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2019年7月1日,香港理工大學(理大)和西安交通大學(西安交大)共同籌辦的絲路國際暑期班在兩校位於西安的合作基地正式拉開帷幕。 開幕典禮在兩校師生熱烈的掌聲中展開。本屆絲路國際暑期班的主題為服務領袖,亮點包括兩個新課程:服務領袖訓練營和服務有特殊需要的兒童及家庭服務學習計劃。課程旨在通過系統化的教學和實踐,培養學生具有服務領袖的核心素質,以應對不斷變化的社會需求。本次暑期班得到兩校校友的鼎力支持,在課程安排和內容上給予協助,使之更豐富充實,因而吸引了包括超過130名香港理大學生,約50名西安交大學生,以及10名香港中學生在內的近200名學生參與,來自不同專業和年級的學生將在暑期班一起體驗學習服務領袖素質。   服務領袖訓練營由西安交大人文社會科學學院青年領導力中心承辦,學生通過課堂、講座、企業考察及文化體驗等活動認識現今服務領袖的相關概念,以及學習服務領袖所需具備的條件和素質。   服務有特殊需要的兒童及家庭服務學習計劃由西安交大附屬小學金輝分校承辦,課程曾獲香港及國際教育獎項。學生將在老師的指導下,通過生動活潑的課堂活動,服務包括西安交大附小金輝分校的學生,以及來自陝西平利縣、柞水縣、旬邑縣、周至縣、衡山縣等地區的貧困生在內的逾260名小學生。   出席開幕典禮的主要領導包括:西安交大黨委常委、統戰部長張定紅女士、理大協理副校長(本科生課程)石丹理教授,以及西安交大人文社會科學學院院長李黎明教授。三位領導分別在典禮上致辭,勉勵同學積极參與和學習,日後將習得的知識和技能運用到生活當中,造福社會。香港理大和西安交大學生代表也在典禮上分享了學習經歷和對課程的期待。   為期一個月的絲路國際暑期班由2014年起已經連續舉辦了六屆,課程有助於促進不同文化和背景的學生之間相互了解,開拓視野,深受同學歡迎。

1 Jul, 2019

Xi'an Base


PolyU provides “Tanzania Leadership Programme” to nurture talents for Belt & Road region

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today launched a leadership programme for 100 Tanzania's young professionals from various sectors. The first batch of 30 Tanzanian young professionals will attend a one-week programme consisting of expert lectures, field visits in Hong Kong and Shenzhen as well as knowledge sharing sessions, focusing on areas crucial for Tanzania's development, namely: green manufacturing, urban planning, information technology for international trade, tourism, and public health. The Tanzania Leadership Programme is organised by PolyU's Institute of Advanced Executive Education. PolyUlaunched the Belt and Road Cross-Professional Advancement Programme in January 2019, providing a platform for Hong Kong's professionals and Mainland enterprise leaders to exchange knowledge and share experience, as well as to network, explore market opportunities and develop multilateral collaborations. The University also aims to leverage its expertise to share best practices and experiences with the high-potential future leaders of other Belt and Road countries such as Tanzania. The opening ceremony of the Programme was officiated by Mr Mbelwa KAIRUKI, Ambassador of United Republic of Tanzania in People's Republic of China,and Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President of PolyU. Addressing the ceremony, Dr Lou said, "PolyU has been playing its role to nurture young talents for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) since 2014. We have established a platform to leverage PolyU's expertise and international network for capacity building, and thereby fostering talent development, knowledge transfer and research development for the sustainable advancement of the Belt and Road countries. This Programme is another PolyU's initiative to offer cross-cultural youth leadership programmes to Tanzania future global leaders." She added that there were more than 700 students from the Belt and Road countries last year in PolyU, some of them were from Africa. Apart from academic programmes, PolyU also supports enterprises and professionals to embrace the opportunities arising from the BRI. Since 2014, the University has offered more than 390 consultancy services and executive training to organisations from Belt and Road countries. Tanzania, as one of Africa's fastest growing economies, has its strategic role in the BRI. Mr Kairuki, who flew in Hong Kong to attend the opening, said, "Our country needs such kind of youth with vigour and zeal to make a difference and transform it from where it is to a more prosperous nation. And that starts with learning new ideas and new ways and from new experiences. I saw a need for my country as well to invest in building the capacity of the young and upcoming leaders in various industries. I saw nowhere fit for this than Hong Kong and especially at the Institute of Advance Executive Education and the PolyU." Under the Programme, the 30 Tanzanian participants will conduct field trips related to the five focused areas of the Programme, such as visiting PolyU's innovative facilities, the City Gallery (displaying the vision for the city's planning projects), Shatin (one of the new towns in Hong Kong that exhibits a success case in town planning), textile upcycling factory (using innovative technologies to provide a solution for textile waste recycling), as well as Huawei Shenzhen Campus (showcasing the emerging tech of a smartphone giant). By the end of the Programme, the young professionals, from varied sectors ranging from telecommunications, information technology, marketing, social enterprise, manufacturing, sustainability, finance, tourism to public health, will also work on action plans for specific areas of development in Tanzania. The Programme will run in a series, each will cater for a cohort of 30 Tanzanian young professionals. PolyU's Institute of Advanced Executive Education is also planning to extend similar training to other Belt and Road countries.

18 Jun, 2019

Xi'an Base


理大啟動首屆海峽兩岸暨香港服務學習研討會 推動高等院校服務學習的發展

5月12日,香港理工大學(香港理大)與西安交通大學(西安交大)于西安啟動「首屆海峽兩岸暨香港服務學習研討會」,這是中國服務學習歷史性的時刻。借著「第四屆絲綢之路教育合作交流會」,兩校以學術互動推動海峽兩岸高等院校服務學習的發展。   西安交通大學校長王樹國、香港理工大學協理副校長石丹理、陝西省教育廳副巡視員孫建甯等有關領導出席活動開幕式,西安交大港澳臺辦副主任韋學勇主持開幕式。   參加研討會的海峽兩岸高等院校包括 : 香港理大、成功大學、復旦大學、西南財經大學、南開大學、雲南大學、四川大學、汕頭大學及珠海城市職業技術學院等。與會學者們首次分享各院校服務學習的經驗與研究,並推廣採用服務學習作為培育學生全人發展的教育方向之一。   香港理大協理副校長石丹理教授表示: 「這是首次彙集中國內地、臺灣及香港的學者共同探討服務學習的課題,並分享在不同華人社會推行的經驗。期望凝聚海峽兩岸學者,提升大學生的全面發展。」   西安交大學王樹國校長致辭中指出:「大學已不再是未來教育的唯一形式,如果大學的教育思想、理念乃至實踐不能引領社會,那大學將會被社會所淘汰。對此,教育工作者應該保持警惕,要深入瞭解社會進步對大學提出的新要求,而服務學習為大學開闢了一片新天地。服務學習將是教育改革的一個重要方向,它讓學生有機會瞭解社會、深入社會,在體驗社會中找到自己的人生價值。希望大家利用這次研討會積極貢獻真知灼見,將服務教育發展得越來越好。」   陝西省教育廳副巡視員孫建甯在致辭中對與會嘉賓的到來表示誠摯歡迎。他表示:「今天由香港理工大學和西安交通大學共同主辦的研討會吸引了內地、香港、臺灣學者積極參與。希望大家利用好平臺,集思廣益,獻計獻策,凝聚共識,產生成果。」   研討會中,復旦大學洪瀏博士分享「高校服務學習學分課程體系的開發與管理」回顧復旦大學開展服務學習學分課程的歷史和經驗,並介紹服務學習學分課程體系的設計思路。成功大學翁裕峰博士分享了台南市左鎮區公館社區的真實案例,透過社區實踐,讓大學生參與社會服務並加強他們的同理心、認識自己及公民責任。   香港理大自2012年開創先河,將服務學習科目定立學分並設定為本科生的必修課程。在2018/19學年開辦60多個服務學習科目,當中約3000名學生參與香港本地的服務,約700名學生到內地不同省份服務,超過300名學生更遠赴海外,足跡遠至柬埔寨、越南、緬甸、印尼、吉爾吉斯斯坦、哈薩克及盧旺達等地。   近年來,香港理大積極與國內外的高校聯繫並合作推行服務學習,期望以學術互動、資源分享、合作共贏的理念,致力推動海峽兩岸高等院校服務學習的發展,栽培學生成為擁有自學能力、勇於肩負社會責任,並對國家及家庭有承擔的世界公民。

12 May, 2019

Xi'an Base


PolyU and Hebei Province sign agreement to advance exchanges, talent nurturing and technology development

 (11 April 2019) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Hebei Province entered into an agreement today to establish a long-term province-institution collaboration mechanism. Under the agreement, both parties will proactively enhance their cooperation in talent nurturing, knowledge exchanges, sharing best practices in teaching, student internship, as well as advancing science and technology research and the development of related industries. Dr XU Qin, Mayor of Hebei Province, led a 15-member delegation of the Hebei Provincial Government to attend the agreement signing ceremony on PolyU campus. Together with senior management members of PolyU, they witnessed the agreement signing by Professor Philip C. H. CHAN, Interim President of PolyU, Dr YANG Yong, Director of Education Department of Hebei Province, and Mr ZHANG Yongqiang, Deputy Director of Science and Technology Department of Hebei Province. Addressing the signing ceremony, Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU, said “Hong Kong has been integrating into the rapid development of the Nation. Under the mega national development plan, the collaborations between Hong Kong and other provinces, cities, as well as universities in the Mainland will achieve win-win situations in strengthening innovative research and talent cultivation by leveraging each other’s strengths.” He pointed out that PolyU is a global pioneer in a number of advanced technology research areas. PolyU has cooperated with Hebei institutions in promoting academic exchanges since 2012. PolyU can further contribute its expertise to support the Hebei Province’s efforts in developing the Xiong’an New District into an international city of high-tech industries. The further collaboration can help PolyU turn its research results into applications, while supporting the transforming and upgrading of enterprises in Hebei. Mayor Xu said, “Hebei Province is in the historical period of opportunities”. While making the steel industry, logistics and cultural tourism central to the provincial development, Hebei has a large-scale advancement in science and technology industries in recent years. “We highly value the cooperation with PolyU and look forward to promoting the development of education, and technology research with the University.” A PolyU alumnus, graduated from the University’s Business Administration Doctoral Programme in 2004, Mayor Xu has extensive experience in promoting advanced technologies. Under the agreement, Hebei Province will support PolyU to translate its scientific research achievements into applications in Hebei through offering funding, strengthening connections and encouraging enterprises to participate in projects, etc, while PolyU will offer high-end technologies and talent supply to support Hebei in developing its innovation capabilities. Both parties will cooperate in the development of science, technology and related industries, in particular for advanced engineering materials, food safety, bioengineering technologies, etc. PolyU will work on collaborating with the enterprises, universities and research institutes in Hebei to establish innovation platforms for sharing large-scale research equipment and jointly undertaking the Nation’s major science and technology projects. Both parties will also collaborate in nurturing talents and facilitating exchanges. Hebei Province will designate outstanding personnel from institutions, enterprises and science and technology units to study at PolyU, so as to nurture high quality management talents and technology teams in innovation for the province. The provincial government will also help PolyU to establish bases in Hebei for teaching and student internships. PolyU students can participate in the winter camp in Hebei and serve their internships in the Xiong’an New District. Reciprocally, PolyU will send delegations of experts and scholars for study tours to offer consulting services and training in Hebei.

11 Apr, 2019

Beijing Centre


Belt and Road Advanced Professionals graduated from University-Industry Collaborated Programme of PolyU-XJTU Silk Road International School of Engineering

Senior professionals from 12 countries/regions have benefited from the Belt and Road Advanced Professional Development Programme in Power and Energy run by The Silk Road International School of Engineering (SRISE) for the second consecutive year. The graduation ceremony for the 25 participants staged today on The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) campus was officiated by Mr Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The three-year Programme run by SRISE — a joint establishment of PolyU and Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) — in partnership with State Grid Corporation of China (State Grid) and The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited (HK Electric) is the first cross-regional and multi-cultural project of its kind in Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong, and the first university-industry collaboration project of SRISE. Over the past two weeks, the 25 professionals in power and energy sector participated in field-trip studies and exchanges in Xi'an, Jinan and Hong Kong. Newly joining the Programme this year were participants from four nations, namely Brazil, Myanmar, Nigeria and Tanzania. The participants include senior executives from enterprises or government agencies, as well as veteran academics and researchers. Other officiating guests at the graduation ceremony today were: Dr Lawrence LI Kwok-chang, Deputy Council Chairman of PolyU; Professor XI Guang, Vice President, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Mr SU Qingmin, Director, Management Centre of Education Affairs, State Grid of China Technology College; and Mr WAN Chi-tin, Managing Director of HK Electric. Mr LIU Zhiming, Deputy Inspector, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR,as well as a number of Consulate Generals or representatives from the Belt and Road region, including Malaysia, Russia and Tanzania, were also present. Addressing the ceremony, Mr Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, said, "Embedded with 'five areas of connectivity', namely policy co-ordination, financial integration, unimpeded trade, facilities connectivity and people-to-people bonds, the Belt and Road Initiative provides new impetus not only to the global economy, but also sustainable development. I believe that as part of PolyU's Belt and Road Strategic Platform, this Programme echoes well with one of the key focuses of the Initiative on the establishment of energy partnerships. Hong Kong has a unique role to play in this vision. The strengths of Hong Kong's energy sector in system operation, manpower development and project financing are most pertinent." Dr Lawrence LI Kwok-chang, Deputy Council Chairman of PolyU, said, "The Belt and Road Initiative is a powerful engine that not only provides numerous opportunities of development, but also creates a huge demand for professional talents. Obviously, engineers are highly sought after. As PolyU excels in the engineering discipline, we are keen to capitalize on our strengths to support the training of engineers from Chinese Mainland as well as the Belt and Road countries……We need partners in order to do a good job. We are therefore very honoured to have partners from the higher education sector and industry in both Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong to run this professional development programme." Professor XI Guang, Vice President, Xi'an Jiaotong University, said, "Through this Programme, we hope to strengthen the cooperation in technology spectrum among Belt and Road countries/regions, and to introduce a new model for university-enterprise and university-community collaboration. We also aim to implement the work plans under the University Alliance of the Silk Road framework, so as to contribute towards nurturing elite talents with global vision." Mr SU Qingmin, Director, Management Centre of Education Affairs, State Grid of China Technology College, said, "The first workshop run jointly by XJTU, PolyU, HK Electric and State Grid Technology College in April last year has received very good feedback. This year, with great enthusiasm, the four partners have meticulously planned a series of technological lectures, field trips and cultural exchange events in Xi'an, Jinan and Hong Kong. State Grid Technology College has been responsible for the 4-day activities in Jinan. We are very proud to have such opportunity to share with backbone members and elites from the industry, universities and government sector."    Mr WAN Chi-tin, Managing Director of HK Electric said the company has been providing safe and reliable power supply for Hong Kong with a world-class reliability record of over 99.999% for 22 years consecutively. "As Hong Kong is taking steps to become a Smart City, we are keen to enable our customers to use energy smartly. That is why we are investing in infrastructure that promotes the widespread adoption of information and communication technologies.  And in line with the Government's Smart City initiatives, we plan to roll out smart meters for most of our customers over the next 7 years. Through this workshop, we are happy to share with our visitors our unique experiences, " he said. This year's Programme focused on "Ultra High Voltage, Smart Grid and Electricity Infrastructure for Resilient City". The participants had field-trip study at the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment in Xi'an, as well as various practical training facilities of State Grid in Jinan. In Hong Kong, they visited the System Control Centre and Lamma Power Station of HK Electric, and have exchanges with PolyU academia on Artificial Intelligence for Electricity Supply. The 11-day Programme enabled them to learn about cutting-edge technologies, modern management system and advanced design of the cities' special power supply facilities, and to gain practical knowledge and experiences from veteran academics and professionals from PolyU, XJTU, State Grid and HK Electric.

1 Apr, 2019

Xi'an Base


加深滬港雙城交流 香港理大上海校友會成立

3月9日,香港理工大學上海校友會正式成立,香港理大行政副校長盧麗華博士及眾多嘉賓到賀,喜見香港精英在滬發展成功。   成立校友會 凝聚精英建設國家 香港理大上海校友會成立,聚集超300名在滬香港理大畢業生,加強團結,增強香港理大凝聚力,激勵校友弘揚母校優良傳統。 校友會宗旨是為校友搭建交流平臺,加強校友聯繫網路,並為初到及計畫在長三角發展的校友提供協助。校友會是香港理大與上海校友的橋樑,它的成立有助於促進校友與香港理大在學術研究和實習交流的合作。另一使命是弘揚香港理大的理念,支持大學發展,為香港、大陸作出貢獻。 上海校友會籌委會經過多次會議後訂立校友會會章,並選出會長張漢雲先生及幹事團隊共15人,校友會骨幹成員由香港理大會計學系、電子工程系、國際房地產、中國文化研究、時裝設計、酒店及旅遊管理、土地測量、管理及市場學系等不同學系畢業。 香港理大上海校友會,彙集香港理大精英畢業生,建立會員系統,加強在滬校友與香港理大學的緊密溝通,將安排包括深度交流考察團丶分享講座、小型聚會等一系列的活動,以加強校友之間凝聚力。   促進兩地交流 見證上海發展 香港理大行政副校長盧麗華博士致恭賀辭時表示,“冀望香港理大上海校友會貢獻所長參與上海基建發展及經濟增長。早於九十年代,香港專才已到上海及其他城市參與國家發展,其中有不少香港理大畢業生,具備國際視野,為上海乃至全中國引進了新的觀念、思路和模式,成為不同行業的領軍人物。早前到訪過正大集團羅家順先生,他也是香港理大(前為香港理工學院)畢業生,在上海工作20年,是成功創業的佼佼者。上海校友會成立,並冀望以後滬港聯盟更加緊密發展。”   加強創新創業發展 共建國際化雙城 香港理大行政副校長盧麗華博士與中國內地事務總監羅璿博士借上海之行專誠拜訪上海市政府領導,介紹了香港理大在上海的發展,展望將來與上海巿作深入及多方面發展合作。 香港理大上海聯絡處2012年成立與上海夥伴高校,研究機構,商業和非盈利機構建立了緊密的聯繫。香港理大和同濟大學合作密切,其聯合培養博士項目,已招收約40名學生。其他項目包括聯合暑期大學、創新創意創業兩岸四地競賽、滬港青年創客營。香港理大亦與復旦大學及上海交通大學合作無間。香港理大在上海的發展主要集中於環境可持續發展,創意設計和創業創新等主題。每年約有200名香港理大學生前來實習,自2013/14,參與實習計畫企業由44家增加至近100家,其中包括中國聯通、聯想集團、泰豪集團有限公司、中國電信、中國工商銀行、中國建築、上海設計研究院有限公司等。 香港是內地創新產業的融資視窗,上海亦將建設成為國際金融中心和科技創新中心,兩城將有更緊密的相互學習交流。香港理大注重培養新一代年青人成為對社會有責任感兼具創意的領袖,發揚「創富創善」的文化,設立多項創業基金及實踐專案,例如香港理大微型基金、上海市大學生科技創業基金會、香港理大科技領航基金、好薈社計畫,通過種子基金支持學生和校友創業,推動創業生態系統的持續發展。 上海市市政府副秘書長顧金山先生肯定了香港理大在上海的發展,並讚揚香港理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院以教研酒店唯港薈為核心,在酒店及旅遊教育領域取得的突破、實現的創新,希望將來上海也能在酒店及旅遊教育方面與香港理工大學加強交流,為建設國際化及現代化城市做出貢獻。    

9 Mar, 2019

Shanghai Centre


PolyU Alumni make contributions to the Country PolyU forum in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up

The Faculty of Business at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today hosted a forum on the “Contributions of PolyU Alumni to the Country” to commemorate the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. The forum was well attended by about 250 PolyU alumni as well as business elites, community leaders, and professionals from different sectors. Officiating at the opening of the forum were Mr JIANG Jianxiang, Deputy Director General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; and Professor Philip C. H. CHAN, Interim President of PolyU. Sir Gordon WU, former Council Chairman of PolyU cum Co-founder and Chairman of Hopewell Holdings Ltd., shared his insights on “1978-2018 Open Door and Reform – Economic Miracle” in his keynote speech. Addressing at the opening ceremony, Dr Lam Tai-fai said throughout its over eighty-year of history in Hong Kong, PolyU has been the “witness”, “participant” and “beneficiary” of the country’s reform and opening-up. “The advancement of the initiatives for Belt and Road and the Greater Bay Area provides Hong Kong with invaluable opportunities for development. PolyU will continue to capitalise on our expertise and strengths, and complement with our Mainland partners, to work towards meeting the nation’s economic and societal needs.” Mr Jiang Jianxiangsaid the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” promulgated by the Central Government has provided a clear direction about how Hong Kong could continuously participate in the nation’s development. Hong Kong has to consolidate and enhance its status as international financial, shipping and trade centres as well as international aviation hub; promote high value-added development in financial services, business and commerce, logistics and professional services; and robustly develop innovation and technology industry, and emerging industries. “PolyU has leading strengths in many of these spectra. I hope the University will continue to take important roles in this historical opportunity,” said Mr Jiang. With more than 400,000 alumni around the globe, PolyU has nurtured many distinguished leaders in all sectors including various professions, industry, business and community. Since 1997, PolyU has also provided programmes for professionals in the Mainland and have groomed about 10,000 graduates in the Mainland so far. At the forum today, a dozen of PolyU alumni or University Fellows, who are also community and business leaders, shared their experiences of participating in, and contributing towards, China’s developments over the past four decades. In the panel discussions, they deliberated on the implications of China’s reform for the world, the role of Hong Kong, as well as how to grasp the opportunities brought by the national developments and contribute Hong Kong’s edge in professional services. The panel discussion sessions were chaired by Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President of PolyU, and Professor Haitian LU, Associate Dean (External Relations and Development) of PolyU Faculty of Business. The guest panelists included: - Ms Fiona CHEUNG Sum-yu, Chairman of Forest Zone Limited - Dr Edwin LEE, Founder, CEO and Responsible Officer of Bridgeway Prime Shop Fund Management Limited - Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok, Legislative Council Member of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Mr Henry NGAI, CFO of Banyan Tree China - Mr Michael ROSS, Vice Chairman of Charoen Pokphand Group - Sr Augustine WONG Ho Ming, Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. - Mr Jack CHAN, Managing Partner of Financial Services Greater China at Ernst & Young - Dr Jacky CHEUNG, Chairman of Shinhint Group - Ms Katie LEE, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of QCURE International Doctors Platform - Mr Dickson SZETO, Chairman & CEO of Urban Revitalization Force - Mr WAN Yixue, Deputy Director of United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee (Anhui Province) and Director of Provincial Overseas Chinese Affairs Office - Mr WANG Chunlin, Chairman of China League International Group Ltd.

1 Mar, 2019

Beijing Centre


PolyU establishes an alliance with eight institutions in the Greater Bay Area to advance research in nursing

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with eight participating universities / institutions in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to establish The Nursing Alliance of Research and Knowledge Transfer. The initiative aims to strengthen collaboration in nursing research and knowledge transfer among cities of the GBA in response to the national strategy for the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The MoU was signed in Shenzhen in the Mainland by Prof Alex Molasiotis, Chair Professor of Nursing and Head of the School of Nursing, PolyU, and the eight representatives of other institutions, including: Dr Li Yanlian, Vice President, Macao Polytechnic Institute; Prof.Zhou Ying, Associate Dean of the School of Nursing, Guangzhou Medical University; Prof.June Zhang, Associate Dean of the School of Nursing, Sun Yat-Sen University; Prof. Zhang Lili, Dean of the School of Nursing, Southern Medical University; Prof. Chen Weiju, Secretary and Associate Dean of the School of Nursing,Director of the Nursing Department of the First Affiliated Hospital, Jinan University; Ms Mo Beirong, Vice President of the Nanshan District People's Hospital of Shenzhen; Prof. Wang Chunmei, Vice Director of Zhuhai Campus Management Committee, Zunyi Medical University; and Ms Zhang Li, Director of the Nursing Department, The First People's Hospital of Foshan.  "The signing of the MoU heralds a significant milestone in the collaboration in nursing development among Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau," said Prof David Shum, Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, PolyU, at the ceremony. In the 3-year collaboration, the Alliance will actively promote nursing research cooperation, enhance the quality of care services, encourage sharing of information, resources, evidence-based nursing practice and research outcomes, as well as facilitate training of nursing personnel. "With our unique position as an international and a core city for driving regional development, Hong Kong and PolyU will grasp the opportunities to advance the discipline of nursing; develop inter-disciplinary, cross-institutional, as well as international collaborative research projects; and promote training and innovative services for the benefit of the people in the GBA, " said Prof Alex Molasiotis. The Alliance was selected as one of the top projects at the 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GreaterBay Area Health Cooperation Conference held earlier. The honour was received by the representatives from PolyU, Sun Yat-Sen University and The Nanshan District People's Hospital of Shenzhen.  

25 Feb, 2019

Shenzhen Base


PolyU shared the experience on “Innovation and entrepreneurship” to hundred outstanding students from Sichuan University

On 21 January, a delegation that includes 99 outstanding students, Director of International Office and HK/Macau/Taiwan Affairs Office, Associate Director of their Student Affairs Department of Sichuan University visited Polytechnic University (PolyU).  This is the first time Sichuan University brings a big group of students to Hong Kong to visit the higher institutions in Hong Kong after PolyU signing the Strategic Cooperation Agreement with the Sichuan Government on May 11, 2018 to foster collaboration between Sichuan and Hong Kong on education, research and knowledge transfer. The Associate Dean of Students, Dr. Eric Tam and Director of Chinese Mainland Affairs Office Dr. Laura Lo representing PolyU to receive the delegation. Students felt interested in PolyU InnoHub, a co-creation space that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship development.

21 Jan, 2019

Sichuan Base


讓愛承傳 西安首屆“希望旅程”服務學習夏令營結業禮

香港理工大學(香港理大)在西安首次舉辦“希望旅程”服務學習夏令營,以上海、杭州和香港為服務基地的「三城記」服務學習計畫,再連一城,讓愛延續,西安站夏令營於7月27日舉行結業禮。 “希望旅程”服務學習夏令營自2013年推行至今,已有超過千名香港理大學生參與,服務物件為外來工的子女、留守兒童、貧困生或有特殊教育需要的學生。香港理大協理副校長石丹理教授希望同學應用課堂所學,説明有需要的人;今年特別邀請香港中學生參與,有助培養其關懷他人及服務社群之心志。 今年,40多名香港理大師生及10名香港聖公會聖三一堂中學師生前往西安交通大學附屬小學金輝分校開展“希望旅程”服務學習夏令營, 本次服務物件是西安交通大學附屬小學、西安交通大學附屬小學金輝分校、榆林市橫山縣響水中心小學及安康市平利縣興隆鎮中心小學三至五年級的兒童。此夏令營旨在進一步推動外來兒童與青少年的社會融入,探索大學生和中、小學生的生命教育及全人發展,為兒童與青少年的生命和成長提供更豐富多彩的體驗。夏令營課程包含英語學習、科學知識、健康教育及個人成長四方面的內容。 香港理大是香港首家把服務學習列入大學必修課程的學府,負責設計課程的香港理大協理副校長石丹理教授在結業禮上表示:「我們不斷尋求創新,今年“希望旅程”邀請了香港聖公會聖三一堂中學的同學們一起參與服務,大學生和中學生一起為可愛的小學生服務,他們打破地域文化的差異,加上愛心,充分發揮團隊精神,十天的課程,旨在培養學生的道德品格, 關心他人及領導能力等服務領袖的素質。」 香港理大學生作為夏令營導師,中學生作為糾察及輔助角色,讓小學生們感受到哥哥姐姐的照顧, 並大幅度提高了學習興趣,發掘出他們不同的潛能。 今年西安作為服務計畫的一個新地點,十分成功,與杭州及上海項目一樣, 獲得香港理大中國內地事務處的協助及安排,並得到香港的中學支援,派出高中生全程參與,以豐富中學生在新高中課程內全面發展的機會。 香港理大推行多個通識課程,其中這個與服務學習計畫相關的科目,獲得了今年國際大學評級機構(QS)的“全球教學創新大獎”之“可持續性”組別金獎。

27 Jul, 2018

Xi'an Base

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