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PolyU surges to 79th in global university rankings (2)

PolyU welcomes the initiatives of 2023-24 Budget that foster joint efforts in promoting research and innovation

Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU, welcomes the initiatives on boosting the development of innovation and technology (I&T) and fostering collaboration among the Government, industry, academia and the research sector as announced in the Government's 2023-24 Budget. The relevant measures will help Hong Kong achieve high-quality development, support the city to develop into an international I&T hub, and contribute to the Nation’s technological advancement. The Government’s staunch commitment to the “Green Tech Fund” is encouraging and has strongly supported local institutions to foster research and applications. PolyU supports the Government’s endeavours in promoting green technology and green industry development. It has robust research teams and facilities in carbon neutrality. The Research Institute for Smart Energy, the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, the Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality, and the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology will contribute technological innovations and policy research to help Hong Kong achieve its carbon neutrality goals. Details refer to:


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HKAES International Bay Area Summit 2023 prospers wisdom on a sustainable GBA development

The two-day summit conceived by the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) gathered distinguished speakers to exchange fruitful views on I&T, entrepreneurship, economic development in GBA and more. Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, the President of PolyU and HKAES delivered closing speech.  Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, PolyU and the Hon Secretary of HKAES facilitated insightful discussion on the role of research and innovations. Congratulations to HKAES for this successful event!


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Prof. Haitian LU and Dr Sirui HAN shared their insights on the ethical use of AI in a letter to SCMP

Prof. Haitian LU and Dr Sirui HAN of PolyU’s Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) shared their insights on the ethical use of AI in a letter to SCMP. They suggested Hong Kong’s policymakers taking a closer look at how the use of large-scale AI models could be governed.  A sustainable AI regulatory agenda should not only cover the scientists that designed the model, but also should act as a gatekeeper for users who interact with and contribute to the model on a routine basis. For details, please refer to:


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福建省晉江市科學技術局與理大科技及創新政策研究中心 (PReCIT) 簽訂合作項目協議,聯合開展課題研究計劃,針對晉江的產業升級需求,研究如何引進和借助香港的科技創新資源和優勢,並提供科研經費支持。 晉江市人民政府同時與理大達成合作框架協議,推動在晉江共建「香港理工大學晉江研究院」,促進產學研合作,共同推進新世紀海上絲綢之路經濟帶建設。 理大副校長(研究及創新)兼PReCIT主任趙汝恆教授表示:「期待項目研究成果能夠促進香港理工大學與晉江市的科研合作及產業結合,賦能晉江產業升級。」 晉江政企代表約50人,包括來自紡織製衣、運動鞋服、食品、新材料、家居用品等知名企業家亦參觀了理大的智慧可穿戴系統研究院、先進製造研究院及人工智慧物聯網研究院,了解理大在交叉學科研究及產學研合作等方面的科研成果及未來發展方向。


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The First Talk of Consul General Talk Series successfully held

The first talk of “Consul General Talk Series” organized by Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and supported by Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) and Global Engagement Office (GEO) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) was successfully held on 13 February 2023.  Mr PHAM Binh Dam, Consul-General of Vietnam in Hong Kong, was invited to be the speaker to talk about the opportunities and prospects for the partnership between Vietnam and Hong Kong in the future.  In addition, a PolyU current student from Vietnam joined the talk to share her study life in Hong Kong. The "Consul General Talk Series" aims to serve as a platform for the PolyU community and the general public to gain insights into and knowledge about the I&T development and policy, opportunities and prospects in Belt and Road Countries through the sharing from the Consuls-General in Hong Kong. Photo album: Click here Press release: English - Click here; Chinese - Click here


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Tsinghua University visits PReCIT to exchange views on GBA I&T Development

A Tsinghua University delegation visited PolyU and PReCIT to understand the I&T policies in the Greater Bay Area.  It is the university’s first overseas visit after the reopening of the border. Prof. Haitian LU, Director of the Mainland Development Office and core member of PReCIT, PolyU, and Dr Chili WU, PReCIT Manager, welcomed more than 20 teachers and students from Tsinghua University.  They introduced the mission and development of PolyU and PReCIT respectively. Overwhelming responses were well received from students on the aspects of Hong Kong's re-industrialization, innovation and technology policies, talent recruitment and integration into the nation’s plan. PReCIT is pleased to be a thought-provoking platform for exchanging views on I&T policies.  Thank you for Tsinghua’s visit and we look forward to more school or institutional visits to our centre to foster influential discussion on Hong Kong’s development.


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Prof. Haitian LU says regulation is the key to the establishment of International Virtual Asset Centre

Prof. Haitian LU, the core member of PReCIT, penned an op-ed in Hong Kong Economic Journal, suggesting the regulation directions of virtual assets in the following aspects: Confirmation and Protection of asset ownership Freedom of contract Enhancement of the legal system & anti-fraud Please refer to the article below for details.


PRecit  (3)

Prof. Haitian LU and Dr Sirui HAN shared insights in the relationship between youth and the development of Web3 in Hong Kong in SCMP

Prof. Haitian LU and Dr Sirui HAN shared their insights in the relationship between youth and the development of Web3 in Hong Kong in an op-ed in SCMP.  According to PReCIT’s survey, as much as 20% of the younger generation, primary undergraduates in their early 20s, have been exposed to digital assets and they are optimistic about Web3. PReCIT urges for a rich supply of Web3-oriented curriculums, cutting-edge research on decentralized finance and prototypes for virtual assets and regulatory sandboxes. The article has been published at SCMP. [English Only]


PRecit  (1)

Prof. Haitian LU featured in Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly Magazine

Prof. Haitian LU, Hong Kong Sustaintech Foundation Professor in Accounting and Finance and core member of PReCIT PolyU, said in the Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly Magazine interview that there is an actual demand for cryptocurrency as a tool for decentralization despite criticism of cryptocurrency as fraud.  He agreed to enhance the protection of investors.  Please refer to the January edition of Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly Magazine below for details.  


PolyU  (2)

Prof. Christopher CHAO attended the RoboMaster Championship Presentation Ceremony

RoboMaster Championship Presentation Ceremony was held last Sunday to award local young talents in robotics and AI.  About 153 primary and secondary schools participated in the competition.  Prof. Christopher CHAO Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of PolyU, was invited as the guest of the ceremony. Ms Lillian CHEONG, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, delivered video remarks and said the HKSAR government will promote STEM education among the primary and secondary schools in the future to cope with the development direction of HK’s innovation and technology. The article is available at Chinanews. [Chinese only]


