Equipment for Optical Communication and Fibre Processing

Major Functions / Key Features
- Micram Instrument AWG-6010
- Agilent Technologies DSAX96204Q
- High Speed Four Channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- High Speed Oscilloscope
- Testbed for Optical Signal Transmission
- Fibered NIR Spectrometer
- LZM-100 LAZERMaster™ Laser Splicing System
1. Micram Instrument AWG-6010 2. Agilent Technologies DSAX96204Q 3. High Speed Four Channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator 4. High Speed Oscilloscope 5. Tested for Optical Signal Transmission
DE502 |
6. Fibered NIR Spectrometer
BC720 |
7. LZM-100 LAZER Master™ Laser Splicing System
EF405a |
6. Fibreed NIR Spectrometer
- Only for potential users with Certificate of the online safety course for laser issued by HSEO, PolyU
7. LZM-100 LAZER Master™ Laser Splicing System
- Only for authorized and trained users withOptical fiber training, fully understand the manual and precautions and Certificate of the online safety course for laser issued by HSEO, PolyU
7. LZM-100 LAZERMaster™ Laser Splicing System
- Internal PolyU Users: $ 320/ session
- UGC-funded Territory Institutes: $ 480/ session
- Other External Users: $ 1,440/ session
Other Information
Manufacturer: -
Model: -
Category: Electronic engineering
Owned by: Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Dr Changjian Guo (for Items 1-5)
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
- 2766 4693
Mr Ouyang Xia (for Item 6)
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Ms Pendy Ho (for Item 7)
University Research Facility in Materials Characterization and Device Fabrication
- 2766 7154
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