10,000kN Computer-Electro-Hydraulic Servo-Controlled Multi-purpose Testing System

Major Functions / Key Features
- This testing system can be used for high-performance tests of structural components at ambient temperature, under monotonic or cyclic load. Examples include high-performance steel-concrete-FRP composite beam-column tests, concrete beam-column joints tests, and concrete wall tests.
- It is the largest testing system of its kind in Hong Kong.
- The system includes one vertical sevo-hydraulic actuator, one horizontal hydraulic actuator,a pumping system, a controller and other accessories.
- Other essential features: Capacity in vertical compression is 10,000kN , Capacity in vertical tension is 3,000kN, Capacity in horizontal compression is 1500 kN, Capacity inhorizontal tension is 1000kN, Maximum vertical stroke is ± 250mm, Maximum horizontal stroke is ±250mm.
- Operated only by a trained technician
- And needs to book prior usage
On enquiry basis
(sample dependent)
Other Information
Manufacturer: Hangzhou Popwil Instrument Co., Ltd.
Model: YAW-J10000J
Category: Building technology | Civil engineering - incl. construction engineering and management
Owned by: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prof. Yu Tao
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 27666042
- tao-cee.yu@polyu.edu.hk
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