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PolyU International Future Challenge
Hong Kong Region - Student Track


The Student Track of Hong Kong Region of PolyU International Future Challenge is designed to engage students with high potential and interest in entrepreneurship. Participants will benefit from a variety of activities, including training sessions and exploratory tours, aiming at broadening their perspectives on entrepreneurship and innovation.


(Please read the Notes for Application carefully before submitting your application.)

Application Deadline:  27 April 2025 (Sun)


Join our Briefing Session to find out more!

12 Mar 2025 (Wed) | 16:30 – 17:30 | Y305 >>> Sign Up

Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series 

  • Local and international entrepreneurship experts share insights and experiences across various aspects of entrepreneurship.

Exploratory Tours

  • Gain real-world experience of entrepreneurial environments in different regions.

Exceptional Rewards

  • Cash prize of up to HKD 30,000 will be awarded to the winning teams of the Student Track, with the opportunity to compete for HKD 500,000 in the Grand Final of PolyU International Future Challenge.

Application Deadline


27 April 2025 (Sun)

Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series


Late March – April 2025
At least one Principal Applicant or Team Member must attend a minimum of three sessions of Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series in order to be eligible for the Exploratory Tour and complete for the awards.



May 2025

Exploratory Tours


July 2025

Proposal Submission Deadline


4 August 2025

Final Pitching


Late August 2025


Application Deadline: 27 April, 2025


  • Applications can be submitted by either an individual or a team. 
  • Principal Applicant and all Team Members must be current students (full-time/part-time) of PolyU, HKCC or SPEED.
  • At least one Principal Applicant or Team Member must attend a minimum of three sessions of Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series in order to be eligible for the Exploratory Tour and complete for the awards.
  • Each individual may be the Principal Applicant for only one team within the Student Group.
  • Each individual can be part of up to three teams within the Student Group, regardless of whether they are the Principal Applicant or a Team Member.

Application Procedure

Complete the online application with the following materials:

  • CV of Principal Applicant and all Team members
  • Scanned Copy of Student Card of Principal Applicant and all Team members
  • Pitch Deck (within 15 slides of PPT/PDF)
  • 3-minute Pitching Video

Application Deadline

27 April 2025 (Sunday)

Applications must be submitted by the deadline. Late submissions will not be considered.

Join the Hong Kong Region (Student Track) Briefing Session to learn more about the programme timeline, application details, and the benefits of participating. 



12 March 2025 (Wed)



16:30 – 17:30







The Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series invite both internal and external experts from diverse fields to share their entrepreneurial insights with students. While the Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series welcome all PolyU members to attend, at least one Principal Applicant or Team Member must attend a minimum of three sessions of Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series in order to be eligible for the Exploratory Tour and complete for the awards.

Please refer to HERE for more details of Entrepreneurship Nurturing Series. 

The Exploratory Tours offer shortlisted teams with immersive entrepreneurial experiences, enhancing their understanding of the entrepreneurship landscape across various regions. Shortlisted teams will be invited to participate in one of the Exploratory Tours, with the following tentative options:

  • Greater Bay Area and Yangtze River Delta Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Programme
  • Entrepreneurship Visit to Shenzhen
  • Entrepreneurship Visit to Xinjiang
  • Entrepreneurship Visit to Singapore/Malaysia

Finalized details will be shared with the shortlisted teams, who will then indicate their preferences. Each shortlisted team may have up to two members attend the trips. The assignment of trips, including the number of participants from each team, will be determined by KTEO based on eligibility, shortlisting scores, and student preferences. KTEO will cover the costs of overseas travel, accommodation, and training fees. Shortlisted applicants will be responsible for their visa costs (if applicable) and local expenses. They may also be required to secure their spot on the Exploratory Tour by paying a refundable deposit, which will be returned upon completion of the programme. Completion of the Exploratory Tour is mandatory to be eligible to the Final Pitching.

Shortlisted teams who complete the Greater Bay Area and Yangtze River Delta Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Programme will advance directly to the Final Pitching of Student Track. Those who complete other Exploratory Tours will need to undergo Proposal Screening to qualify for the Final Pitching.

Cash Prize of Awarded Teams of Student Track:

  • Champion (1 Team): HKD 30,000
  • First Prize (1 Team): HKD 20,000
  • Second Prize (2 Teams): HKD 10,000
  • Merit (6 Teams): HKD 5,000
  • Best Presentation Award (1 Team): HKD 5,000
  • Most Popular Award (1 Team): HKD 5,000
  • Best Innovation Award (1 Team): HKD 5,000

Awarded teams of Champion, First Prize and Second Prize will be invited join the invited to participate in the Grand Final of the PolyU International Future Challenge in December 2025 to compete for the Grand Award for cash prize up to HKD 500,000.

1. Purpose of Collection
The personal data provided by you to Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (“PolyU”) will be collected, retained, processed, used and transferred (within or outside of Hong Kong) for the following purposes:

• Processing your inquiries, application, registration or request for services, activities and facilities;
• Facilitating communications with you;
• Facilitating implementation of PolyU’s policies and procedures, and monitoring compliance with the same;
• Enabling PolyU to comply with any applicable procedures, laws, regulations or court orders (in each case whether in Hong Kong or overseas), any requests by government, statutory, regulatory or law enforcement authority, and valid legal processes, ordinances obligations;
• Conducting quality assurance, surveys and review, statistical analysis, and research; and
• Other purposes directly relating to any of the above.


2. You are required to provide your personal data, other than those items indicated as optional. Failure to provide such data may lead to inability to process your application, registration or request for services, activities and facilities, or maintain contact with you.


3. Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data
PolyU will keep your personal data confidential and only authorized members will have access to and handle your personal data. PolyU may disclose or transfer your personal data to PolyU staff, assessment panels, partners, service providers and contractors engaged in activities on behalf of PolyU within or outside Hong Kong solely for the purposes set out in paragraph 1 above.

PolyU may also disclose your personal data when authorized or required by law and in response to requests from law enforcement agencies, government departments or regulatory authorities, or where required to protect PolyU’s rights or properties.

4. Access and Correction of Personal Data
You have the right to request for access and correction of your personal data held by PolyU. Any data access and correction request according to the Ordinance should be made in writing to the Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office at . A fee may be imposed for processing your data access request.

5. Security, Accuracy and Retention of your Personal Data
PolyU takes reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misappropriation, unauthorized access or destruction of your data. PolyU also takes reasonable steps to ensure that all personal data held by it is accurate, complete, correct and reliable for the intended use. Your personal data will be retained by PolyU according to its policy on retention of data and records.

6. Privacy Policy Statement
You may refer to for the Privacy Policy Statement of PolyU.


Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office

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