List of PolyU technologies with details
Featured Topics

Smart Vibration Damping System for Intelligent Vibration Control of Civil and Mechanical structure
Construction and Environmental Technology Department of Electrical Engineering

Sustainable Low-noise Pavements Built with Waste Tyre Rubber and Warm Mix Additives
Construction and Environmental Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

UmiCool: an Eco-friendly Smart Sub-ambient Radiative Cooling (SSRC) Coating
Construction and Environmental Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Upcycling Wood Waste into Particleboard by CO2 Curing and Adding Low-carbon Cement
Construction and Environmental Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Waste Sponge as Solar Absorber for Vapour Generation
Construction and Environmental Technology Department of Applied Physics

Water Treatment System Using a Magnetic Confinement Method
Construction and Environmental Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering