PolyU in the News
20億聘海外科研學者 目標5年請百人 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Daily | 26 Nov, 2020
理大研太空儀器 登月採樣返地球 (In Chinese)
Bastille Post | 25 Nov, 2020
理大多次參與國家太空項目 (In Chinese)
Ta Kung Pao | 25 Nov, 2020
肩負重任/理大採樣器 揮臂取月壤 (In Chinese)
Ta Kung Pao | 25 Nov, 2020
月宮採壤 嫦五來了 (In Chinese)
Wen Wei Po | 25 Nov, 2020
港理大擔重任 研採樣裝置 (In Chinese)
Wen Wei Po | 25 Nov, 2020
理大研太空儀器 登月採樣返地球 (In Chinese)
Sing Tao Daily | 25 Nov, 2020
理大太空儀器 隨嫦娥五號月球採樣 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Daily | 25 Nov, 2020
理大月球採樣器搭嫦娥五號升空 (In Chinese)
Oriental Daily News | 25 Nov, 2020
嫦娥五號搭載理大研製儀器助「挖土」 盤點中國探月「香港力量」 (In Chinese)
HK01 | 25 Nov, 2020
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