PolyU in the News
Hong Kong PolyU contributes to China's 1st Mars mission
China Daily | 23 Jul, 2020
理大研「火星相機」 參與中國火星探測 監察火星周遭環境 (In Chinese)
On.cc | 23 Jul, 2020
China successfully launches first Mars mission
xinhuanet.com | 23 Jul, 2020
PolyU contributes to Nation’s first Mars mission with Mars Camera
Mirage | 23 Jul, 2020
PolyU contributes to the Nation’s first Mars mission with the Mars Camera
Stamford advocate | 23 Jul, 2020
每月給萬元 助570名STEM大學生實習 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Daily | 21 Jul, 2020
SEN學生不言棄 奪理大卓越獎 (In Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Times | 20 Jul, 2020
女生讀土木工程 冀助城市發展 (In Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Times | 20 Jul, 2020
義助基層戶驗電箱 理大生獲獎 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Daily | 20 Jul, 2020
DSE 2020|讀寫障礙生兩次重考DSE 終理大電機工程「爆4」畢業 (In Chinese)
HK01 | 20 Jul, 2020
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