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WhatsApp Image 2024-08-12 at 6.49.03 PM.jpeg

理大中華文化節 — 中秋晚會
PolyU Chinese Culture Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Gala

「理大中華文化節 ─ 中秋晚會」旨在弘揚傳統中華文化,與理大師生及校友一同慶祝中國傳統節日。活動包括典禮、時裝秀和各類藝術文化表演,並同時在理大校園各處設置多個活動區域,提供豐富的中國傳統文化體驗。歡迎所有理大學生、教職員和校友參加這一節日盛會,共享團圓,豐富文化體驗。

As part of the PolyU Chinese Culture Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala aims to promote traditional Chinese culture and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with the PolyU community. Join us for a variety of activities, including the ceremony, fashion show, and various art and culture performances. It will feature multiple activity zones across the campus. All PolyU students, staff, and alumni are welcome to join us for this festive occasion to reunite and enrich their cultural experience.


2024年9月13日(星期五)晚上 6 時 15 分至 8 時 30 分
13 September 2024 (Friday) 6.15 pm - 8.30 pm

University Square, PolyU


截止報名日期:2024年9月4日 (星期三)
Enrolment Deadline: 4 September 2024 (Wednesday)

成功申請者將會個別收到確認電郵。如有任何查詢,請電郵至 或致電 3400 2433聯絡理大文化及設施推廣處。
Successful applicants will be notified by email individually. For enquiries, please contact the Culture Promotion and Events Office of PolyU at or 3400 2433.

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Your family members and friends are warmly invited to attend the event.

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姓名 Full name

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電郵地址 Email address

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嘉賓二 Guest 2:

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The personal information collected in this form will be used by the Culture Promotion and Events Office (CPEO) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) for purposes relating to your participation in the programme(s).

You may refer to the Privacy Policy Statement of PolyU and Personal Information Collection Statement of PolyU.

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