- +852 2766 5750
- richard-chen.li@polyu.edu.hk
Prof. Li is an assistant professor affiliated with Department of Applied Social Sciences and Department of Computing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received BSc in Computer Science and Technology from Nanjing University, and MSc in Computer Science and PhD from the City University of Hong Kong.
Prof. Li's research interest is in collaborating with talents with various backgrounds to design new technology-assisted solutions for supporting people in their daily lives. His research outcomes related to the use of virtual reality for children with special education needs have been adopted by mainstream and special schools in Hong Kong. Academically, his research works were published in renowned international journals such as Computers & Education, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, and Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, as well as conference proceedings such as the proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR) and the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR).
Prof. Li currently serves as the president of Hong Kong Society for Multimedia and Image Computing (HKSMIC), member of the governing board of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning and Computers & Education: X Reality.Education and Academic Qualifications
- PhD (City University of Hong Kong)
- MSc in Computer Science with Distinction (City University of Hong Kong)
- BSc in Computer Science and Technology (Nanjing University)
Teaching Area
Research Interests
Innovation and Technology Fund - Partnership Research Programme (as PI) - Mindverse: A Platform for Remote Counselling and Psychoeducational Interventions in the Metaverse. Year of Award: 2023
Health Bureau Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme (as Co-I) - Reducing Social Avoidance and Enhancing Prosocial Behaviour among Adolescents with Special Educational Needs. Year of Award: 2023
PolyU Research Institute for Smart Ageing (RISA) (as Co-PI) - Sensor-enabled urban green care farm for persons with mild cognitive impairment: A feasibility and acceptability study with multi-site, randomised controlled trials. Year of Award: 2022
Hospital Authority KCC Research Grant (as Co-PI) - Immersive virtual reality exposure for reducing perioperative anxiety in children - a randomized controlled trial. Year of Award: 2022
PolyU Inter-Faculty Collaboration Scheme for FH, FHSS and FENG (as Co-I) - Fostering Empathy through Virtual Reality and Art Therapy: A Study with Adolescents in Small Group Homes. Year of Award: 2022
PolyU Project of Strategic Importance Fund (as Co-I) - K-Cube: Devising Deep Fusion and Complex Reasoning for Knowledge Graph Construction, Completion and 360-degree Interaction. Year of Award: 2021