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PolyU welcomes Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint Direction and Key Strategies

PolyU welcomes the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint promulgated by the HKSAR Government, which sets out eight major strategies under the four broad development directions, establishing a clear development path and strategies for Hong Kong's I&T development over the next five to 10 years.  It is encouraging that local universities’ leading position in R&D, under the blueprint strategies, would be further strengthened in order to enhance the I&T ecosystem. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of PolyU, said in an SCMP interview that markets are key for the ecosystem for start-ups.  He suggested the government adopt products and technologies innovated by local starts up and speed up the application process for its funding schemes to help start-ups.  He also advised investors to be more risk-taking when funding start-ups. For details, please click the link to read the SCMP article: LINK  

23 Dec, 2022


PolyU endeavors to promote STEM Education for nurturing I&T talents

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of PolyU was invited to be the award presenter of “The Very First AI Quadrupedal Robot Award Ceremony” sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission. The event is organized by the Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association. Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. CHAO said that fostering STEM Education is important for Hong Kong’s I&T development in terms of nurturing talents. PolyU has been devoted to STEM Education by organizing numerous science education lectures for secondary students since 2017 and offering chances for students to participate in university research projects to arouse their interest in scientific research. He encouraged students to be passionate about innovation and join the upcoming Consul General Talk Series organized by PReCIT to understand more about I&T development along Belt and Road.

15 Dec, 2022

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PReCIT Director says InnoTech Expo’s exhibits are the pride of Hong Kong citizens

The InnoTech Expo 2022 has been kickstarted on 12 December 2022 until 22 December 2022.  The Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and the Director of PReCIT said that the exhibits in the Expo, such as PolyU’s Advanced Space Instruments and Remote Sensing Technologies contributed to the Nation’s Lunar and Mars Exploration Missions, are Hong Kong citizens' pride.  In addition, he encouraged students to study sciences to become new force for innovation and technology of Hong Kong. Below is the newspaper article published at Ta Kung Pao.

13 Dec, 2022


理大成功舉辦西麗湖論壇 · 深港協同創新高峰論壇

Chinese Version Only 香港理工大學(理大)在11月19日(週六)成功舉辦「2022年西麗湖論壇平行論壇--深港協同創新高峰論壇」,活動與深圳分會場全程視頻連線,並邀請了多位重量級專家學者圍繞論壇主題《創新·可持續發展——深港協同創新》分享真知灼見。 理大副校長(研究及創新)及科技及創新政策研究中心主任趙汝恒教授在致辭時提到,深港協同創新高峰論壇為探索構建粵港澳大灣區國際科技創新中心提供良好交流平臺,讓深港兩地高校、科研院所和科技企業的專家和代表分享及探討深港互聯互通科技服務體系、跨區域技術轉移與人才交流等合作機制。理大希望通過是次活動,加強與深圳市及粵港澳大灣區各地的合作,共同推動科研發展和科技創新,一起擁抱開放、深度融合、建設未來。 西麗湖論壇由國家科學技術部和深圳市人民政府共同主辦,旨在聚焦新時代新征程的使命任務,圍繞西麗湖國際科教城建設的目標及功能定位,以構築“科技、教育、產業、金融”緊密融合的創新體系為主線,著力打造具有國際影響力、彰顯大灣區特色、體現融合創新特點的高級別創新品牌論壇,為加速集聚全球創新資源,推進粵港澳大灣區國際科技創新中心和深圳先行示範區建設提供有力支撐。 新聞來自香港理工大學研究及創新辦事處: 連結

13 Dec, 2022

PReCIT_3rd IT Forum cum Launch Ceremony

PolyU launches Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology to advocate for strategies for integrating with the Nation’s development

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosted the “Forum on Integrating I&T into GBA and the National System cum Launch Ceremony of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT)” on campus on 24 November 2022 as one of the PolyU’s 85th Anniversary celebratory events. About 300 staff, students, alumni, leaders from I&T, finance, academia and guests attended this grand occasion and exchanged views on how Hong Kong can proactively integrate into the Nation’s development plan. Mr XU Jie, Deputy Director-General of the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China; Prof. SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, HKSAR Government; and Ms LI Fangfang, Director of the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered opening video remarks to congratulate PolyU on its 85th Anniversary and the official debut of PReCIT. Prof. Sun Dong remarked, “I wish to congratulate PolyU on the establishment of the new Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology. I trust that the Centre will play an important role in facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration for more impactful research, in particular in the I&T field. I am sure that today’s discussions will be inspiring and fruitful, leading to more bright ideas and innovation.” The launch ceremony was officiated by Dr LAM Tai-fai, PolyU Council Chairman; Ms Lillian CHEONG, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government; Mr Charles LI, Co-Founder and Chairman of Micro Connect and Former Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President; Dr Lawrence LI Kwok-chang, PolyU Deputy Council Chairman; Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost; Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President; Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT; and Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of Department of Applied Social Sciences and Co-Director of PReCIT. Prof. Jin-Guang Teng said, “For more than eight decades, PolyU and its predecessors have played an important role in answering the call of the times and contributing to the advancement of Hong Kong, the Nation and the world. The establishment of PReCIT is just another timely step taken by the University to respond to key national strategies that unleash unlimited opportunities for Hong Kong’s future development.” PReCIT is a University-level interdisciplinary policy research centre with the aspiration to be the leading I&T thinktank in Hong Kong and the region. At the launch ceremony, Prof. Christopher Chao introduced PReCIT’s background and three major research foci – carbon neutral cities, the Greater Bay Area I&T development, and the Belt and Road Initiative development in Southeast Asia, with a view to dovetailing with the National 14th Five Year Plan in supporting Hong Kong to develop into an international I&T hub. He explained, “The respective strengths of Hong Kong and the mainland should complement each other in deliberation on cross‑boundary integration proposals which aim to foster R&D commercialization in order to unleash the potentials of the GBA and Belt and Road economies as well as the opportunity associated with re‑industrialization. Achieving that goal requires a cross‑boundary policy on I&T cooperation including with regard to the flows of I&T material, capital, data and people between Hong Kong and mainland provinces. PReCIT, as the advocacy body of PolyU, endeavours to formulate strategies that support Hong Kong’s participation in the national pioneering technology missions.” Mr Charles LI presented the keynote speech on how GBA’s strengths in innovation and wealth of talents, coupled with Hong Kong’s global connectivity, help channel global funds to micro and small businesses in mainland China, and provide a new alternative to impact investment, citing Micro Connect as an example. Prof. C.C. CHAN, Co-Founder of the Greater Bay Area Association of Academicians; Dr Otto POON, President of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences; Dr Sunny CHAI, Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries; and Dr Stephen WONG, Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the Public Policy Institute, Our Hong Kong Foundation, were invited to share their insights, ahead of the announcement of the Hong Kong I&T Development Blueprint, in the panel discussion session moderated by Prof. Haitian LU, PolyU’s Director of Mainland Development and Core Member of PReCIT. Prof. C.C. Chan shared his experiences on cooperating with the innovation and technology sector in the mainland. He reiterated that it is important for the HKSAR government to work together with stakeholders, especially experts and the capital market, to advance I&T development. Dr Otto Poon called on the government to set a R&D policy direction that supports the Nation’s development. He also suggested Hong Kong and other cities in the GBA together establish an intellectual property exchange platform for university researchers to present their research outcomes and attract further funding. Dr Sunny Chai explained how Hong Kong serves as an industrial and I&T headquarters in connecting the GBA and ASEAN for research commercialisation and empowering advanced manufacturing, capitalising on the City’s strengths in the industry chain and as a financial centre. Dr Stephen Wong emphasized that collaboration and integration with other GBA cities across the value chain are critical in unleashing the potential highlighted by the Policy Address measures on attracting enterprises and talents. Therefore, joint cross-border policy initiatives are important to overcome barriers to deepening market access and facilitating movements of factors of production. Prof. Eric Chui concluded that concerted effort from all sectors of the community is essential to provide a sustainable and supportive environment for high-calibre and potential I&T talents to be persuaded to stay in Hong Kong. Highlight video of the event: Click here Full version of the video recording: Click here Photo album: Click here PolyU Excel x Impact: Click here Online coverage: Commercial Radio - Hong Kong Economic Journal - Hong Kong Economic Times - Wen Wei Po - Hong Kong Commercial Daily - Capital Magazine - Master Insight - Xinhua Net - Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R - China News Service - China Daily - - Sina - Sohu - - The following is the Sing Tao's newspaper article on the event.  

30 Nov, 2022

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Mr Simon WONG, Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities), and Prof. Geoffrey SHEN, Associate Vice President (Global Partnerships) of PolyU talk about the modular integrated construction (MiC)

The article has been published at the Sing Tao Daily feature. [Chinese only]

21 Nov, 2022

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APEC Energy Forum 2022 co-hosted by Renmin University of China and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University successfully held

The APEC Energy Forum 2022 co-hosted by Renmin University of China and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was successfully held on 12 November 2022.  Over 100 professionals, academics, business leaders and youth in different disciplines from the APEC member economies attended the Forum in hybrid mode.  In addition, more than 300,000 people watched it through Ifeng a day after the Forum. The President of PolyU, Prof. Jin-guang TENG, one of the Forum’s conveners, delivered his welcoming remarks and concluding remarks at the opening ceremony and the closing session respectively. At the sub-forum on “Energy Transition and Energy Access Initiative” hosted by PolyU, the six invited speakers, Mr PANG Yiu Hung, JP, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the Government of the HKSAR, Dr Stephen WONG, Senior Vice President & Executive Director of Public Policy Institute of Our Hong Kong Foundation, Mr Peter WONG Wai-yee, Managing Director of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, Mr Jim TAYLOR, Senior Director of Planning & Development of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, and two Chair Professors of PolyU including Prof. POON Chi-sun, Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials and Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Prof. WANG Shengwei, Chair Professor of Building Energy and Automation of Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, delivered their speeches and shared their insights on the theme. Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of PolyU joined and supported the Forum as one of the co-organizers.  This Forum successfully acted as a platform for APEC member economies to share views on and discuss about various topics of energy that matter in the world today, aiming to further promote the idea of energy development, accelerate the implementation of the Energy Access Initiative in the APEC Region, and support the United Nations in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Online coverage: Ta Kung Pao - Wen Wei Po -

14 Nov, 2022

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Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area Co-develop Innovation and Technology with Optimistic Prospects

Interviewed by for its 35th Anniversary special topic on Innovation and Technology, Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Director of PReCIT, mentioned that PolyU endeavors to support Hong Kong’s I&T development and interdisciplinary research collaboration.  PolyU’s global university ranking is advanced to a new height in Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023. Prof. CHAO said that Hong Kong has top research talents whlist the Greater Bay Area (GBA) has a huge market for talents and enterprises to test research products for commercialization with supportive policies from the central government.  He is optimistic about Hong Kong and GBA’s co-development of I&T and encouraged the academia and Industry to join hands to promote research commercialization and entrepreneurship, for building an international innovation and technology hub together.  For details, please refer to the latest edition of .

14 Nov, 2022

Dream house

PReCIT Director urges Hong Kong to capitalize on the opportunities from the transition to a greener world

In an op-ed in HK01, Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU’s Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director said Hong Kong as an international finance centre should assist the Greater Bay Area (GBA) in establishing a carbon market conforming to international standard, collaborate with the Nation and capitalize on the opportunities from the transition to a greener world in order to achieve the Nation's dual-carbon goals and to contribute to combating the global climate change crisis. The article is available at HK01. [Chinese Only]

26 Oct, 2022

PReCIT welcomes the 2022 Policy Address Initiatives

PReCIT welcomes the 2022 Policy Address Initiatives

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) welcomes the Chief Executive’s initiatives in the 2022 Policy Address that support Innovation and Technology Development in Hong Kong. The initiatives outlined in the Policy Address will chart a brighter tomorrow for Hong Kong with the strong support of the central government and the distinctive advantages of being closely connected to the world. PReCIT is grateful that the HKSAR Government has incorporated our suggestions on enhancing carbon neutrality and the I&T ecosystem, as well as promoting the commercialisation of research and development (R&D) into the Policy Address in order to foster Hong Kong’s development into an international innovation and technology centre. PReCIT welcomes the launch of the $10 billion “Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One‑plus Scheme” next year to promote research outcome application via strengthening the collaboration among industry, academia and research. The Policy Address proposed the establishment of the Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises (OASES), the Talents Service Unit, and Dedicated Teams for Attracting Businesses and Talents to formulate strategies for attracting I&T enterprises and talents. Other I&T initiatives include the launch of the Top Talent Pass Scheme, the expansion of the STEM Internship Scheme,  the increase of UGC‑funded research postgraduate (RPg) places and its over-enrolment ceiling, enhancing accommodation support for I&T talents, and attraction on outstanding students along the Belt and Road to pursue their studies or career in Hong Kong. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Director of PReCIT, said “ The 2022 Policy Address has contributed a substantial roadmap for attracting I&T talents. These measures will bring new momentum to the city’s innovation and technology development. We look forwards to more details on the Hong Kong I&T Development Blueprint to be promulgated by the HKSAR Government this year.” According to the Policy Address, the HKSAR Government will study the trial implementation of a cross‑boundary policy on I&T co‑operation including the flows of I&T material, capital, data and people between Hong Kong and Shenzhen to support the city’s participation in the national pioneering technology missions. Prof. Eric CHUI, Co-Director of PReCIT and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of PolyU added, “PReCIT appreciates the HKSAR Government to take our recommendations on I&T policies. PolyU will be continuously committed to making impactful contributions in driving an international I&T centre in the GBA.”

20 Oct, 2022

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