Vicon Vero v2.2 Vision based 3D Motion Capture and Analysis System and Open Space
Major Functions / Key Features
- 14 Vicon Vero v2.2 cameras with infra-red strobe lights, digital CMOS sensors, 2.2 Mega Pixels, 2048V x 1088H, full resolution 330FPS, global shutter, 6-12mm varifocal lens
- Position resolution of measured bodies: higher than 0.5mm
- Refresh rate of position results: higher than 100Hz
- Open space available for small scale UAV and AGV operations, with full safety net enclosure (manual set-up, working area of approximately 5.5m by 8.0m, and a height coverage of 4.0m)
- Interested parties need to approach the AAE Technical Team to inquire about use and booking of the Vicon System and Open Space
- Users will need to go through the formal FJ005 general laboratory safety induction and the Vicon System and Open Space user instructional briefing, conducted by the AAE Technical Team, before access to the set-up can be granted
- Please contact the AAE Technical Team for further information
- Free of charge for FYP and UG usages only
- Usage of other purposes may be subjected to charges
- Please contact AAE Technical with potential requests for further discussions
Other Information
Manufacturer: Vicon Motion Systems Ltd. (Oxford, U.K.)
Model: 3D Motion Capture and Analysis System
Category: Aviation
Owned by: Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
Mr KAN Yin Chiu (Technical information)
Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
Ms LEE Iok Leng (Booking inquiries)
Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
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