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- Hong Kong 1980 GridBased on HK80 datum, it is a territorial grid constructed on the Transverse Mercator Projection
- Hong Kong Chart DatumReferred sea depths of Hong Kong, sitauated at 1.38m below Mean Sea Level.
- Hong Kong Principal DatumReferred land levels for Hong Kong, situated at 1.23m below Mean Sea Level.
- Horizontal ControlIt is established through survey of measuring horizontal distances and angles to maintain horizontality of traverse survey.
- Horizontal Control PointsPoints' real positions are known exactly in some XY coordinate systems.
- Horizontal DatumCollection of points on Earth with identified position defined in North-South direction and East-West direction.
- Horizontal Dilution of PrecisionHorizontal component of DOP (Latitude, Longitude).
- Hourglass Equal-Area ProjectionThis projection is used to prove the point that although a projection may preserve areal integrity, it may not preserve shape integrity and can render the map illegible.
- HOWHandOver Word
- HPGNHigh Precision Geodetic Networks
- HSLHue Saturation Lightness
- HSVHue Saturation Value
- HTDPHorizontal Time Dependent Positioning
- HueShade of colour.
- Human ErrorsErrors incured by observer causing inaccuracy in measurements, which can be minimized through multiple observations or stict procedures.
- HYDICEHyperspectral Digital Image Collection Experiment
- Hydraulic RadiusA measure for efficiency of flow in a channel.
- Hydraulic RoughnessMeasure of frictional resistance water (fluid) can experience when passing over features (e.g. land, channel).
- Hydrogen MasersAn oscillator that uses the properties of hydrogen atom to serve as a frequency reference.
- Hydrographic SurveySurveys to define shoreline and water depths in water bodies (e.g. lake, streams, reservoirs, oceans, etc…)
- HydrographyMeasurements and description of features that can affect maritime navigation.
- Hydrological CycleSee definition on Water Cycle.
- HydrophoneMicrophone designed to be used underwater to pickup underwater sound.
- HyMapHyperspectral mapping, a system with an across-track aerial hyperspectral scanner established by Intergrated Spectronics with up to 200 available bands
- HyperbolaSmoth curve on a plan defined by geometric equations for which there is a solution set.
- Hyperbolic FunctionAnalogs of the ordinary trigonometric or circular functions.
- Hyperbolic NavigationPositioning method using radio signals transmitted by two different stations, where the difference in received signals is claculated and recorded, the loactions with same amount of time differences are plotted as a line.
- Hyperspectral ImageTechnique for collecting and processing information using electromagnetic spectrum, where each pixel on the image will have a spectrum to help with identifying objects.
- Hyperspectral SensingObtain images in many narrow contiguous spectral bands throughout the visible,near-infrared,mid-infrared and thermal infrared by hyperspectral sensors.
- Hypsometric ColouringUsually seen together with contour lines, it is used to indicate elevation ranges as bands of colours.
- I/OInput/Output
- Identification InformationMetadata category, information about dataset (e.g., title, geographic coverage, etc…)
- IdentifyRecognizing ideas, concepts and situations within domain of study.
- IdentityTopological overlay to calculate the intersection of two or more layers.
- IDMSIntegrated Data Management System
- IFIntermediate Frequency
- IFOVInstantaneous Field of View
- Igneous RockRock formed from the coolding and solidification of magma or lava.
- ILIntermediate Level
- ImageRepresentation of real-life situations on a medium.
- Image ArithmeticThe implementation of standard arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, on images.
- Image ClassificationSee the description of Classification.
- Image CompressionProcedures aim to reduce the irrelevance and redundacy of image data.
- Image EnhancementThe procedure aims to improve the visual interpretability of an image by increasing the apparent distinction between the features in the scene.
- Image InterpretationTo obtain useful spatial information from images,including image detection,identification,delineation,enumeration and mensuration.
- Image MatchingThe measure of finding a similar image through the similarity analysis, consistency coherence and corresponding analysis of the content, characteristic, structure, relationship, texture,gray scale of the image.
- Image RestitutionSee the description of Image Restoration.
- Image RestorationThe operation aims to correct distored or degraded image data to generate a more faithful representaion of the original situation.
- Immersive EnvironmentsEnvironments where users can experience non-real situations and/or interact with non-real elements.
- Impedance MatrixModel for finding path of least resistance, most likely the shortest path in the network.