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Hong Kong-GBA Low Altitude Economy Seminar Debuts at PolyU

The inaugural Hong Kong-GBA Low Altitude Economy Seminar was held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) last Sunday, drawing over 130 experts from government bureaus, business sector and education institutions exchanging views on relevant topics. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director delivered an opening remarks while Prof. Wen Chih-yung, PolyU Head of AAE, Chair Professor of Aeronautical Engineering and ADoRISports, gave a keynote presentation at the seminar.   Online Coverage: Ta Kung Pao - Hong Kong Commercial Daily - -  



Prof. Christopher CHAO Addresses Jiangxi Symposium

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, addressed the opening ceremony of the inaugural Ganzhou graphene and textile and apparel new material industry symposium (石墨烯暨紡織服裝新材料產業論壇) in Jiangxi. At the ceremony, PolyU formed a strategic partnership with the Government of Xingguo province, Jiangxi, aiming to better gather quality resources to promote the development of textile and apparel industry. Prof. CHAO also witnessed the inauguration of the graphene technology centre (石墨烯科技館), the first county-level centre of such kind, next day. Online Coverage: The paper: NetEase - (20 Mar) NetEase - (21 Mar) Sohu - 大江網 -  



Prof. Christopher CHAO re-appointed to Cyberport Board of Directors

HKSAR Government re-appoints Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport) for a two-year term from 1 April. Other re-appointed Directors include Cyberport Chairman Mr Simon Chan Sai-ming, Ms Ivy Cheung Wing-han, Mr Michael Leung Kin-man, Ms Erica Ma Yun and Ms Maggie Tsoi Tsz-shan. Mr Nicholas Chan, Mr Ken Wong and Mr Patrick Tsang are newly appointed to the Board of Directors.   HKSAR Government's announcement: Online Coverage: - Hong Kong Economic Journal - Hong Kong Commercial Daily - Quamnet - Sina HK -



PReCIT Signs MoU with Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd to Jointly Promote ESG

Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd (Sing Tao) to join forces to foster the promotion and application of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and related research commercialisation. Through the power of collaboration and collective action with the renowned & credible media, ESG influencers and experts will be invited to share their invaluable insights, research, and expertise to inspire and drive positive change in the realm of sustainability and responsible corporate practices. Dr Jin CAI, CEO of Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd and PolyU PReCIT Advisory Committee Member, said a more heightened level on ESG would be available to the public with the collaboration with PReCIT to integrate ESG policy research recommendations. Sing Tao would provide platform and resources to PolyU to jointly promote sustainability. A seminar on ESG co-organised by Sing Tao, PolyU PReCIT, the School of Accounting & Finance, and Center for Economic Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Finance was held on the same occasion. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director, said in his keynote presentation that establishing a transparent ESG platform in Hong Kong can enhance investor confidence and improve corporate risk management, and access to capital. He urged for the development of industry-specific ESG reporting guidance to enhance disclosure details for green finance. Other speakers included Dr Zeng CHENG and Dr XIANG Yi, PolyU Associate Professor and Research Assistant Professor of the School of Accounting and Finance. Dr Xiang said Hong Kong’s ESG disclosure is leading in the Asia Pacific, particularly in the utility industry. He supported the establishment of an independent  ESG Certification system to assess corporates’ ESG data and information’s credibility to respond to the nation’s development of “new quality productivity” (新質生產力) as mentioned in the  government work report presented at the opening of the annual session of the National People's Congress.   Online Coverage: Sing Tao Daily - Sing Tao Daily - Headline Daily - stnn (星島環球網):    Print News:       



Prof. Christopher CHAO Shares Insight on Country’s “New Quality Productivity”

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University responded to the country’s development of “new quality productivity” (新質生產力) for the I&T companies and young people in Hong Kong and related opportunities at TVB’s programme “A Closer Look”.   His insight is available at: (08:05 - 10:54)


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Consul General of Sweden to Hong Kong and Macau Unveils Sustainability Success Story at PolyU PReCIT Consul General Talk

The fourth in the “Consul General Talk Series” organised by the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), was held on 29 February. Under the theme of “Innovation, Technology & Carbon Neutrality in Sustainable Cities”, in her keynote address Ms Louise BERGHOLM, Consul General of Sweden to Hong Kong and Macau, showcased Sweden's experiences as a renowned trailblazer of sustainability development in shaping sustainable cities. Sweden is well-known as a sustainability pioneer. Ms Bergholm said, “Sweden aims to be completely fossil-free and use 100% renewable energy by 2045 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We hope our green model, achieved through technical innovation, will encourage more supportive global action on sustainability. With its previous accomplishments in addressing climate change, Sweden has proven that combining sustainability with human well-being is a path to success and development.” PolyU is committed to fostering carbon-neutrality through interdisciplinary research and ground-breaking green tech innovations on campus. Eight PolyU research projects were granted total funding of HK$39.8 million from the HKSAR Government Green Tech Fund, ranking them first in both the number of supported projects and the total awarded funding among UGC-funded universities since the fund's inception in 2020. In addition, HK$24 million was awarded to 34 PolyU projects by the Environment and Conservation Fund from 2020 to 2022, further validating PolyU’s efforts in fostering sustainability. The University has established the Carbon Neutrality Funding Scheme to support research projects focused on decarbonisation. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT said, “Last year was the warmest year on record. We must unite and take decisive action to address the pressing climate challenge. A green campus would set a crucial role model to mobilise concerted efforts on sustainable living. PolyU has laid out its Roadmap to Achieving Carbon Neutrality on Campus, targeting to achieve Scope 1 (direct emission) and Scope 2 (indirect emission) carbon neutrality by 2045, five years ahead of the HKSAR Government's plan.” He added, “The establishment of PReCIT is timely for the shaping of influential I&T policy recommendations to support governmental actions. The Centre has secured a Public Policy Research Fund to assess the adoption of electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Hong Kong. With carbon neutrality as one of the Centre’s key foci, we hope to contribute to the accelerated development of sustainable cities.” Prof. Eric CHUI, PReCIT Co-Director and Head of the PolyU Department of Applied Social Sciences, emphasised the critical importance of achieving sustainability and urged concerted action in fighting climate change. During the discussion session, there were a number of thought-provoking exchanges among industry influencers and experts focusing on how to adopt best practices for a more sustainable future. Facilitating the sharing of perspectives by Hong Kong-based diplomats, the “Consul General Talk Series” is supported by the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the Global Engagement Office to serve as a platform for the PolyU community and the general public to gain insights into the latest I&T policies and prospects in the Belt and Road countries.   Photo album: Click here Press Release: Click here (English Verision) Click here (Chinese Version)   Online coverage: Hong Kong Economic Journal  - Hong Kong Commercial Daily - - Think Hong Kong - Sing Tao Daily News - The GBA Education Integrative Development Think Tank -



PolyU proposes the establishment of a medical school and a large-scale teaching hotel in the Northern Metropolis to support the development of the medical, hotel and tourism industries in the Greater Bay Area

At a spring media luncheon today, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Council Chairman Dr LAM Tai-fai and President Prof. Jin-Guang Teng outlined the University’s latest developments, alongside other senior management team members, faculty/school deans and representatives. Themed “United and Progressive, Innovation for Strength”, these developments included an earlier proposal to the government for the establishment of a PolyU satellite campus in the Northern Metropolis, with a focus on fostering scientific research and innovation to address the needs of the Greater Bay Area and the Nation. Additionally, PolyU aims to establish a research powerhouse and large-scale research facilities to attract and nurture more innovation and technology (I&T) talents. Dr LAM Tai-fai said, “2024 holds great significance for PolyU as it marks the 30th anniversary of our institution achieving university status. We are thrilled to organise a series of celebratory events under the theme ‘Powering Innovation: 30 Years and Beyond’, including the ‘PolyU Chinese Culture Festival’. The Festival aims to promote the rich traditions of Chinese culture, cultivate a deeper appreciation of Chinese heritage, and strengthen the sense of pride and belonging to the Nation among the younger generation, the PolyU community and wider society.” PolyU proposed establishing a medical school and large teaching hotel with a convention and exhibition centre at the new campus to address the healthcare needs of the Greater Bay Area’s population and boost the region’s tourism, convention and exhibition industries. Prof. Jin-Guang Teng said, “Once established, the Northern Metropolis is projected to have a population of 2.5 million, accounting for one-third of Hong Kong’s population, with an emerging need for medical services. With a long history of excellence, PolyU offers expertise across a wide spectrum of health technology disciplines, including rehabilitation science, medical laboratory science, radiography, nursing, optometry, and more. We hope to fully leverage our strengths in ‘medical and engineering integration’ and build on this solid foundation to advance the integrated development of medicine and health sciences.” In addition, to meet the demand for talent and technology in the Artificial Intelligence era, PolyU also plans to establish its tenth school in the middle of this year, initially comprising three departments, including the Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The “PolyU Chinese Cultural Festival” will kick off in the middle of March, focusing on different art forms and themes including pottery lacquerware and embroidery, and inviting scholars, experts and artists to showcase the values and charm of Chinese culture through exhibitions, lectures and workshops.   Press Release: Click here (English Version) Click here (Chinese Version)



PolyU Research Centre for Electric Vehicles Officially Launches

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) hosted the “Launch Ceremony of Research Centre for Electric Vehicles cum Forum on Intelligent EV and Energy for Carbon Neutrality” co-organised by the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) on campus, in the presence of approximately 350 staff and students, together with leaders from government, innovation and technology, energy and academic sectors.  In his closing remarks at the Forum, Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT mentioned that PolyU has been paying strong attention to carbon neutrality and is leading in securing Green Tech Fund and Environment and Conservation Fund among all local institutions. It has also recently secured a Public Policy Research Fund to study hydrogen fuel cell vehicle and electric vehicle related policies. PolyU would continue to strive for excellence in education, research and knowledge dissemination, thereby making significant contributions to the progress of the Nation, while also journeying toward a more sustainable future and achievement of the goal of carbon neutrality. The Research Centre for Electric Vehicles (RCEV) is led by its Director, Prof. C.C. CHAN, who is widely recognised as the “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles”, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Distinguished Chair Professor of the PolyU Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The Research Centre aims to develop a cutting-edge research platform to address energy and technical challenges presented by modern electric vehicles. Prof. SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, HKSAR Government; and Mr Neil Bush, Founder and Chair of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, delivered opening remarks. Together with Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, PolyU President and Prof. C.C. CHAN, RCEV Director, they congratulated the University on the establishment of the Centre.   Press Release: Click here (English Version) Click here (Chinese Version)   Online Coverage: HKCNA - Link - Link TVB - Link Now TV - Link CRHK - Link HKCNA - Link HKCD - Link Sing Tao - Link ODN - Link WWP - Link TKP - Link HKEJ - Link Headline Daily - Link AM730 - Link Lion Rock Daily - Link China Daily - Link People’s Daily Overseas Edition - Link Bauhinia - Link China News Service - Link - Link SZ News - Link Fujian Daily - Link - Link East Money - Link Sohu - Link HKEJ - Link - Link AM730 - Link TKWW - Link Dot Dot News - Link BNN Breaking - Link Xinhua Net - Link The Voice of GBA - Link The 21st Century Business Herald - Link - Link Sina - Link Wallstreetcn - Link East Money - Link



PolyU Targets to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2045

Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, gave an interview to Sing Tao Daily to elaborate on the University’s carbon neutrality plan, including multiple green tech research centres and projects, and targets to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2045.   Full Article:  



Prof. Christopher CHAO Urges for Improvement on GBA Capital Flow

Professor Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director said in an interview with the South China Morning Post that more local start-ups were willing to tap into the mainland market. In contrast, more room for capital flow improvement was required regarding the 5th Anniversary of the release of the Outline Development Plan for GBA. Please refer to below for details.


