PolyU in the News
新冠肺炎|理大與澳門科大研快速診斷新冠肺炎AI 準確率逾九成 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Canada | 15 Jun, 2020
PolyU collaborates with Macau University of Science and Technology to advance diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia
Chron | 15 Jun, 2020
港澳高校聯合研發新AI系統 20秒精准診斷新冠肺炎 (In Chinese)
HKCNA | 15 Jun, 2020
香港前途/醫療科技 (14:28 - 17:18) (In Chinese)
TVB | 9 Jun, 2020
World University Rankings 2020-21
CWUR | 9 Jun, 2020
家庭學校「睇緊」 育青守法意識 (In Chinese)
Wen Wei Po | 7 Jun, 2020
JUPAS首輪改選 浸大動畫媒體55人爭一位 (In Chinese)
Bastille Post | 6 Jun, 2020
DSE 2020|JUPAS改選截止 浸大動畫競爭最激烈 幼教繼續熱門 (In Chinese)
HK01 | 5 Jun, 2020
Leaders Shine In Challenging Times
The Standard | 5 Jun, 2020
U秀潮流站-創意廣告設計『Meatless Meat』重置家園計劃 (In Chinese)
RTHK | 2 Jun, 2020
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