- FieldPart of database structure, location within table (column) for storage of attribute to a feature.
- Field of StudyBranch of knowledge taught and researched.
- Field of ViewThe angular size of the cone in space which the sensor can detect.
- Field Verification DataReference data.
- Figure-Ground RelationshipPerception of importance between objects (figure) to background (ground).
- File StructureOrganization of files, can be refered as file format.
- Filled DEMDEM without depression/sinks.
- FilterInstrument to block a certain type of light(e.g. blue light) and let other light(e.g. infrared light) pass through to the camera.
- Filter FactorTo express the number of times by which an exposure should be increased to compensate for radiation absorption for a provided filter.
- Finite Difference Frequency DomainMethod of modelling for electromagnetic-based problems similar to FDTD, based on the discritization of computational space into 2D squares or 3D cubes.
- Finite-Difference Time DomainModelling technique for signal processing of electormagnetic wave propagation problems.
- Fishnet MapWireframe diagram depicting surfaces.
- FixVessel position at a particular instance.
- Fixed SolutionWhere ambiguity parameters are fixed at integer values, with positioning accuracies at centimeter level (integer value levels).
- FlaggingTechnique to mark location/station.
- Flat File DatabaseDatabase without structure or structural relationships, where all data are stored within a single file.
- Flattening RatioMeasure of compression of circle/sphere along a diameter to form an ellipse/ellipsoid.
- Flight LineThe aircraft's flight path, to produce a succession of overlapping photo of complete coverage of the area.
- Flight PlanningFor better interpretation and ideal aerial photography, flight planning need to take some parameters into consideration,liek the focal length of the camera, the film format size, the photo scale, the coverage area, the average elevation,the desired overlapping and teh gournd speed of the aircraft.
- FLIRForward-Looking Infrared System
- Float Line MethodA means for horizontal fixing, where parallel lines run perpendicular from baseline, with known coordinates and heights on end points, on the coast.
- Float SolutionWhere ambiguity parameters could not be fixed at integer values, with positioning accuracies are at decimeter or submeter level.
- Floating Mark PrincipleFloating mark is used to conduct quantitative measurements on stereo photographs. To shift the relative positions of the half marks,the left mark and the right mark, along the flight line until they visually fuse together and form a single mark which ""float"" in teh stereomodel.
- Floating-Point NumbersWhere there are no fixed number of digits before or after decimal point.
- Floating-Point RastersRaster containing cells of continuous values.
- Flora and FaunaPlants and animals.
- Flow Accumulation RasterRaster composed of cells with values specifying the number of cell that flows into it.
- Flow ControlProcess of managing rate of data transmission.
- Flow ConveyanceMovement/transportation of liquid.
- Flow Direction RasterRaster showing direction of water flow between cells.
- FMCWFrequency Modulated Continuous Wave
- FOCFull Operational Capability
- Focal LengthThe distance from a lens to its focus.
- FocusA point of convergence of light rays
- Foreign KeyUsed to ensure integrity of data and for table joining, they are attributes that can uniquely identify an entry/record in the table, it may be referred to Primary Key in the join table.
- ForesightFinal observed height measurement on the level run in a single setup.
- FormworkTemporary moldings/structures for materials to be set into (e.g. pouring of concrete).
- Forward-Looking Infrared SystemForward-looking infrared system, used to votain oblique views of the landscape in front of an aircraft with the similar principles of an across-track line scanning system.
- Fourier AnalysisAn expression of waveform as a series of sinusoidal functions.
- Fourier SpectrumA two-dimensional scatter plot resulting from Fourier transform.
- FOVField of View
- Fractional Initial PhaseOccurs at the receiver at the first instant of the lock-on, when it starts tracking the incoming phase from the satellite.
- Frame BufferPortion of RAM containing bitmap for the display of image so that the image can be displayed on screen from memory.
- Free Network AdjustmentAdjustment on overall geometry of network, to test for quality of network and identify blunders.
- Free-space Transmission LossLoss of power in radio waves due to geometric spreading.
- FrequencyWave Property. Measured in Hertz (Hz), it measures how many cycles are completed within one second.
- Frequency CurveA smooth curve indicates the limiting case of a histogram computed for a frequency distribution of a continuous distribution when the number of data points becomes very large.
- Frequency Division Multiple AccessChannel access technique using multiple access protocols, common for satellite communication.
- Frequency HarmonicComponent frequency of signal, the integer multiple of the fundamental frequency.
- Frequency Modulated Continuous WaveA Radar system where radio signals are modulated to adjust bandwidth and range resolution.