well as the risk tool developed.


Miss Haley TSANG
Haley is currently a PhD student at The University of Hong Kong. She recently graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and holds a double degree – BEng (Hons) and BBA (Hons) from the same university. During her study, she obtained several scholarships and was listed on the Dean’s Honours List of Outstanding Students. In 2016, she was awarded with the best paper and presentation in the PhD and Masters Colloquium in the 8th European Conference on Intellectual Capital. Her research interests include risk management, knowledge management and intellectual capital.