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Prof. Eric Chui shares insights at welfare summit

Prof. Eric Chui Wing-hong, Co-Director of PReCIT and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, shared his insights into helping the disadvantaged at the “Starting a New Chapter in Hong Kong Social Welfare Summit” co-organised by the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Social Welfare Department.   Online coverage: Ta Kung Pao -

2 Jun, 2023


Prof. Christopher CHAO Appointed as the Chief Executive's Policy Unit Expert Group Member

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of PolyU, is appointed as a member of the Chief Executive's Policy Unit (CEPU) Expert Group (Research Strategy Expert Group) to offer valuable insights and innovative ideas for the benefit of Hong Kong.  The Chief Executive's Policy Unit (CEPU) Expert Group consists of 56 members.  It was established on December 28, 2022 to enhance the Government's capabilities in research and advocacy on long-term and strategic issues. The member appointment takes effect immediately and ends on 29 May 2024.   Online coverage: Now TV - Metro Radio - Hong Kong Economic Journal - Sing Tao Daily - am730 - Ta Kung Pao - HK01 - Master Insight - Dot Dot News - Hong Kong China News Agency -    

31 May, 2023


Prof. Eric Chui enlisted for the Mental Health Review Tribunal Health Bureau of HKSAR

Prof. Eric CHUI Wing-hong, Co-Director of PReCIT, Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and member of the Mental Health Research Centre of PolyU was appointed as a member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal Health Bureau of HKSAR government for a term of two years from until 14 April 2025. The Tribunal was set up in 1989 to consider applications or cases of patients who are liable to be compulsorily detained in mental hospitals or to compulsory guardianship and determine whether the patients should be discharged in accordance with the Mental Health Ordinance. The Tribunal comprises a Chairman, 15 medical members, 15 social work members, and 15 other members with suitable experience in and knowledge of administration or clinical psychology, or other suitable qualifications or experience.

31 May, 2023


理大合辦交流會促進魯港澳產業經貿合作 - Chinese Only

「2023港澳山東周」魯港澳產業合作對接交流會周三結束,會上共簽訂新能源新材料、工業互聯網、產業人才合作等9個項目,涉及金額達到93億元,以推動魯港澳產業經貿合作 。 香港理工大學副校長(研究及創新)兼科技及創新政策研究中心(PReCIT)主任趙汝恒教授致辭時表示,PReCIT正加緊研究數字身份與全球法人機構識別編碼(Legal Entity Identifier)在跨境金融支付、貿易流通、金融監管等領域的應用,有利國家融入全球數字經濟 。 交流會由山東省工業和信息化廳、山東省人民政府台港澳事務辦公室主辦,香港特別行政區創新科技及工業局、香港貿發局、香港理工大學、澳門廠商聯合會、山東人才發展集團有限公司等10家魯港澳單位協辦。出席嘉賓包括創新科技及工業局副局長張曼莉,香港貿發局華北、東北首席代表陳嘉賢,山東省工業和信息化廳廳長張海波,山東省台港澳工作辦公室副主任尹曉民,山東省菏澤市人民政府市長李春英等一百多人。   媒體報導:商報 -

31 May, 2023

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粵港澳 · 溫州合作發展論壇閉幕 理大簽署研究院合作備忘錄 - Chinese Only

「第八屆粵港澳溫州人大會-粵港澳 · 溫州合作發展論壇」在香港理工大學(理大)賽馬會綜藝館圓滿結束。大會首次在港舉行,並以「溫港聯動·共謀發展」為主題,深入探討溫州與粵港澳大灣區合作新模式,共數百位兩地官員、溫籍工商界代表、專家及學者出席。 香港特別行政區行政長官李家超以視頻發表賀辭,全國政協副主席、前香港特別行政區行政長官梁振英,浙江省委常委、溫州市委書記劉小濤,理大校長滕錦光教授發表致辭,並與理大校董會主席林大輝博士參與啟動禮。 滕錦光教授表示:「在推動粵港澳與溫州之間的合作發展過程中,特別是在創新科技方面,溫州工商界的支持和參與、地方政府的政策支持、以及院校和科研的機構的參與, 角色雖然不同,但大家協同合作、互補助力,才能實現目標,達至共贏,造福社會。」 理大行政副校長盧麗華博士、常務及學務副校長黃永德教授、副校長(研究及創新)兼科技及創新政策研究中心主任趙汝恒教授、應用社會科學系系主任兼科技及創新政策研究中心聯席主任崔永康教授等多位理大高管親臨會場,與嘉賓進行精彩互動。 會上,溫州市與理大就共建「香港理工大學溫州技術創新研究院」簽署合作框架協議,促進香港和溫州兩地交流,共同推進技術研發、創業孵化等領域合作。理大接受香港溫州人愛心基金會捐贈,成立理大創新學院獎學金計劃,培育人才。 粵港澳溫州人大會由粵港澳溫州工商會聯合會主辦,香港溫州同鄉會、香港溫州工商會、理大及科技及創新政策研究中心共同承辦。   活動花絮短片:點擊此處   媒體報導: 文匯報 - 鳳凰秀 - 商報 - 新華網 - 香港新聞網 - 中國新聞網 - 新浪網 - 人民網 - 深圳新聞網 - 中國日報(海外版) -

23 May, 2023

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Prof. Eric CHUI leads a PolyU research team to evaluate the effectiveness of Strive and Rise Programme, commissioned by the Social Welfare Department

A PolyU research team led by Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences and Co-Director of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has been commissioned by the Social Welfare Department to evaluate the effectiveness of the Strive and Rise Programme.  Mentees are invited to self-assess various indicators, such as self-esteem and level of social competence before and after the one-year Programme.  Parents/caretakers and mentors are also invited to give feedback on their performance through questionnaires and interviews. Online coverage: Now TV - RTHK - Metro Radio - Oriental Daily News - Hong Kong Economic Journal - Sing Tao Daily - Wen Wei Po - Bastille Post - Orange News -

19 May, 2023

Prof Eric CHUI and APSS colleague visit Bangladesh for research collaboration and criminology semina

Prof. Eric CHUI and APSS colleague visit Bangladesh for research collaboration and criminology seminar

Prof. Eric CHUI, Head and Professor of Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT), and Dr Herbary CHEUNG, Research Assistant Professor of APSS, visited Prime Minister’s Office and government agencies in Bangladesh on 10 May 2023 to exchange views and to discuss potential research collaborations and institutional development between APSS, PReCIT and Bangladesh under Belt and Road Initiative.  They were warmly welcomed by Mr. Doyananda Debnath, Joint Secretary of Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority; Dr. Abu Saleh Mostafa Kamal, Director General of the Department of Social Services, and Mr. Toufique Hasan, Director General of East Asia & Pacific Wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the visit, Prof. CHUI also delivered a keynote speech at Jahangirnagar University's (JU) international seminar on criminology on 11 May 2023.  The seminar was organised by the Department of Government and Politics, JU, with the aim of promoting research and discussion on various aspects of criminology.

17 May, 2023


Intelligent Campus Ventilation System Contributes to Achieving Carbon Neutrality

Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director, and Prof. Horace Mui, Associate Head (Research) of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering and a PReCIT core member, penned an article in Master Insight highlighting the achievements and positive impact of digitizing the ventilation system on the PolyU campus towards achieving carbon neutrality in Hong Kong. Full version (Chinese Only): Click Here

12 May, 2023

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Prof. Christopher CHAO featured in 《Capital》Magazine

Professor Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of PolyU, told 《Capital》Magazine that while more buildings in Hong Kong have been installing solar panels to generate electricity, there is still room for more application of renewable energy in the city. He emphasized that it is crucial to address the issue of limited land supply to further promote renewable energy and energy-from-waste in Hong Kong.  Please refer to the May Edition of 《Capital》Magazine for the full version.

9 May, 2023

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Prof. Haitian LU, Dr Sirui HAN and Ruoxi LI urge the government to introduce regulatory measures to mitigate safety, reliability and other issues related to self-driving technology

In the letter to the editor of SCMP, Prof. Haitian LU, Dr Sirui HAN and Ruoxi LI of PReCIT urge the government to introduce regulatory measures to mitigate safety, reliability and other issues related to self-driving technology, and to take proactive steps to incentivise science, tech and innovation.

2 May, 2023

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