- Curvature ErrorThe difference between the line of collimation and level line during levelling, it affects heigh measurements and can be more apparent over long distances.
- Curvilinear CorrelationWhere rate of change for variables are not constant, i.e. as one constant increases the other would also increase until a certain point where it will decrease, shape of graph is generally in the shape of a curve or parabola.
- Cut-and-FillEarth moving process of construction, where materials from cut matches materials required to fill embankments.
- Cutoff AngleSee definition on Mask Angle.
- Cycle AmbiguityThe Unknown number of whole wavelengths (integer number of wavelength) between the reciever and satellite within a set of measurements.
- Cycle SlipDiscontinuity of integer number of cycles due to temporary loss of signal.
- Cyclic ErrorError in EDM directly related to wavelengths, its magnitude is dependent on the phase differnce.
- Cyclic SlipSudden loss of locked signal one or more carriers, causes a jump in the integer number of cycles (Cycle Ambiguity).
- Cylindrical Coordinate3D coordinate system that specifies point positions from a chose reference axis, specified by: radial distance (radius), angular coordinate measured from azimuth, height (r, θ, z).
- Cylindrical ProjectionsProjections where a cylinder is wraped around the Earth and features are mapped onto the cylinder's surface.
- CYMKCyan, Yellow, Magenta, Black
- CZSCCoastal Zone Colour Scanner
- D Infinity MethodMethod for computing flow direction by selecting the tirangle with the steepest slope in a raster and using this as the flow direction.
- Dangle ArcArc with the same polygon on left and right side and a Dangling Node at the end.
- Dangling NodeNode at the end of an arc, not connected to other arcs.
- Darcy's LawLaw describing flow of fluid through porus medium.
- Dark CurrentA continual current of electons independent of incident light intensity and dependent on the temperature.
- DasymetricThematic Mapping, display of volumetric (numeric) data through the use of areal symbols (e.g., population density map).
- Data Analysis ProcessExamining the data using various viewing and interpretation devices to analyze pictorial data and/or a computer to analyze digital sensor data.
- Data ArchitectureModles, policies, rules and standard to govern data (including data collection, data storage, data integration, data organnization/structuring).
- Data CleaningProcess of correcting and/or removing corrupted/inaccurate data.
- Data CompressionReducing size of data for transmission.
- Data ContainersUse for storing objects to allow for easy access, generally data/objects in the same container has similar characteristics.
- Data ExchangeData import-export between systems. Type: 1) Direct Translation 2) Switchyard Conversion 3) Neural Exchange Format
- Data IntegrationProcess of combining data from various sources into a meaning set of information.
- Data IntegrityCondition of database, data should reflect reality (accurate and timely data) and consistent.
- Data LoggerDevice to record data over time or location via external instruments and/or sensors.
- Data MergingThe process of combining relevant data from different sources into a single whole.
- Data MessageSee definitionon Navigation Message.
- Data MiningProcess of examining existing database (sources of data) to generate new knowledge/information.
- Data ModelProcess of formalizing data by defining rules for which data are to be organized, queried and updated.
- Data NomalizationProcess of organizing fields and tables in a relational database to minimize redundancy and/or dependency.
- Data QualityFitness of data to serve the purpose.
- Data Quality InformationMetadata category, information about dataset quality (e.g., accuracy, completeness, etc…).
- Data ReductionThe transformation of numerical or alphabetical digital information derived empirically or experimentally into a corrected, ordered, and simplified form.
- Data SmoothingThe creation of an approximating function which aims to record important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise or other fine-scale structures.
- Data StructureWay of organizing data in the computer system for efficiency of retrieval and manipulation.
- Data TransformationThe conversion of a set of data values from a type of data format of a original data system into another data format or another destination data system.
- Data WarehouseStore that has accumulated vast amount (range) of data.
- Database DesignDesign model for database (data tables). Type: 1) Flat File 2) Hierarchical 3) Network 4) Relational
- Database Management SystemComputer software for managing database, handling the storage, retrieval, and update (insert, alteration and deletion) of data.
- Database OptimisationA procedure aims at improving the overall performance of a database, and lessen the load on the hosting server.
- DatumStandard position for reference.
- Datum ShiftDifference in coordinates between datums.
- DBMSDatabase Management System
- DCDirect Current
- Dead LoadIntrinsic load of vehicle or structure without the burden of passengers or goods, can include permanent load (weights) on structure/vehicle.
- DeadlockSituation a database trying to access locked data from another database, preventing access to the resource and can cause malfunction in both databases.
- DebuggingRemoval of errors in programs.
- DecibelMeasure of intensity of sound or power level of electronic signals, the degree of loudness.