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Director of PReCIT, Professor Christopher CHAO and Founder & Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, Dr Winnie TANG co-authored an article on how smart planning helps Hong Kong compete for talent

Hong Kong, like other cities around the world, is competing for talent under a highly competitive environment.  Chief Executive John LEE Ka-chiu recently emphasized the importance of securing high-quality talent, especially in the IT and medical sectors as well as other high-end industries and mentioned that it will be put on his Policy Address agenda. To respond to the HKSAR government’s call during the Policy Address Consultation period, Director of PReCIT, Prof. Christopher CHAO and Founder & Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, Dr Winnie TANG co-authored an article to talk about how smart planning helps Hong Kong compete for talent, in which it is suggested that Northern Metropolis may be an option to attract talents. The article has been published at EJ Insight and China Daily. EJ Insight (Link) [English only] China Daily (Link) [English only]

6 Sep, 2022


PolyU’s new thinktank on innovation and technology policy draws leading minds on planning and land strategy for the Northern Metropolis in its inaugural forum

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) launched its Innovation and Technology Forum Series on 26 August 2022, pooling leading minds and experts from multiple disciplines to contribute to policy and strategy discussions about propelling Hong Kong into an international innovation and technology (I&T) hub. The Series debuted with a forum on the theme of “Planning, Land and Housing for Innovation and Technology Development in Hong Kong”. It attracted over 300 participants joining in person or online from different universities, research institutes and public organisations. Founded in 2022, PReCIT is a university-level interdisciplinary policy research centre. The primary areas of its research include carbon-neutral cities, Greater Bay Area I&T development, and the Belt and Road Initiative development in Southeast Asia. Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU, said, “The development of a vibrant innovation and technology industry is the key to fostering Hong Kong’s future success. For Hong Kong to succeed in the innovation and technology arena, many policy questions need to be addressed, including policies for the integration of Hong Kong into the national innovation ecosystem, and the talent policies that support the development of Hong Kong into an international innovation and technology hub. With the establishment of PReCIT, PolyU aspires to make significant contributions to the formulation of innovation and technology policies in Hong Kong.” Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Director of PReCIT, said, “PReCIT aims at generating impactful and constructive innovation and technology strategies for the Government on societal issues. The Northern Metropolis has strong potential to support Hong Kong’s development into an international I&T hub featuring urban-rural integration and the co-existence of development and conservation. It is a mega project that deserves more discussion. The PReCIT I&T Forum provides a premier platform for experts in the city to exchange views for the betterment of society.” At the forum, Dr Winnie TANG, Founder and Honorary President of the Smart City Consortium; Mr LING Kar-kan, Director of the Jockey Club Design Institute of Social Innovation (J.C.DISI) of PolyU; and Prof. H.C. MAN, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of PolyU, exchanged their insights and ideas about the development of the Northern Metropolis – a core strategy of the HKSAR Government to drive the city’s economic and I&T development, as well as cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Dr Tang offered a roadmap on how the Northern Metropolis could become a smart city role model for other parts of Hong Kong, and help the public to make informed decisions regarding introducing smart city technologies in their neighbourhoods. She added that utilising the city’s spatial data effectively is critical for enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness. Mr Ling, formerly the Director of Planning and Strategic Planning Advisor for Hong Kong/Shenzhen Cooperation of the HKSAR Government, said that the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy will bring enormous changes to residents along the bordering area with Shenzhen, as well as shifts in business models for the next 10 to 15 years. Therefore, collaboration among the government, business, academia, and professionals in planning and land usage deliberation is critical for the long-term synergy between Hong Kong and Shenzhen and their integration into the Greater Bay Area’s development. Prof. Man, who is also the Director of the Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing of PolyU, emphasised the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous inhabitants while developing areas like the San Tin Technopole – a strategic part of the Northern Metropolis that aspires to be Hong Kong’s Silicon Valley. Prof. Man is an indigenous resident and former representative of Chau Tau Village in San Tin. A panel discussion moderated by Prof. Eric CHUI, Co-Director of PReCIT and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of PolyU, and joined by Mr Simon WONG, Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities) of PolyU, further inspired thought-provoking dialogues among participants on hot topics ranging from environmental protection to opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. Friday’s forum was co-organised by the Smart City Consortium and PolyU’s Department of Applied Social Sciences, J.C.DISI, and the Research and Innovation Office. It was supported by the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design, The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, The Hong Kong Institute of Planners, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, and The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. The next forum will be held on 27 September on the topic of “Funding Landscape from Research to Commercialization”. Leaders from Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, and the MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node are invited to share their valuable insights to enhance Hong Kong’s I&T development.   Online coverage of the event (Chinese only): Sing Tao Daily - Headline Daily - Now TV - Hong Kong Economic Journal - Master Insight - Capital - Bastille Post - Quamnet - Yahoo HK - Line Today -   Speakers' Presentation Files (in PDF format): Mr LING Kar-kan - Link Prof. H.C. MAN - Link

26 Aug, 2022

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Director of PReCIT, Professor Christopher CHAO joins Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation as Vice Chairman

On 15th July 2022, Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation has officially been established witnessed by the Chief Executive, Mr John LEE and other officiating guests.  The Alliance is initiated by business leaders, academia and researchers in the industry and field, aiming to foster the development of technology and innovation in Hong Kong to enhance its status as an international technology and innovation centre. The Vice President (Research and Innovation) cum the Director of PReCIT of PolyU, Professor Christopher CHAO serves as one of the Vice Chairmen of the Alliance, while the President of PolyU, Professor Jin-Guang Teng serves as a consultant.

18 Jul, 2022

The PReCIT 1st Brainstorming Meeting (27 June 2022)

The PReCIT held its first brainstorming meeting and welcomed new members from various disciplines to exchange views on the center’s development direction and foster interdisciplinary research collaborations.  The members agreed that the PReCIT will focus on carbon-neutral cities, the Belt and Road Initiative (Southeast Asia), and policy research on technology and innovation in the Greater Bay Area in the future, and publish the results in due course.  Three forums will be held in August, September and November 2022.  Scholars and industry experts are invited to deliver speeches and talks on topics related to planning, research commercialization and funding, and integration into the National System and the Greater Bay Area respectively.  Stay tuned for more details.

4 Jul, 2022

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Research Salon on Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050 (6 May 2022)

The Research Salon on “Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050” was successfully held on 6 May 2022.  We are honoured to have the following three distinguished speakers at the event: Ms Karen Ho, Head of Corporate and Community Sustainability, WWF-HK (Presentation file)  Prof. Christine Loh, Chief Development Strategist, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Presentation file)  Dr Stephen Wong, Senior Vice President and Executive Director, Public Policy Institute, Our Hong Kong Foundation Limited (Presentation file)  The Research Salon was hosted by Prof. Eric Chui, Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences and Co-Director of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) at PolyU.  Prof. Chui addressed that carbon neutrality has been one of the most important social issues we have had to tackle. In light of this, Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT at PolyU was invited to give an introductory remark on the establishment of PReCIT.  Prof. Chao briefed the audience the PReCIT’s aspiration of being a leading research centre in Hong Kong and the region with an influential voice on the development strategy and related policies in the field of innovation and technology. He also mentioned that “carbon neutral cities” has been one of the PReCIT’s research directions.  Firstly, Ms Karen Ho was introduced to deliver a speech on how to drive Hong Kong towards a net zero situation.  Ms Ho elaborated her view by giving examples of Corporate actions as well as individual actions and call to action for building a sustainable future.  Afterwards, Prof. Christine Loh presented a policy perspective on achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.  Prof. Loh outlined four key points of her policy perspective, which included a global revolution for carbon neutrality, the challenge of getting out of fossil fuels, the role of government and importance of having the right policy, and Mainland China matters (mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity). Lastly, Dr Stephen Wong delivered a speech on solving for zero and industry perspective on green buildings. The speakers shared their invaluable insights on how to achieve carbon neutrality in the short term as well as for the future.  A discussion session was followed.  Please click here for online review.  

11 May, 2022


Opening of PRCIT on 1 May 2022

Opening of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) on 1 May 2022

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) aspires to be a leading research centre in Hong Kong and the region with an influential voice on the development strategy and related policies in the field of innovation and technology. Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), is appointed Director of PReCIT while Professor Eric Chui, Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, is appointed Co-Director of PReCIT.

29 Apr, 2022


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創新科技不但是國家和特區政府施政策略重點,也是改善市民生活質素、推動社會和經濟發展的重要範疇。要令香港的創科生態圈蓬勃發展,為本港帶來豐碩科研成果和鞏固其獨特優勢,則須重視人才培養、設施配套,以及把握機遇這三大因素;而三者又環環緊扣。若能夠認清挑戰和把握自身優勢,香港就可以更好地融合國家和全球的發展。 (原文刊登於明報文摘) (Chinese only)

29 Apr, 2022


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