List of PolyU technologies with details
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“Skin-like” fabric keeps people dry during exercise
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

A Novel Treatment for Improving Leather Recovery Performance
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

A Novel Wearable Thermal Functional Textile with Conductive Materials
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

A Re-peelable Adhesive Tape Inspired by Octopus Suckers
Textile and Fashion Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

A Soft Manikin System for Evaluating Dynamic Breast Movement and Pressure Sensation for Bra Design Optimization
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

Age-friendly Bra Series with Biomechanical Design
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

Air-Conditioned Facemask
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

Anti-viral and Anti-microbial Durable Disinfectant Coatings for Facemask
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

Boron Polymer Flame Retardants for Cellulose Textiles
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles

Breathable, Heat-intelligent Personal Protective Equipment
Textile and Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles