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PRecit (9)

PReCIT Prof. Xu Qinhua Shares On the Belt and Road Initiative

Prof. Xu Qinhua, PReCIT Core Member and Honorary Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University penned an op-ed in Wen Wei Po about the benefits of the Belt and Road Initiative and how to deal with the international naysayers discrediting the Initiative.   The full version is available at (Chinese Only):

27 Sep, 2023

23Policy Address publish

PolyU Makes Recommendations for 2023 Policy Address Advocating Establishment of University Town in the Northern Metropolis and Propelling Green Economy

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has submitted recommendations for the Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address during the public consultation period, covering the development of a carbon neutral city, Greater Bay Area (GBA) innovation, and technology (I&T) and the Belt and Road. Key recommendations include: 1. Encouraging the Development of the Green Economy and Building Carbon Neutral Cities PReCIT supports the HKSAR Government in its aim of strengthening global and regional collaboration for building carbon-neutral cities and developing an international carbon market, as well as to leverage the Science Park, Cyberport and tertiary institutions as entry points to support research and development of eco-friendly technologies and encourage businesses to adopt green technologies in their production. It is also recommended that the government considers evaluating the risks and feasibility of introducing hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles and conducting relevant policy and legal studies. To achieve sustainable waste management, it is suggested that automatic food waste collection and dewatering systems should be in place in newly established public housing estates. Shortening the time between building energy audits and implementation of energy-saving measures could reduce carbon emissions from building construction. Other recommendations include approval of the PolyU Green Deck project which can help publicise the concept of sustainable development for attracting talents and enterprises from around the world to come and settle, live and work in Hong Kong. 2. Building a University Town in the Northern Metropolis to Establish a Seamless I&T Ecosystem The government is advised to optimise existing education policies and establish an international education hub. Building a university town in the Northern Metropolis, together with the provision of accommodation support or housing subsidies to students, will help create a conducive ecosystem for collaboration between industry, academia, research and startups. To tap into the opportunities and address the challenges of digital transformation, PReCIT advocates the government establishing an international data centre and a supercomputing centre, promoting the application of blockchain-based Legal Entity Identifier, optimising the regulation of artificial intelligence, and adopting the PolyU Innovation and Technology Index as an indicator of Hong Kong’s I&T development.   In relation to fostering the development of the Chinese Medicine (CM) industry, PReCIT proposes the establishment of a central research platform and an International Dietary Supplement and Botanical Drug Research Centre to strengthen validation of CM’s efficacy and safety.   3. Facilitating Cross-Border Trade Activities and Academic Collaboration with the Belt and Road Countries This year marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). PReCIT supports the government in promoting cross-border trade activities under the BRI and advocates the establishment of a BRI I&T hub, as well as a government-industry-academia-research consortium dedicated to BRI. It is recommended funds are allocated for interdisciplinary and collaborative research. To attract outstanding students to study and stay in Hong Kong after graduation, the government may consider setting up BRI scholarships, research funding schemes, BRI outstanding student grants and loan schemes. In addition, it is crucial to reinforce promotion of tourism and cultural exchange initiatives in the BRI countries as these can help strengthen connections with these countries, particularly in areas pertaining to ASEAN countries' I&T development. Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT, said, “Hong Kong has unique geographical advantages, a well-established legal system, and five world-class universities that have attained exceptional achievements in basic scientific research. However, the private sector’s investment in R&D in Hong Kong is relatively low. It is imperative for the government to drive industry-academia-research collaboration and research commercialisation as a new driving force for Hong Kong’s economic growth. As an innovative world-class university, PolyU is committed to providing excellent education and impactful interdisciplinary research in order to support the City’s I&T development.” Prof. Eric CHUI, Co-Director of PReCIT and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of PolyU, added, “Talent is a key element for Hong Kong’s development as an international I&T hub. Offering scholarships, grants, and loans to outstanding students from Belt and Road countries, along with a pre-requisite requirement of serving in Hong Kong upon graduation, would be helpful in attracting talents to Hong Kong for long-term contribution and fostering mutual economic collaboration.”   The full recommendation report is available at: (English Version) (Chinese Version)    Press Release: Click here (English Version) Click here (Chinese Version)   Online Coverage:  Hong Kong Economic Journal - https://www.hkej/instantnews/article/3571823 iMoney - EDigest - Hong Kong Business Times - 鉅亨網 -  MirageNews -  

25 Sep, 2023


JPEX Scam Sounds Alarm on Need to Regulate and Educate

Professor Haitian Lu, Dr Sirui Han and Ruoxi Li of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) discussed the questions about regulation and education raised by the JPEX scam in the letter to the editor of SCMP. Please refer to below for details:  

22 Sep, 2023


PReCIT Members: Shenzhen-HK-Tie-Up in Hetao Zone to Propel Region into an international Innovation Pivot

Prof. Haitian Lu and Dr. Sirui Han of PReCIT penned an op-ed in China Daily Hong Kong Edition about the development of the Shenzhen-HK tie-up in the Hetao zone. Please refer to below for details:  

22 Sep, 2023


Prof. Christopher CHAO: Governments Should Remain Open-minded about Data Interchange

In an interview with 《MingPao Daily》, Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director of PolyU, said that data analysis is very important for academic research and suggested policymakers to open mainland data to designated institutions in Hong Kong for research purposes. He urged the governments of Hong Kong and the Mainland to keep an open mind when negotiating the data interchange. Details refer to (Chinese Only):

18 Sep, 2023


PolyU Joins Hands with Jiangsu to Promote Research and Innovation

PolyU signed agreements with the Jiangsu Productivity Promotion Center on Monday in Jiangsu for the collaboration among the industry, academia and research sectors. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director PolyU said that with the help of Jiangsu’s application scenarios, the translation of the University’s research outputs would be facilitated. Online Coverage:

14 Sep, 2023


PReCIT Member Discusses LEI Application in HK

Prof. Lu Haitian of PReCIT penned an op-ed in Hong Kong Economic Journal, discussing the advantages of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) in the era of digital finance. The full version (Chinese only) is available at:

6 Sep, 2023


PolyU publishes Policy Paper on University-Industry Collaboration for Chinese Medicine Innovation in the Greater Bay Area

The Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and the Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation (RCMI) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have co-authored the Policy Paper on University-Industry Collaboration for Chinese Medicine (CM) Innovation in the Greater Bay Area. The paper outlines recommendations to policymakers for capitalising on the opportunities arising from the dynamic consumer market and talent pool in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) with the aim of fostering the development and innovation in the traditional Chinese Medicine (CM) industry.    The key recommendations are: 1. Enhancing Hong Kong’s CM Research and Development Ecosystem  Fragmented and limited funding mechanisms for the CM industry remain barriers to developing traditional CM to its full potential. The HKSAR Government is advised to create a supportive and robust environment for the development of the CM ecosystem by expanding the funding scope of the Chinese Medicine Development Fund, and encouraging academia-industry and interdisciplinary collaboration in CM. The establishment of a research platform fund for industry-oriented R&D projects would be conducive to more effective and widespread application of complementary and integrative CM-related healthcare solutions. The establishment of a central research platform, comprising an Evidence-based Chinese Medicine Research Centre in partnership with the Schools of Chinese Medicine in three local universities as well as CM hospitals nationwide, and an International Dietary Supplement and Botanical Drug Research Centre, is encouraged to promote mental and physical wellness and validation of CM’s efficacy and safety.   2. Promoting the Internationalisation of CM To facilitate the export of the high-quality Lingnan CM brand to international markets, it is recommended to accelerate the approval and mutual certification mechanisms of Chinese proprietary medicine among GBA cities, incentivise cross-boundary collaborations for research and development, streamline evaluation processes and align CM standards with international norms via their progressive integration into the global regulatory framework.   3. Commercialisation and Innovation of CM Health Maintenance Products To bridge the needs of different sectors leveraging technology advancement, the HKSAR Government is encouraged to establish a three-way trading and cross-border cooperative blockchain platform for electronic contracting, circulation and traceability procedures in CM projects. Greater effort in branding and promoting CM-based Health Maintenance Products and functional food is suggested to capture rising demand from the aging population.    4. Constructing a Bio-digital Product Innovation Hub The HKSAR Government is urged to support the adoption of new technology, such as sensors, the internet-of-things and artificial intelligence in CM diagnosis, treatment and monitoring, in order to address an anticipated clinical staff shortage and future therapeutic demands.   Prof. Wing-tak WONG, PolyU Deputy President and Provost noted that, “Talents are the key to innovation. The Government is advised to provide financial support for the collaborative training programmes organised by tertiary institutions in the GBA and CM hospitals in Hong Kong and Mainland China, so as to nurture skilled CM talents who are ready for the opportunities emerging from the development of the GBA.” Prof. Christopher CHAO, PolyU Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Director of PReCIT said, “With concerted effort from industry-academia collaboration and supportive government policies, Hong Kong has a distinct advantage in becoming the bridgehead for CM in the international arena. Leveraging our strength in interdisciplinary research, PolyU is dedicated to contributing to the research and application of CM treatment and practices.”   The full report is available at:    Press Release: Click here (English Verision) Click here (Chinese Version)   Online Coverage: Hong Kong Economic Journal - Think Hong Kong - Hong Kong Business Time - Hong Kong China News Agency - Mirage -

2 Sep, 2023


PReCIT Establishes a Sub-branch in Jinjiang for Nurturing Research Talents

The inauguration of the PolyU-Jinjiang Technology and Innovation Research Institute was held on 2 September. Council Chairman Dr LAM Tai-fai, President Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, Executive Vice President Dr Miranda LOU, and Vice President (Research and Innovation) and PReCIT Director Prof. Christopher CHAO of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University attended the ceremony. The institute will cover research on textile technology, innovative food, microelectronics, and innovation and technology policy, aiming to strengthen and facilitate research collaboration among industries, academia and research organisations in Hong Kong and Jinjiang. PReCIT will set up a sub-branch in Jinjiang and to nurture outstanding engineers and talents.   Online Coverage:  人民日報 - Hong Kong Commercial Daily - China News Service - Jinjiang TV - Fujian TV - Quanzhou TV - Fujian Daily - 東南網 - 閩南網 - 泉州網 -      

2 Sep, 2023


Shenzhen-Hong Kong Sci-tech zone to bolster I&T Ecosystem

China’s State Council promulgated the development plan for the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (HTCZ), with an aim to promote cross-border I&T collaboration on Tuesday. Dr Han Sirui of Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  told 《China Daily》 that the HTCZ will create a harmonious business environment in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and entice innovation teams in GBA to secure fundraising. Please refer below for details: (Print Only)  

31 Aug, 2023

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