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Are you ready to take your IT skills to the next level? We are pleased to announce a series of upcoming IT workshops that will equip you with the knowledge and expertise you need to excel in the digital era.




Date & Time 

Details & Registrations 
(Deep Learning Series) Deep Reinforcement Learning – Mastering Game Strategies with Gymnasium English 19 Feb,
14:30 - 17:15
Click here
Practical workshop for Machine Learning of using the Student HPC Platform English 20 Feb,
14:30 -17:00
Click here
Build your Web App with JavaScript and React English 21 Feb,
28 Feb
14:30 – 16:00
Click here
Basic Data visualization with R English 22 Feb,
29 Feb
14:30 -17:00
Click here
Practical workshop for Deep Learning of using the Student HPC Platform English 27 Feb,
14:30 -17:00
Click here

More upcoming workshops on IT skills for Research will be available here, and workshops on IT skills for Future of Work will be available here.