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Past Events

Feb 2018
Half Day Conference - KM by Design


28 Feb 2018 - 28 Feb 2018


9:00am – 1:00pm, registration at 8:45am


Theatre A, 22nd Floor United Centre , Admiralty Hong Kong


Prof. Aino Kianto, Miss Haley Tsang, Prof. Cees de Bont and Nigel Green

Event fee:

HK$1,800 (non-members)


HK$1,500 (KMIRC/HKKMS members)

Please view here for more details and registration


This half day Conference - KM by Design is jointly organized by KMIRC and The Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society.
4 keynote speakers are invited to share on KM status, risks, and gains and what to do about it. They are: 

Prof. Aino Kianto (Professor of Knowledge Management at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland), 

Miss Haley Tsang (PhD student at The University of Hong Kong),

Prof. Cees de Bont (Dean of the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and

Nigel Green (Co-author of “Lost In Translation: A handbook for Information Systems in the 21st Century”)

Keynote synopses

Keynote I: A worldwide benchmarking study of KM, IC and their impact on organizational performance
Speaker : Prof. Aino Kianto
In recent decades, knowledge has replaced the traditional factors of production as the key value driver, and organizational competitiveness is increasingly based on knowledge and the capabilities for managing it. This speech will address the key knowledge-based value drivers in organizations from both static (intellectual capital) and dynamic (knowledge management practices) perspectives, and examine knowledge and its management based on a cross-cultural empirical study spanning six countries (Finland, China, Russia, Spain, Italy, Serbia).

Keynote II: Sharing on knowledge risk and its effective management
Speaker : Miss Haley TSANG
Most Knowledge Management (KM) programs emphasize on the importance of capturing, retaining, sharing and developing of organizational knowledge in operations, management and strategy. As the benefits of these practices could not be materialized in the short term, the decision makers very often turn their attention to more pressing matters other than knowledge management. To overcome this clear and unjustified absence of sense of urgency to launch KM at all organizational levels in corporate strategy setting, calls for the assessment and management of knowledge risk, a new concept to most managers and its potentially disastrous effects on the whole corporation, from daily operations to long-term sustainability.

Keynote III: Design: Utilising and Generating Knowledge for the Creation of a Better World
Speaker : Prof. Cees de Bont
Design is an old practice and a young academic discipline. The purpose of design not about understanding the world. Instead it is about transferring the current situation into one that is preferred more. With the increasing complexity in technologies, with the increasing regulations at all levels, and the increasing dynamics in social structures, designers are challenged every day to come up with new proposals that resonate with the interests of a wide range of stakeholders. Designers analyse, re-frame and propose, utilizing existing knowledge from many different disciplines and new knowledge is generated. Sometimes the new proposals are validated. Whether or not design proposals will actually be implemented depends on how convincing designers are in communicating the values that are brought about by the proposed innovations.

Speaker : Nigel Green
Nigel Green will explain how digital-native organisations have innovated their business models from those created in the last century. He will describe new capabilities that are relevant for the 21st Century – built to change and not to last, and with a deep knowledge and understanding of their customers/citizens. He will tell stories of how traditional businesses need to approach digital transformation and reap tangible business benefits of a cloud- enabled approach. This will cover both business and technology change implications, and will include how the journey can benefit from design thinking, and the technologies adopted by the “born digitals” (e.g. Netflix, Facebook, Google, and Amazon). Most importantly, Nigel will highlight the implications to enterprises in the private and public sectors in Hong Kong and highlight adoption of born-digital practice on the mainland. Finally, Nigel will introduce a set of easy-to-adopt tools & techniques that can help the Digital Transformation. He’ll explain how he uses these tools every day; He helps both, traditional firms and start-ups, adopt the ways of the Digital-natives.

For more details and registration, please go to: http://www.hkkms.hk/index.php/2018-conference-km-by-design/ 
(Please register earlier as places are limited)

Event Photos: