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  • Imprecise
    Lack of accuracy and/or detail.
  • In-depth Knowledge
    The highest level of understanding of required knowledge areas in which there is not only mastery of fundamental knowledge, but also a development of appreciation.
  • In-lining Replacement
    See Definition on Cured In-Place Pipe
  • Inadequate
    It fails to meet many of the intended subject learning outcomes.
  • Inbound Run
    Where survey boat is moving towards the shoreline.
  • Incident Angle
    The angle between the incident rader beam at the ground and the normal to the ground surface at the point of incidence
  • Incompleteness
    Lack of data points/values causing errors in the system output.
  • Indefinite
    Unexplainable data, data that cannot clearly be understood and often hard to be integrated for analysis.
  • Independent Baseline
    Baselines observed using GPS positioning, usually the shortest baselines (or baselines with the least amount of biases) in a GPS network.
  • Index Models
    Similar to a binary model but produces an index value, it is used to calculate index value for each area and produces a ranked map.
  • Indexed Files
    Computer file structure that allows faster search, each file is allocated with an indexed location.
  • Indicator Kriging
    Kriging that uses binary data (1 and 0).
  • Indirect Observation
    Where measurements cannot be directed observed (taken) through instruments and has to be determined through relationships of other observed values.
  • Indiscrete
    Data that is not distinct.
  • Induction
    Map Generalization technique where there are inferences of the relationships between symbols/features/data.
  • Inductive Model
    Model that represents the conclusion derived based on derivation from observations and empircal data
  • Industrial Survey
    Surveys of low tolerance measurements made in manufacturing processes.
  • Inertia
    Thermal inertia, a measure of the response of a material of temperature changes.
  • Inexact Interpolation
    Method of interpolation where the predicted value differs from the known value.
  • Inexactness
    Data that lacks accuracy and precision.
  • Information
    Collection of meaningful data/values that could be interpreted into a situation.
  • Information Integration
    Merging of information from a variety of sources that could have differing conceptual, contextual and typographical representaions.
  • Infrared Thermometer
    Operating in the range of 8-14 µm, to display radiant temperature on a LCD monitor.
  • Infrastructure
    Physical structures/facilities in the network (e.g., computer infrastructure).
  • Inheritance
    In programming it is often referring to the process which data can take on the characteristics of a particular class or taking on the behaviour from a set of codes.
  • Ink Spread
    A malfunction in printing where ink pixels have spread causing inaccuracies and bluring of images.
  • Inner Orientation
    Internal orientation of air camera during photography.
  • Instantiation
    Where an object from one class can create a new object from another class.
  • Instrument Calibration
    Process to establish and maintain accuraction of instrument, minimizing potential systematic errors in observations/measurements.
  • Instrumental Errors
    Type of Systematic Error that affects accuracy and precision of measuring equipment, can be minimized through callibration.
  • Insulator
    Materials that hinders electric flow.
  • Integer Ambiguity
    See definition on Cycle Ambiguity.
  • Integer Raster
    Raster contain cells with integer values.
  • Integrate
    To bring together the existing knowledge, concepts and elements either from area of study or from other disciplines to formulate solutions to problems or fill in gaps of knowledge.
  • Integrated Data Management System
    A network database management system for mainframes.
  • Intelligence Reconnaissance Imagery System
    An optical imagery system equips with a high-resolution panoramic camera for various surveillance and reconnaissance purposes.
  • Interface
    Platform for interaction.
  • Interference Filter
    Allow to acquire the short wavelenght transmittance and extremely desired narrow bandpass characteristics.
  • Interferometry
    The measurement of the difference between phases of signal from a common source travelling at different paths.
  • Interior Angles
    Angles observed within a closed polygon.
  • Intermediate Frequency
    Where the carrier signal (transmitted signal) is mixed with another signal (generally the target return signal).
  • Intermediate Sight
    Readings of height measurement after the Backsight towards other points of interest (with the exception of the final point/BM) during the level run in a single setup.
  • Intermittent-static Positioning
    See definition on Pseudokinematic Positioning/Survey.
  • Internal Reliability
    The ability that redundant observations have in detecting and identifying errors.
  • Internet Protocol
    Standard language for the communication of systems across the internet (e.g., transfer of data TCP/IP, display of data HTTP).
  • Interoperability
    The ability of making systems and organizations work together (inter-operate).
  • Interpolation
    Method for constructing new data points within existing set of discrete data points to make better sense of the situation.
  • Interposition
    Perception of a object on a diagram/map to be in front of (occupying higher ground) when compared to background/objects at back.
  • Interpret
    Ability to explain data, images, and translate the given data (like remote sensing images) into useful information and present clearly and coherently.
  • Interrupted Projections
    Projection where shape (terrestrial surface) is cut to avoid possible distortion.