PolyU in the News
香港理大揭秘:如何助力嫦娥五號月球“挖土”成功? (In Chinese)
people.com.cn | 18 Dec, 2020
探秘“月表模擬實驗室”:看嫦娥五號如何帶“土特產” (In Chinese)
asiatimes.com | 18 Dec, 2020
香港理大揭秘:如何助力嫦娥五號月球“挖土”成功? (In Chinese)
xinhuanet.com | 18 Dec, 2020
HK-made space device plays key role in Chang'e-5 lunar mission
China Daily | 18 Dec, 2020
參與研發嫦娥五號月球土壤採樣儀器 理大團隊︰約十年努力無白費 (In Chinese)
HK01 | 17 Dec, 2020
香港理工大學團隊參與“嫦娥五號”採樣 形容過程艱辛 (In Chinese)
hkcna.hk | 17 Dec, 2020
嫦娥採月球土壤 理大助一臂之力 (In Chinese)
Wen Wei Po | 17 Dec, 2020
理大參與設計嫦娥五號採樣裝置 形容研發過程艱辛 (In Chinese)
Headline Daily | 17 Dec, 2020
US-China tech war: rivals no longer worlds apart as they shoot for the moon
South China Morning Post | 17 Dec, 2020
理大團隊:嫦娥五號採集月球土壤過程順利 第三次採樣一度不能關閉 (In Chinese)
881903.com | 17 Dec, 2020
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