- Noise FilteringThe process of removing noise from the source.
- Noise LoggerEquipment for WLD Survey.
- Noise LoggingA sensitive detector to measure sound produced by fluid flow.
- Noise ModulationModulation of power so that it is spread throughout the spectrum and becomes less susceptable to noise/interference.
- NomalisationThe procedure to make things become normal and common.
- Nominal DataType of Attribute, it is a quantitative measurement for distinguishing type or class without sequencing or specifying importance.
- NomographA Graphical calculating device designed to approximate graphical computation of a function.
- Non-Intrusive DetectionDetection of objects/materials without damaging or disruption to surrounding environment.
- Non-Leaf NodeComponent on Quad Tree, quadrant that has different cell values and is a branch point which is subjected to subdivision.
- Non-Linear FunctionsIn contrast to a linear function,the graph of function does not follow a straight line.
- Non-Spatial AttributesData without spatial characteristics/qualities/attributes.
- Nontopological EditingEdit of feature without topological relationship
- Nontrivial LinesSee definition on Independent Line.
- Normal DistributionSee the description of Gaussian Distribution.
- Normal EquationsA measure used to minimizes the sum of the square differences between the left and right sides as followed: ATAx=ATb
- NormalizationBreaking down of large tables into smaller tables whilst retaining relationship between attributes and entries.
- Normalized Difference Vegetation IndexNormalized difference vegetation index, a indicator used to analyze vegetation by remote sensing measurement,where NIR and RED stand for the spectral reflectance measurements acquired in red(visible) and near-infrared band.
- NorthingCoordinates in the Northward direction on gridded coordinate systems.
- NuggetValue in semivariance or covariance model that represents instrument error, measurement error or miniscule scalar variations, value at the distance of 0 on semivariogram.
- Null HypothesisHypothesis where there are not significant differences in observations/sample and that any observed differences are due to errors and/or sampling.
- Nyquist-Shannon TheoremDigital signal sampling theorem bridging between continuous (analog) signal and discrete (digital) signal.
- ObjectAn entity with structures, attributes and behaviours defined by a Class.
- Object ExtractionTo extract topographic objects from images.
- Object Space Coordinate SystemA Cartesian system used to locate features and points presented in the image in the object space, a three-dimentional region covered by photograph.
- Object-based Data ModelData model that treats spatial data as Objects.
- Object-based Vector Data ModelModel that treats geometry (spatial data) as an attribute and storing it together with other attributes, maintaining the relationship and links between the spatial data and attribute data without having to split its location.
- Object-OrientedSoftware engineering concept where elements and concepts of the system are represented as Objects.
- Object-Oriented AnalysisAn analysis approach of grouping items which interact with another by class, data or behavior to create a model representing the intended purpose of the system as a whole.
- Object-Oriented DesignProcess of planning of a system containing Objects, an approach to software design.
- Object-Oriented ProgrammingProgramming methodology based on the concept of Objects, treating elements of the program as Objects to be controlled and manipulated in a modular manner.
- Oblate EllipsoidA symmetric ellipsoid with flattened poles.
- Oblique ImageThe aerial photography that is captured at approximately a 45 degree angle with the ground.
- Oblique ViewType of parallel projection for visualizing 3D objects onto 2D medium, not a true 3D view.
- OBMOrdnance Bench Mark
- ObservablesSignals whos measurements gives range or distance between satellite and receiver. Type: 1) Pseudorange 2) Carrier Phase/Carrier Beat Phase
- Observation ErrorsErrors occurred during observations. Type: 1) Natural Errors 2) Instrumental Errors 3) Human Errors
- ObservationsMeasurements taken through instrumentations. Types: 1) Direct Observations 2) Indirect Observations
- ODL ProtocolOpen Digital Libraries Protocol
- OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
- OffsetLines set often at right angles to the main survey line, towards other features, they are short measurements done using a tape.
- On-the-Fly ProjectionFeature of GIS design to display datasets of different coordinate system, automatically convertin gdataset to a common coordinate system.
- On-The-Fly SurveyIt allows initialization whilst receiver is in motion, it is a method where resolution of cariier phase ambiguity is done quickly on-the-go.
- One-to-Many RelationshipType of data relationship, where one record from a data table can be related to many record on another table.
- One-to-One RelationshipType of data relationship, where one record from a data table can only be related to a single record on another table.
- One-way Ranging GPSDistance is determined by the elapsed time from the transmission of the signal from GPS to the receiver.
- Open Skies PolicyNondiscriminatory access to data collect anywhere in the world
- Open SourceSoftware where source code is freely available and can be redistributed and modified.
- Open TraverseTraverses that are both geometrically and mathematically open, which may not have to start and end on a point with high order of positional accuracy.
- Open WaterLarge area of water.
- Open-cut OperationsMethod of surface mining for extracting materials (i.e. rocks, minerals) from the Earth by removal through an open pit (borrow pit/sandbox).