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Past Events

Jul 2023
Certified Knowledge Professional (CKP) 知識管理專家課程 2023


24 Jul 2023 - 16 Sep 2023


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University OR online teaching


Prof. Xiaowen Fu, Prof. WB Lee, Dr Eric Tsui, Ms Nicole Sy


[CKP Leaflet Download]

Certified Knowledge Professional (CKP) Short Course

This is a comprehensive training programme delivering the latest Knowledge Management (KM) methods and techniques. Illustrated through a series of practical examples, this programme will provide you with an in-depth understanding of KM principles and processes.

KM practitioners will be invited to share their knowledge and experience in the class so that you can gain a deeper understanding of the skills about KM implementation and enable you to develop relevant capabilities.

Don't miss this course if you would like to: 

  • discover how to draw up a KM project blueprint and develop a KM strategy and implementation plan
  • meet local KM experts to learn from their KM project implementation experiences

Suitable for

Executives of government, non-profit-making organizations and commercial organizations, knowledge management personnel, human resources and training officers, holders of diplomas/professional qualifications or equivalent qualifications, or those with three or more years of working experience.

Focus of the Course

  • Essentials of Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge Risk and Assessment
  • KM Strategies (knowledge audit, intellectual capital reporting, performance measurement)
  • Knowledge Innovation (Nonaka’s SECI model, innovative thinking models, innovation strategies)
  • Knowledge Sharing and Implementation (After Action Reviews, Story Circle, Knowledge Café, Community of Practices)
  • KM Platform and Technology (Knowledge Portal, Taxonomy, Business Intelligence and Decision Making)
  • Organization Learning (productive dialogue)

Application Deadline

7 July 2023 (Fri)

Course Details

  • Course Delivery Period: July to August 2023, Monday and Thursday, 6:45pm – 9:45pm; 19 August (Sat), 10:00am – 5:00pm
  • Final Presentation Date: 16 September 2023 (Sat), 9:00am – 6:00pm
  • Class: 12 classes
  • Language : Cantonese (supplemented by English). Some classes are delivered in English and English only
  • Fee: HK$8,800
  • Venue : The Hong Kong Polytechnic University OR online teaching

Enquiry (Registration and Payment)

Mr Les Hales
Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society
Email: lhales@netvigator.com

Enquiry (Course Details)

Miss Steffi Lo
Behaviour and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Email: steffi.lo@polyu.edu.hk


知識管理專家課程 (CKP)



  • 了解如何制定知識管理項目藍圖,並製定知識管理學策略和實施計劃
  • 與本地知識管理專家會面,了解他們的實施知識管理項目的經驗




  • 知識管理的基本概念
  • 知識風險成因及評估
  • 如何制定知識管理策略
  • 知識創新的技巧
  • 知識分享的實踐和方法
  • 知識管理平台與技術
  • 如何建立學習組織




  • 上課時間 : 2023 年7月至8月逢星期一和四,晚上 6 時45 分至 9 時45 分; 8月19日星期六,上午 10 時至 下午5 時
  • 終期報告 : 2023 年9月16日星期六 ,上午 9 時至下午 6 時
  • 節 數: 12 節
  • 授課語言 : 粵語 (輔以英語),個別單元會以全英語授課
  • 學 費: 港幣 8,800 元
  • 上課地點 : 於香港理工大學或網上授課

查詢 (報名和付款)
Mr Les Hales
電郵: lhales@netvigator.com

查詢 (課程)

Miss Steffi Lo
電郵: steffi.lo@polyu.edu.hk