PolyU in the News
容啟亮寄語青年 立志高遠圓科研夢 (In Chinese)
Sing Tao Daily | 9 Dec, 2020
理大研發兩「神器」 伴嫦五奔月採土壤 (In Chinese)
Sing Tao Daily | 9 Dec, 2020
嫦娥五號探月 理大研發裝置助採樣 (In Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Times | 9 Dec, 2020
研6年製探樣器登月 理大教授冀親睹月土返回 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Daily | 9 Dec, 2020
陸頌雄:我們的征途是星辰大海 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Daily | 9 Dec, 2020
「嫦娥五號」採樣裝置 理大參與研發 (In Chinese)
Oriental Daily News | 9 Dec, 2020
香港理工大學研發"嫦娥五號"表取採樣器 (In Chinese)
Phoenix TV | 9 Dec, 2020
香港團隊研發表取採樣裝置 助力嫦娥五號月球“挖土”成功 (In Chinese)
China Daily | 9 Dec, 2020
Instruments made by HK scientists help lunar mission
China Daily | 9 Dec, 2020
香港團隊研發表取採樣裝置 助力嫦娥五號月球“挖土”成功 (In Chinese)
ce.cn | 9 Dec, 2020
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