PolyU in the News
辦遊樂空間設計賽 房協:要老幼咸宜 (In Chinese)
Ming Pao Daily | 15 May, 2020
Innovation the backbone of our society
The Standard | 13 May, 2020
新標靶藥治鼻咽癌 動物用後存活率增8成 (In Chinese)
Sky Post | 12 May, 2020
浸大研新標靶藥有效治鼻咽癌 (In Chinese)
Hong Kong Commercial Daily | 12 May, 2020
5G+北斗 「護航」港珠澳大橋 (In Chinese)
Wen Wei Po | 11 May, 2020
港珠澳橋「5G+北斗」精準監測安全 (In Chinese)
Ta Kung Pao | 11 May, 2020
美髮業冀政府相助渡時艱 (In Chinese)
Hong Kong Commercial Daily | 7 May, 2020
時尚未來挑戰大獎得獎者誕生 (In Chinese)
Hong Kong Commercial Daily | 7 May, 2020
港理大調查:近八成市民會重複使用口罩 (In Chinese)
hkcna.hk | 29 Apr, 2020
政府派1萬 15%中產未擬使用 學者籲市民購物資 贈予基層 (In Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Times | 28 Apr, 2020
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