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PolyU and Wuxi city government to set up pioneering research institute to drive innovation and technology development in Yangtze River Delta

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the city government of Wuxi, Jiangsu province, have reached an agreement to jointly set up the PolyU-Wuxi Technology and Innovation Research Institute – a pioneering move among Hong Kong’s tertiary institutions to establish a scientific research institute in Wuxi and participate in the Yangtze River Delta’s innovation and technology (I&T) drive. The new institute will foster I&T collaboration between government, industry, academia, and research institutions through the provision of an advanced research platform, a unique engineering doctorate programme, and incubation support backed by a robust local manufacturing sector. The PolyU-Wuxi collaboration will also contribute to the Nation’s I&T development. The cooperation agreement was signed today by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Mr ZHANG Jinwei, head of Xinwu district, Wuxi, in a video conference and witnessed by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU; Mr DU Xiaogang, Communist Party Secretary of Wuxi; Mr ZHAO Jianjun, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Wuxi, and other leaders of PolyU and the Wuxi authorities. The partnership underscores a synergy between Wuxi’s economic strength and PolyU’s world-leading education and research excellence. It also reinforces collaboration among Jiangsu province, Hong Kong and Macau encouraged by national policies. The five-year cooperation agreement will come into effect from January 2023. The Faculty of Engineering of PolyU and the Wuxi National Hi-tech District will join forces to set up the Institute in phases. The Institute, located at the Wuxi Airport Economic Development Zone, comprises a teaching and research facility for the engineering doctorate programme, an advanced research platform for cutting-edge technologies, and an innovation hub for translational research and incubation of start-ups. Prof. H. C. Man, Dean of Faculty of Engineering of PolyU, explained that the PolyU-Wuxi Technology and Innovation Research Institute serves to: Establish a world-class advanced research and innovation platform The Institute will focus on the research and development of core technologies with proprietary intellectual properties in the areas of aerospace, biomedical technology, advanced manufacturing, new materials, artificial intelligence, telecommunication, and new energy. It aspires to be a hub of innovative minds through the promotion of joint research, academic exchange, co-incubation, and knowledge transfer. Nurture I&T talents A PolyU engineering doctorate programme uniquely designed for working professionals, as well as a post-doctoral engineering programme, will be rolled out by the Institute to nurture a Wuxi-based I&T talent pool. Candidates will be required to use their employers’ projects on tackling critical technological challenges as their thesis topics. They will also study business management and entrepreneurship in the programme to prepare themselves to be future I&T industry leaders. Fostering emerging industries The Institute will provide translational and entrepreneurial opportunities and render support to PolyU researchers to collaborate with Wuxi’s corporates and manufacturers to commercialise research outcomes. This will in turn promote the local development of emerging industries and spur breakthroughs in engineering technologies as well as their application. The Institute aims to nurture champions in emerging industries in three to five years. The Wuxi Municipal Government will provide the required facilities, infrastructure and funding in the next five years to support PolyU in developing this research institute. The two parties will also arrange for industry professionals from Wuxi and the Yangtze River Delta region to come to Hong Kong every year for exchange. Last year, PolyU established the Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao University Cooperation Alliance and signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in basic science and technology research with the Jiangsu Institute of Industrial Technology. Coupled with Wuxi's vigorous economic and industrial development, this cooperation with PolyU opened up an unprecedented chapter in "government, industry, academia and research" collaboration among the two parties. Dr Lam Tai-fai said: “Jiangsu province is an important province in the Yangtze River Delta region, and Wuxi enjoys a strong reputation for its comprehensive industrial development. PolyU has been actively engaged in strategic technology and innovation research cooperation with Jiangsu, and we are committed to contributing to the development of talents as well as innovation and technology research. With the integration of our excellence in education and research, PolyU is very pleased to work with the Wuxi government to strengthen the strategic cooperation between Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macau to establish the Institute. PolyU will continue to strive to achieve excellence in the development of education, research and innovation.” Prof. Jin-Guang Teng said: “PolyU and the Wuxi government share a common vision for the future: we both strive to strengthen our cooperation in the cultivation of high-quality professionals and advanced technological innovation, ultimately contributing to the economic development of Wuxi, Jiangsu and the Nation. PolyU sees great importance in basic research, as well as applied and translational research. Through leveraging the platform of the Institute, we hope to match PolyU's research excellence with the industrial needs of Wuxi to deliver impactful outcomes.” Mr Zhao Jianjun said: “The successful establishment of the PolyU-Wuxi Technology and Innovation Research Institute marks another important partnership between the ‘Pearl of Taihu’ and the ‘Pearl of the Orient’, which is a strong impetus for the further development of cooperation among Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao. The two parties will seek new heights in technology and innovation and foster new emerging industries, through integrating PolyU’s education and research excellence with Wuxi’s economic and industrial power. Wuxi will provide the best service and maximum support for the cooperation between the two parties, and together we will work to create a new benchmark for government-academia cooperation between the Yangtze River Delta and the Greater Bay Area."

29 Sep, 2023


PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute officially unveilied First research institute established by PolyU beyond the Greater Bay Area

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Jinjiang Municipal People’s Government held a signing cum unveiling ceremony on 2 September at which the jointly established PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute (Research Institute), based in Jinjiang, was officially inaugurated. This marks a significant achievement in promoting deeper cooperation between Fujian and Hong Kong, as well as a key step by both the University and the City towards creating a better future together. Over 200 guests attended the event, including Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU; Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President of PolyU; Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU; Mr LIN Ruiliang, Vice Governor of Fujian Province; Mr ZHANG Yigong, Communist Party Secretary of Quanzhou City; Mr LIU Lianghui, Secretary of the Party Group of the Federation of Taiwan Compatriots of Fujian Province; Mr WU Weiping, Deputy Director of Fujian Provincial Education Bureau; Mr HUANG Shu, Deputy Director of Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Bureau; Mr ZHOU Xiaohua, Secretary General of Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee; Mr ZHANG Wenxian, Member of the Standing Committee of Quanzhou Communist Party Committee and Communist Party Secretary of Jinjiang City; Mr SU Gengchong, Vice Mayor of Quanzhou Municipal People’s Government; Mr WANG Mingyuan, Mayor of Jinjiang Municipal People’s Government; together with representatives from PolyU, leaders from various levels in Quanzhou and Jinjiang, and representatives from leading local enterprises. As the first research institute established by PolyU beyond the Greater Bay Area, the PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute serves to integrate various forms of collaboration including collaborative research, academic exchange, joint training and technology transfer. It will leverage innovative local and international resources, mainly focusing on textile technology, future food, microelectronics, and innovation and technology policy. The Research Institute aims to nurture outstanding engineers and high-quality innovative entrepreneurial talents who are technology application-oriented, and strives to become a hub of technology innovation and attract a cluster of emerging industries helping to shape the future and foster global connections. Dr Lam Tai-fai in his speech stated that technology and innovation are the key forces to drive the development of a society. Jinjiang is a city renowned for its famous Chinese brands and remarkable advancements in technology, economy, culture and art. As a world-class research university, PolyU will take Jinjiang as a starting point to support its technological innovation and strengthen technical cooperation in the areas of textiles, smart manufacturing, integrated circuits and sustainable technology. The University will also promote the transformation and application of technological achievement, contributing to the “Jinjiang Experience” of innovation and development in Jinjiang, Quanzhou and Fujian. Prof. Jin-Guang Teng stated that it was his first visit to Jinjiang and he had the opportunity to visit numerous enterprises, leaving him impressed by their “high quality and brand creation”, which are prominent features of Jinjiang's economic and social development. With a strength in basic research and innovation entrepreneurship, PolyU is dedicated not only to producing world-class scientific research, but also to making a positive impact on socio-economic development. Jinjiang's solid and robust industrial foundation provides an excellent platform for PolyU and he believes that the University can become a strong driving force in promoting the development of Jinjiang's science and technology industry, leading to mutual benefits. Mr Zhang Wenxian shared his view that education, technology and talent provide foundational and strategic support for building a modern socialist country, and are also crucial for the high-quality development of the private sector economy. He sincerely hopes that through the platform of the Research Institute the University and the City can deepen their collaboration in the integration of government, industry, academia and research. This will promote deep integration of innovation, industrial, financial and talent chains, and co-create a new paradigm of cooperation between Fujian Province and Hong Kong. The Jinjiang Municipal Party Committee and Government are committed to seizing this opportunity to collaborate, concentrate efforts, aggregate resources and integrate policies. They will join hands with PolyU to focus on industry and strive for innovation and for developing the “Jinjiang Experience”, with the PolyU spirit of “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind” shining brightly in Jinjiang’s new era. Apart from the signing and unveiling ceremony, key representatives from the Research Institute introduced research developments and work plans related to textile technology, future food, microelectronics, innovation and technology policy, to local government representatives, research institutions and enterprises. Officials from the Jinjiang Municipal People's Government visited PolyU for the first time after the resumption of normal travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland early this year. Since then, the two parties have maintained close contact and had frequent interactions, reaching consensus and establishing the Research Institute in six months, demonstrating their strong commitment and a high level of efficiency. PolyU hopes to deepen cooperation with local enterprises in Jinjiang through the Research Institute, promote research and help to transform core technologies, in time expanding from Jinjiang to Quanzhou and the entire province. The University also aims to strengthen industry-academia-research collaboration between Fujian and Hong Kong, build a new paradigm of cooperation between Fujian Province and Hong Kong, and cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents with advanced technological knowledge and global vision.

20 Sep, 2023


PolyU and Guangming District Government to establish joint industrial technology and innovation research institute

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Guangming District Government, Shenzhen have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly establish the PolyU-Shenzhen Industrial Technology and Innovation Research Institute (the Research Institute), aimed at strengthening and facilitating the exchange of pedagogy, technology and talent between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. PolyU is the first Hong Kong higher education institution to achieve a strategic partnership with Guangming District Government. The University envisions effective collaboration in industry, academia and research, leveraging the advantages of PolyU's scientific talents and innovative research technologies, and attracting more high-quality Hong Kong enterprises and researchers to the region. The collaboration will involve PolyU faculty members, students and alumni engaging in scientific research, exchanging ideas and starting businesses in Shenzhen. The MoU was signed on 28 August at the Guangming Science City in Shenzhen. Witnessed by Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, PolyU President, Prof. Kwok-Yin WONG, Vice President (Education), and Prof. CHOW Ming-cheung, Head of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, as well as Ms CAI Ying, Guangming District Party Secretary, Mr QIU Haohang, District Mayor, and Ms Yang LI, Head of the United Front Work Department, the MoU was signed by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Mr YAO Gaoke, Deputy District Mayor of Guangming District. In his speech, Prof. Jin-Guang TENG explained that PolyU is an innovative and research-oriented university with unique strengths in fundamental research and innovation entrepreneurship. The Research Institute will closely integrate with the development characteristics and planning of Shenzhen and Guangming District. The Research Institute will leverage the University’s strengths in scientific research, target cutting-edge scientific issues, focus on innovation, and make producing significant scientific research outcomes a core objective. Alongside the construction and operation of major technological infrastructure in Guangming Science City, the Research Institute will actively promote the transfer and transformation of relevant technological achievements, contributing to the Nation's achievement of high-level technological self-reliance and strength. Representatives of Guangming District stated that through this collaboration with PolyU, they will fully utilise PolyU’s advantage as a “super connector”, who plays a leading role in supporting technological innovation and industrial development through its strong disciplinary strengths and national key laboratories. By integrating the resource advantages of both parties, the aim is to build an internationally leading high-end research platform in the fields of life sciences and high-end manufacturing, creating an innovative community that brings together scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and innovators. According to the MoU, the collaboration encourages and assists young faculty and alumnus from PolyU to start businesses in Guangming District, while establishing a sustainable development base for technological innovation and entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, it also aims to cultivate future industry leaders with innovative drive and advanced experience in scientific and technological research and development, making substantive contributions to the construction of a high-level talent aggregation area in the Greater Bay Area. Through the platform of the Research Institute, both parties will further promote the deep integration of innovation, industry, funding and talent, deepening technological innovation cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and advancing the goal of high-quality development in the Greater Bay Area.

28 Aug, 2023


PolyU signs MoUs with leading Jinjiang-based enterprises to drive cooperation between Hong Kong and Fujian

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with several leading enterprises in Jinjiang city to strengthen industry-academia-research cooperation between the two cities. During a three-day visit to Hong Kong, a delegation led by Mr ZHANG Wenxian, Member of the Standing Committee of Quanzhou Communist Party Committee and Communist Party Secretary of Jinjiang City, visited PolyU to have an in-depth exchange with the University’s senior management and researchers. The delegation included representatives from the Communist Party, and the Jinjiang Municipal Government including the Office of the Municipal Party Committee, United Front Work Department, Science and Technology Bureau and Commerce Bureau, as well as representatives from leading Jinjiang-based enterprises in the industries of textiles and clothing, sportswear and footwear, new materials, and microelectronics. On the first day of the visit on 26 June, the delegation paid a visit to the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design and the Centre for Eye and Vision Research at the Hong Kong Science Park, gaining insights into PolyU’s interdisciplinary research, achievements in industry-academia-research collaboration, as well as its future development plans. The research centres are co-founded by the University and world-leading institutions under the InnoHK initiative. On 27 June, PolyU participated in the Fujian-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference-cum-Signing Ceremony. Witnessed by local and Mainland government officials including Mr ZHOU Zuyi, Fujian Provincial Party Committee Secretary and Director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the Fujian Province; Mr CHAN Kwok-ki, Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, and Mr ZHANG Wenxian, Member of the Standing Committee of Quanzhou Communist Party Committee and Communist Party Secretary of Jinjiang City, inked a cooperation framework agreement to establish the PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute in Jinjiang outlining the future development plan of the research institute. On June 28, during the last day of their visit, the delegation toured the PolyU campus and visited laboratories and research centres related to the establishment of the PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute. To take forward in-depth industry-academia-research collaboration, Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, signed MoUs with representatives from three Jinjiang-based corporates, namely Mr YANG Jianxiang, Director of Research and Innovation of ANTA Group; Mr XU Jintai, Executive Director of SinceTech Group; and Mr SHI Junqiao, Executive President of Fujian Huaqing Electronic Material Technology Co., Ltd. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU; Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU; Mr ZHANG Wenxian, Member of the Standing Committee of Quanzhou Communist Party Committee and Communist Party Secretary of Jinjiang, Mr HUANG Tiankai, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jinjiang Communist Party Committee and Head of the Jinjiang United Front Work Department; and Mr ZHANG Qingchang, Director of the Jinjiang Science and Technology Bureau. In his speech, Dr Lam Tai-fai stated, “With the staunch support of the Jinjiang Municipal Government, PolyU has signed MoUs with leading enterprises. We will collaborate deeply and effectively in various fields, such as new textile materials, fashion design, intelligent wearable systems and microelectronics. Through this collaboration, we hope to leverage the research strengths of Hong Kong and PolyU, further connect with enterprises in Mainland China, promote complementary advantages between Fujian and Hong Kong, and contribute to Hong Kong's integration into the country's overall development." Mr Zhang Wenxian said, “The visit to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was an exciting experience. Jinjiang, the birthplace of the 'Jinjiang Experience', is a vibrant city that nurtures entrepreneurs. The city's shoe and apparel industry is valued at over 300 billion yuan, while its textile industry is worth over 100 billion yuan. Additionally, there are thriving building material and food industries worth over 50 billion yuan, alongside cutting-edge sectors such as new generation information technology, advanced equipment manufacturing, and medical and healthcare industries that are worth over 10 billion yuan. PolyU's strengths can be effectively integrated with Jinjiang's industrial development, and there is enormous potential for cooperation between the two parties. We aim to take this opportunity to expand the scope and level of cooperation between PolyU and Jinjiang. Jinjiang will provide full and sincere support for collaboration between the two parties, ensuring that our joint projects thrive and prosper, creating a new model of cooperation between the universities of Hong Kong and Mainland cities.” In the first half of 2023, PolyU and Jinjiang have engaged in various collaborations and exchanges. In February, PolyU and the Jinjiang Municipal People’s Government reached initial agreement and signed a cooperation framework agreement to drive the establishment of the PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute with the aim to strengthen research collaboration among industry, academia and research organisations and foster development along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Meanwhile, PolyU’s PReCIT signed an agreement with the Jinjiang Science and Technology Bureau to carry out research projects that leverage Hong Kong’s resources and strengths in innovation and technology in response to Jinjiang’s industrial modernisation needs. In April, PolyU was invited by the Jinjiang Science and Technology Bureau to participate in the 24th Jinjiang Footwear and the 7th Sports Industry International Exhibition where the University showcased its latest research achievements, including bionic robotic hands, high-precision flexible pressure sensors and 3D printed insoles for diabetic patients. Lined up by Jinjiang City government, a PolyU delegation also paid visits to the major industries and institutions in Jinjiang to explore and discuss the potential collaborations. In mid-May, a PolyU delegation visited Jinjiang to discuss the implementation plan of the “PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute”. Subsequently, the relevant agreement was signed at an event held in the Quanzhou Nanyi National High-tech Zone in early June. The research institute will leverage PolyU’s research strengths and achievements to meet Jinjiang’s industrial needs and facilitate the city’s industrial transformation. Through such collaboration, PolyU expects to unleash the strengths of its researchers and innovative technologies. The University also aims to draw more quality Hong Kong-based innovation and technology (I&T) enterprises and talents to engage in research exchanges in Jinjiang, so as to promote complementary advantages and synergistic development between Fujian and Hong Kong in order to establish a leading I&T base and achieve mutual benefits. Looking forward, PolyU will continue to strengthen collaboration with enterprises and maintain close connections with Mainland China to conduct impactful research and accelerate the commercialisation of research outputs. The University will strive to integrate into the country’s overall development and make contributions to developing Hong Kong into an international I&T hub. On 26 June, Mr Zhang Wenxian, Member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of Quanzhou Municipal Committee and Communist Party Secretary of Jinjiang Committee (middle), led a delegation to visit the Centre for Eye and Vision Research at the Hong Kong Science Park. The research centre is co-founded by the University and world-leading institutions under the InnoHK initiative.   On the first day of the visit on 26 June, the Jinjiang delegation visited the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design at the Hong Kong Science Park, gaining insights into PolyU’s interdisciplinary research, achievements in industry-academia-research collaboration, as well as its future development plans. The research centre is co-founded by the University and world-leading institutions under the InnoHK initiative.

29 Jun, 2023

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PolyU and Hangzhou government to establish joint technology and innovation research institute

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Hangzhou Gongshu District People’s Government have reached an agreement to promote industry-academia-research collaboration and complementarity between Hong Kong and Hangzhou. At the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong & Macao - Zhejiang Week & Zhejiang and Hong Kong Cooperation Theme Forum 2023 on 26 June, Mr John LEE Ka-chiu, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr YI Lianhong, Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, and Mr LU Shan, Vice Governor of Zhejiang People's Government witnessed the signing of co-operation agreements between Zhejiang and Hong Kong. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Mr SHEN Jianli, Vice District Mayor of Gongshu District, signed a framework agreement to promote the establishment of the PolyU-Hangzhou Technology and Innovation Research Institute to carry out in-depth and effective industry-academia-research collaboration. The Research Institute will set up three research centers in the initial stage, tentatively named the “Rail Transit Intelligent Center,” “Grand Canal Culture and Tourism Research Center,” and “Digital Medical Beauty Research Center”. The research centers will focus on three key aspects: technology research and development, entrepreneurial incubation, and talent cultivation. They aim to promote complementary advantages and coordinated development between Hangzhou and Hong Kong, which will work together to develop innovative solutions, with the development of a first-class technology innovation base to achieve mutual benefit. During the same event, Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU and Mr YU Zhihong, Chairman of Zhejiang Transportation Investment Group Co., Ltd. (Zhejiang Transportation Investment Group), signed a Zhejiang-Hong Kong cooperation agreement in scientific research. PolyU’s rail transit research team and Zhejiang Transportation Investment Group will cooperate in various aspects, such as research and development of new products and technologies, global promotion of innovative achievements, talent cultivation, and scientific research collaboration. On 27 June, Mr SONG Xinjian, Second-Level Inspector from the Hangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, led a delegation from several major administrative regions of Hangzhou (Qiantang District, Gongshu District, Yuhang District, and High-tech Industry Development Zone) and executives from several companies to PolyU campus and visited the Chinese National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Centre (Hong Kong Branch) (CNERC-Rail) and the Biomaterials Laboratory, so as to gain a deeper understanding of PolyU’s scientific research talent advantages and innovative research technology. Both parties will further explore the working plan of the Research Institute and jointly seek future cooperation opportunities. Moving forward, PolyU will continue to focus on cooperation with enterprises and closely connect with the Mainland, in order to carry out influential scientific research in various cutting-edge technology fields, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, integrate with national development, and fully support Hong Kong in building an international innovation and technology center.

27 Jun, 2023


PolyU and Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo (tentative) to establish Technology and Innovation Research Institute

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo (“EIT”, tentative) have reached an agreement to establish the PolyU-Ningbo Technology and Innovation Research Institute, aiming to strengthen and facilitate research collaboration among industry, academia and research organisations in Hong Kong and Ningbo. PolyU and EIT will collaborate in multiple fields, including advanced manufacturing, chemical energy and low-carbon sustainability development, with the overall aim of advancing innovative research technology and transforming core technologies. The operational objective is to promote complementary advantages and coordinated development between the two universities, and together develop innovative solutions to establish leading innovation hubs. PolyU envisions effective collaboration between the two universities in industry, academia and research, leveraging the advantages of PolyU's scientific talents and innovative research technologies, and attracting more high-quality Hong Kong enterprises and researchers. The collaboration will involve PolyU faculty members, students and alumni engaging in scientific research, exchanging ideas and starting businesses in Ningbo. The framework agreement was signed on the PolyU campus on 25 June 2023 by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Prof. ZHANG Dongxiao, Executive VP and Provost of EIT. The signing was witnessed by Mr. PENG Jiaxue, Zhejiang Provincial Committee Standing Committee member and Ningbo Municipal Party Secretary, Mrs Carrie LAM, Former Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU, and Prof. CHEN Shiyi, President of EIT.

25 Jun, 2023


PolyU collaborates with Tianjin Medical University to establish scientific collaborative research platform to identify causes of eye disease and construct screening system

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has joined with Tianjin Medical University (TMU) to nurture talents, build research teams, conduct scientific research and develop a scientific collaborative research platform in the next five years. The two universities will combine their research strengths to identify causes of eye disease and the possible solutions. They will also adopt artificial intelligence technology and leverage extensive clinical data databases to construct a screening system for eye disease. The partnership brings together the complementary strengths of the world-leading research capability of PolyU’s School of Optometry (with its research impact ranking first in Asia according to Clinical and Experimental Optometry) and TMU’s excellent research and teaching capability, which has enabled it to rank sixth among the 85 medical schools in the country. A signing ceremony was held on the PolyU campus. Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, and Prof. YAN Hua, Party Secretary of TMU, signed the memorandum of understanding. Prof. David SHUM, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of PolyU and Prof. YU Ying, Vice President of TMU, signed the strategic cooperation agreement. Prof. Wong said, “TMU is a well-known medical university in China. Its teaching achievements and research projects have won many awards and national support. PolyU is glad to be able to promote strategic cooperation with TMU with a view to enhancing scientific research and academic talent training and jointly contribute to the development of optometry and vision science in the country and the world.” Prof. Yan remarked, “I am very pleased that TMU and PolyU have reached another level of cooperation in academic exchange and research. In line with the principle of “complementary advantages, coordinated development and mutual benefit”, we will enable advanced cooperation in the fields of optometry and vision science, and cultivate first-class students. We aim to produce top-level scientific research outputs and jointly develop an innovative teaching and scientific collaborative research platform.” The PolyU School of Optometry has collaborated with institutions worldwide to build interdisciplinary research teams and promote high-impact vision science research. With strategic cooperation with TMU, both institutions will have increase their competitiveness. Prof. Shum noted, “PolyU’s School of Optometry and TMU jointly establishing a scientific collaborative research platform will help to solicit increased research funding, develop clinical application systems and contribute to enhancing eye-care services in Hong Kong and the country.” The two institutions have carried out academic and research cooperation since 2004. In 2019, the two universities jointly established the “TMU-PolyU Optometry and Vision Science Joint Laboratory”, contributing to basic scientific research and facilitating knowledge transfer outcomes.    

13 Jun, 2023

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PolyU and Jinjiang Government to establish joint technology and innovation research institute

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Jinjiang Municipal People’s Government have reached an agreement to establish the PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute, aiming to strengthen and facilitate research collaboration among industries, academia and research organisations in Hong Kong and Jinjiang. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, and Mr WANG Mingyuan, Mayor of Jinjiang, signed the relevant agreement at an event held in the Quanzhou Nanyi National High-tech Zone on 2 June. The research institute will leverage PolyU’s research strengths and achievements to meet Jinjiang’s industrial needs and facilitate the city’s industrial transformation. PolyU and Jinjiang city will partner in various fields such as new textile materials, fashion design, intelligent wearable systems, microelectronics, future food, and public policy. The two parties will also nurture entrepreneurial talents with innovative technological knowledge and a global perspective. Capitalising on PolyU’s research excellence and Jinjiang’s industrial strengths and resources, the collaboration between the two parties will support Jinjiang’s development into a top-notch innovation hub, jointly promote the two-way integration of the industrial chain and the innovation chain, and inject new impetus into the development of local high-tech industries.  

7 Jun, 2023


PolyU and Wenzhou government sign agreement to drive the establishment of a joint technology and innovation research institute

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government have reached an agreement to drive the formation of the PolyU-Wenzhou Technology and Innovation Research Institute, with the aim of promoting Wenzhou to become a key innovation and technology hub for entrepreneurs and talents. Through this innovation platform which is the result of government-academia collaboration, both sides will partner in the research of core technologies in various fields including new energy, advanced materials, intelligent wearable devices, maritime engineering equipment, offshore wind power, blockchain, and fashion design. PolyU will leverage its research excellence to support Wenzhou’s development into a top-notch technology innovation base, through fostering the city’s translational research and commercialisation of research and innovation. Both sides will also join hands to nurture innovative and entrepreneurial talents who are knowledgeable about critical technologies of the future and possess a global outlook. The framework agreement was signed on PolyU’s campus on 22 May 2023 by Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU’s Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Mr WANG Zhenyong, Vice Mayor of Wenzhou. The signing was witnessed by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU; Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President of PolyU; together with Mr LIU Xiaotao, Standing Committee Member of the Zhejiang Provincial Communist Party Committee and the Party Secretary of Wenzhou; Mr WANG Jun, Secretary General of the Wenzhou Municipal Communist Party Committee; and Mr WANG Chi, Head of the United Front Work Department of the Wenzhou Party Committee. PolyU has established strong partnerships with universities and research institutes in the Mainland. The University also collaborates with Mainland businesses and local authorities in the promotion of translational research and knowledge transfer, while actively encouraging its students to learn about the development trends and opportunities in the Mainland. Recently, PolyU has engaged numerous local governments to discuss establishing joint technology and innovation research institutes, which connect PolyU’s capabilities and achievements in basic research to the needs of local industries. These collaborations would contribute to the Nation’s self-reliance in its pursuit of technological advancement and benefit the development of local manufacturing sectors.

24 May, 2023


Inauguration of joint research centre on smart rail transit technology formed by PolyU and Qingdao West Coast New Area government

Inauguration of the Joint R&D Centre for Smart Rail Transit Monitoring Technology (the Centre) was held on 23 May 2023 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). The Centre is jointly established by PolyU and Qingdao West Coast New Area (Qingdao New Area) government, with the aim of promoting intelligent rail transit monitoring system. The Centre is a research and technology collaboration between Qingdao New Area government and the National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Centre (Hong Kong Branch) (CNERC-Rail) of PolyU. Riding on PolyU’s academic and research expertise, the Centre aims to drive advancing rail transit technology for the promotion of smart transportation. The inauguration ceremony was hosted by Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU and Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and it was joined by a delegation of Qingdao government led by Ms. YU Yu, Head of the Organization Department of the Qingdao Party Committee. The delegation of Qingdao municipal government and administrative committee of Qingdao New Area visited PolyU and the Industrial Centre. The delegates also participated in fruitful discussions with PolyU researchers from CNERC-Rail and Faculty of Construction and Environment. Valuable discussion was made to drive the establishment of a joint research institute with Qingdao New Area government. The joint research institute aims to drive research collaboration, innovations incubation and talents development. Through this government-academia collaboration platform, it aims to promote the development of world-class technology hub in Qingdao.

23 May, 2023

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