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  • Airborne Scanning
    See decription on Airborne Remote Sensing.
  • AJAX
    Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • ALC
    Active Leakage Control
  • Algorithm
    Procedure/rule/formula to be followed in calculations for problem-solving.
  • Aliasing
    Jagged edges in raster images.
  • Alignment Sheet
    Visualization Technique (Underground Utility). Where engineering drawings and map/imagery are placed side-by-side to show location and specifics of utilities/facilities/services.
  • Alignment Stationing
    Establishing zero reference point for the survey network for a given project area.
  • Alignment Survey
    Surveys to aid in planning, design, and construction of roads, railways, and utilities (e.g. pipes) to establish linearity within constructs.
  • All-roundedness
    Having generic and transferable aspects of learning. Attributes: • Effective Communication; • Interpersonal Skills; • Critical Thinking; • CreativeThinking; • Entrepreneurship concepts and ideas.
  • Allocation
    Distribution and assignment of features/resources in network.
  • Almanac
    Data file containing satellite orbit information, transmitted within Navigation Message.
  • Along-track Scanning
    A remote sensing method by means of a line of several fixed sensors which record reflected radiation from the terrain along the satellite's direction of movement, creating scan-line strips that are contiguous or that overlap slightly, thereby producing an image.
  • Alternating Current
    Electric current that reverses direction of current at set regular intervals of time.
  • Amalgamation
    Act of combining one or more allotments/properties of land into a single allotment/property.
  • Ambient Noise
    Background sound (energy) at a given location.
  • Ambiguous
    Data ambiguity suggests interpretation or intention of data cannot be definitive.
  • Amplitude
    Wave Property. Determines the 'Loudness' (energy) of the wave.
  • Amplitude Modulation
    Modulation technique on radio waves, which varies the strength of the carrier wave in proportion to another waveform (frequency is constant).
  • Anaglyph
    A pair of superimposed images in complimentary colours (i.e., red and green) that will produce stereo effect when viewed with appropriate hardware.
  • Anaglyphic Viewing System
    In a stereopair images, one photo is porjected through a cyan filter and the other through a red filter.
  • Anallatic Lens
    Special type of Convex Lens fitted between eyepeice and object glass inside telescope, it is used to reduce stadia constant to zero.
  • Analogue Models
    Models based on real world events/occurances.
  • Analysis Mask
    Mask that limits analysis of raster data, where cells with no values are considered to be outside of the mask.
  • Analytical Stereoplotter
    To determin the positions in a stereomodel through mathematical simulation of light ray projection.
  • Analyze
    To consider in detail and subjected to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning.
  • Angle of Depression
    Angles below horizontal plane.
  • Angle of Elevation
    Angles above the horizonal plane.
  • Angle of Inclination
    Angle between equatorial plane of Earth and orbital plane of satellite.
  • Angular Distortion
    Distortion to angles displayed on map due to projection and transformation, angles displayed may not reflect reality.
  • Angular Misclosure
    Errors accumulated within the angle during a traverse, should solely consist of random errors in measurements.
  • Anisotropy
    Spatial property describing an existince being directionally dependent, where changes in spatial dependency can lead to a change in distance and/or direction between two points.
  • Antenna Gain
    Performance value of antenna's directivity and electrical efficiency.
  • Antenna Loss
    Effects due to the efficiency of antenna, available power for radiation, and power applied at antenna terminals.
  • Antenna Mismatch Loss
    Loss of power due to mismatch between antenna and transmitter.
  • Antenna Reference Point
    Point tied to base of antenna from Antenna Phase Centre.
  • Antenna Splitter
    Hardware attachment for dividing GPS antenna signal to two receivers.
  • Anti-Aliasing
    Technique for smoothing edges of raster images.
  • Anti-Spoofing
    Code encryption technique used on control access on codes in GPS control units.
  • Anywhere Fix
    Receiver's ability to lock without being given a correct beginning position and time.
  • API
    Application Programming Interface
  • Apogee
    A point in orbit where the satellite is the furthest from Earth.
  • Append
    GIS Operation that creates new objects/layers/data by adding and/or piecing together objects/layers/data.
  • Application Programming Interface
    Set functions, procedures, protocols and routines for building software application.
  • Apply
    Require students highly appreciate the theories and use them in practical problems.
  • Appreciate
    Appreciate the given knowledge and inspire more ideas
  • Aquifer
    Water permeable rock body/layer where groundwater could be stored.
  • AR
    Augmented Reality
  • Arbitrary Datum
    Datum used for small works and is generally not related to a set reference system.
  • Arbitrary North
    North directionality as defined by user without reference to any coordinate system.
  • Arc
    Line feature formed from a series of interconnected points.