Online Donation Form for LSGI


I/ Our organisation would like to make a donation of following amount (HK$) in support of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, PolyU.

Please input amount in numbers.

Declaration in Relation to Condition for this Donation
^ I/ Our organisation hereby confirm(s) that there will be NO condition attached to this donation.

Type of Donor
Donor Particular
Organisation/ Position
Contact Person/ Position
Mailing Address
Affiliation with PolyU (if applicable)
Department/ School/ Faculty
Name on Donation Receipt (Donations of $100 or above are tax-deductible)
Donor Acknowledgement (Donors who have made cumulative donations of HK$20,000 or above to the University since November 1994 shall be honoured as a member of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Foundation.)
Remain anonymous
Preferred name in donor listings:
Declaration in relation to application of government’s matching grant
I/ Our Organisation acknowledge(s) and agree(s) that if eligible, PolyU will apply for a grant that matches this donation from the Government by submitting details of this donation.

Payment and Receipt

After submitting this form, you will be transferred to the On-line Card Payment System of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. You can settle your donation by Visa, MasterCard or UnionPay. Upon successful donation, you will see a “Payment successful” webpage and receive a payment acknowledgement email from the Finance Office of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. All data will be transmitted in a secure, encrypted format.

An electric donation receipt will be sent to you in due course.

Personal Data Collection Statement

Use of Personal data
Please read our Personal Information Collection Statement at

Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University would like to use your name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address to inform you of the following activities, services and facilities (collectively, “the marketing subjects”): Activities, seminars or workshops organised by us alone, jointly with our parties or by other parties; privileges, discounts and offers for services provided by us alone or jointly with other parties; and charitable, educational, social and other activities that solicit contributions, donations or participation. We cannot use your personal data for sending information on the above marketing subjects to you unless we have received your consent. Please tick the box below to indicate your agreement for us to use your personal data to send you information on the above marketing subjects. You may withdraw from receiving information on the marketing subjects indicated above at any time by sending an email to the Departmental Personal Data Officer at

I agree The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to use my personal data to send me information on the marketing subjects indicated in the Personal Data Collection Statement above.

For enquiries, please contact us at (852) 2766-5968 or email us at
PolyU Foundation: