- Multibeam EchosounderA class of Swath System with multiple beams for each ping, using a combination of two beams patterns to obtain a wide coverage across-track with high spatial resolution.
- Multichannel ReceiverReceiver with many independent channel, which canbe dedicated to continuously tracking one satellite.
- Multidimensional ScalingA method of visualizing the level of similarity of individual cases of a dataset
- Multipath ErrorErrors caused when a single satellite signal is received from two or more paths, one directly from the satellite and the other from reflected sources, which causes incorrect pseudoranges or carrier phase measurements (positioning errors) but could be minimized through antenna design and(...)
- Multiple RegressionA statistic techinque used to predict the unknown value of a variable from the given value of multiple variable( predictors).
- MultiplexingA method to pass multiple analog message signals over a shared medium, generally used in telecommunications and computer networks to reduce costs.
- Multireciever PositioningAn extension of relative positioning by using multiple receivers (three or more) simultaneously and combining it with a closed network of points.
- Multiresolution DataDisplay high resolution data from one source and low resolution data from another source and result in a composite image having panchromatic data and multispectral data.
- Multisensor Image MergingProduce a composite image, which demonstrates greater interpretability than an image acquired from one sensor only, by multi-senseors.
- Multispectral CameraA type of camera system can extend the sensing UV, visible, near-IR, mid-IR and thermal IR spectral regions.
- Multispectral imagesMultispectral image is a combination of imaging and a complete electromagnetic spectrum which is collected at every location of an image plane.
- Multistage SensingTo collect image from multiple altitudes.
- Multitemporal SensingTo collect data in different time and more than one occation.
- Multivariate DisplayImage/graph displaying more than one variable to aid of analysis.
- Mutual ExclusionTo prevent race conditions that no two concurrent processes are in their critical section simultaneously.
- Nadir LineThe line traced on the ground beneath the aircraft during data acquisition.
- Narrow LaningTechnique for reducing the impact of Phase Ambiguity, where Carrier Phase measurements from both GPS frequencies (L1, L2) are combined, it has a short wavelength.
- NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National GridA system of geographical coordinates, for the use in maps, managed by the Country to standardize positioning.
- Natural BreaksData classification method that optimizes the groups of data values, to minimize the difference between the values of the same class.
- Natural Breaks ClassificationTo classify the data according to natural groupings inherent inside.
- Natural ErrorsType of Systematic Error caused by natural phenomena (i.e. wind, temperatutre, humidity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric refraction, gravity, magnetic declination, etc…), which can be mathematically modelled and eliminiated.
- Nature of TargetProperties of the target when measured, affects the magnitude of received signal. Type: 1) Point Scatterer (e.g. void) 2) Line Reflector (e.g. pipeline) 3) Planar Reflector (e.g. smooth surface)
- Nautical chartsChart of water depth, shoreline of land and prominent topographical features to help with navigation.
- Navigation MessageMessage modulated on L1, L2 and L5 signals, it holds detail information about each satellite's position and the network made up of three components: GPS Date and Time, Orbital Information (Ephemeris), and Almanac.
- NAVSTARNAVigation Satellite Timing and Ranging
- NDGPSNationwide Differential Global Positioning System
- NDUNavigation Data Units
- NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index
- Neap TideTide that occurs in first and third quarter of the moon, resulting in lower than average tide.
- Near InfraredA form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 0.7 to 1.3 µm.
- Nearest Neighbor ResamplingA method of resampling,the value of each cell in an output raster of resampling is calculated using the value of the nearest cell in an input raster
- Nearest NeighbourMethod of resampling values, approximated using values of nearest points but does not consider the values of neighbouring points.
- Nearest Neighbour AnalysisSpatial analysis method using the distance between the point and its closest neighbour to determine whether the point pattern is regular, random or clustered.
- Nearest Neighbour InterpolationA method of multivariate interpolation, where values are approximated using values of nearest points but does nto consider the values of neighbouring points.
- Neighbourhood OperationsOperations performed on a focal cell and its surrounding cells.
- NeighbourhoodsA set containing similar feature, the point inside is allowed to be moved some amount without leaving the set.
- Nested DataData that is distinct but also identifiable as part of a bigger set of data.
- NetworkGroup/System of interconnected objects/elements of interest (i.e., people, points, line information, computers).
- Network AnalysisExamining properties of flow within and/or around networks of connecting natural and/or man-made phenomena.
- Network DatabaseDatabase built upon connection across tables.
- Network TopologyPhysical (placement)/Logical (flow) arrangement of Links and Nodes in computer network.
- Neural Exchange FormatData Exchange, where all parties agree on a standardized exchange format and translates the internal format to the agreed standard, which can be read and converted back into the output system.
- Neutral FormatA type of easy and accessable file format for any vendor to read and being reliable way to share.
- NIRNear Infra-Red
- NodePoint feature on an image, point where lines could begin, end and/or intersect.
- Node JoiningTo join the node into the cluster.
- Node SplittingTo move the single node to multiple nodes.
- NodesPoint feature on an image, point where lines could begine, end and/orintersect.
- NoiseUnwanted disturbance in image resulting from the limitation of sensor, signal digitization or data recording process.