PolyU in the News
澳門科大與港理大合作研發新冠病毒疫苗 (In Chinese)
cyberctm.com | 3 Aug, 2020
新冠肺炎|理大、澳門科大等研疫苗一針已有抗體 將進行臨床試驗 (In Chinese)
HK01 | 3 Aug, 2020
Hong Kong PolyU camera plays major role in mission
Bastille Post | 3 Aug, 2020
理大與澳門科大研發新冠病毒疫苗 將進行人體臨床測試 (In Chinese)
sina.com.hk | 3 Aug, 2020
Hong Kong PolyU camera plays major role in mission
China Daily | 3 Aug, 2020
Hong Kong PolyU camera plays major role in mission
The World News Monitor | 3 Aug, 2020
The world needs a new paradigm for global tourism development
Global Travel Media | 30 Jul, 2020
The world needs a new paradigm for global tourism development
Travel and Tour World | 30 Jul, 2020
食肆禁堂食 多間大學設特別用膳安排 嶺大為非文職開冷氣房 (In Chinese)
HK01 | 29 Jul, 2020
理大「火星相機」 伴天問馳騁穹蒼 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Canada | 28 Jul, 2020
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