- OPeNDAPOpen-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol
- OperationFunction/process performed.
- Opponent ProcessColor vision theory that builds upon Trichromatic Theory, where there may be differences in the efficiency of detection towards particular wavelengths (e.g. delayed/lack of responses to a particular color/wavelength i.e. color blindness) and how information is received on the Cones in the eye.
- Optimal Frequency SamplingRelating to the Nyquist-Shannon Theorem, it is a form of signal processing to extract values from waves.
- Orbit EccentricityParameter for determining deviation of orbit from a perfect circle, where: 0 = Circular Orbit 0 - 1 = Elliptical Orbit 1 = Parabolic/Escape Orbit 1+ = Hyperbola Orbit
- Orbital BiasesErrors caused by orbits of satellites (i.e.variations gravity, drag, tidal forces from other planetary satellites, etc…).
- OrderOrder in survey refers to the degree of precision and accurcacy achieved during survey, they are often the Standards to a survey.
- Ordinal DataType of Attribute, it is a measurement where data is ranked into hierarchies (comparative values to each other).
- Ordinary KrigingKriging method focusing on spatially correlated components, assumes the Mean is constant over the region.
- Ordnance DatumPositional data given to a relational datum (i.e. Mean Sea Level) that has a high degree of precision and accuracy often used for control.
- OrientationRelationship between directions and objects.
- OrificesA opening for materials to pass.
- Origin TableBase table for joining.
- Original SurveyType of Cadastral Survey, used to establish boundary and demarcation on unsurveyed areas of land.
- Orthographic ProjectionA form of parallel projection where it aims to represent 3D objects in 2D space, projection lines are orthogonal to projection plane.
- OrthoimageAn aerial photograph excludes the scale, tilt and relief distortions like other normal aerial photographs.
- Orthometric CorrectionOrthometric correction aims to correct distortions issure and produce the orthoimage.
- Orthometric HeightSee definition on Elevation.
- Orthomorphic ProjectionSee definition on Conformal Projection.
- OrthophotoSee description on Orthoimage.
- OrthorectificationThe procedure to rectificate the aerial image from systematic sensor and platform-induced geometry errors, which introduce terrain distortions when the sensor is not pointing directly at the Nadir location of the sensor.
- OscillatorsTime measurement devices, time is kept according to the oscillation within atoms.
- OTF SurveyOn-The-Fly Survey
- OutagesThe period where DOP exceeds a maximum limit, and indication of unacceptable level of uncertainty existing at a particular location.
- Outbound RunWhere survey boat is moving away from the shoreline.
- Outlier DetectionUsed to detect and remove the outlier from other normal observations.
- OutliersAn observation point which is distinct from other observations.
- OutlineShowing general understanding of concepts and basic ideas.
- OutstandingIt exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in nearly all regards.
- OverlapThe portion of a map or chart that overlaps the area covered by another of the same series.
- OverlayThe replacement of a block of stored instructions or data with another
- Overlay MethodsBased on Boolean connectors, they are operations performed on input layers to produce a specific output. Type: 1) Union (A OR B) 2) Intersect (A AND B) 3) Difference (A XOR B) 4) Identity (A AND [B OR A])
- OvershootDigitizing error of an overextended arc.
- OWLWeb Ontology Language
- OwnershipRight of posession.
- P CodePrecise Code
- Panchromatic CameraThe camera consists of usual optics which focusses light on a CCD array and used to capture panchromatic images which are sensitive to all colors.
- Panchromatic FilmStandard type of film, the spectral sensitivity covers from UV to visible portions of the spectrum.
- Pappus' TheoremGiven three points a,b,c on a line, and three points A,B,C on another line, then three intersection points of the follow pair (aA,Bb),(Ab,cC),(bB,Ca) are collinear.
- Parabolic CurveA two-dimensional and mirror-symmetrical curve.
- ParallaxDisplacement or difference in the apparent relative position of an object caused by a change of viewing position.
- Parent/ChildA relationship in a hierarchical database, where each child can only have one parent but each parent can have multiple child.
- Part-Spectral SequenceSequence of particular colour with varying hues (e.g., black-brown-yellow-white).
- Partial SillSemivariance/Covariance model parameter representing the difference between Sill and Nugget.
- Passive DetectionSearch of buried underground utilities without active involvement (generally via transmission signals) from the target (e.g. sweep and search).
- Passive SensorsA sensing device designed to receive and measure signals transmitted by other sources.
- Passive SONARListens to sound made by other objects to determine location/distances.
- Patch AntennasRadio antenna with low profile, can be mounted on a flat surface.
- Path AnalysisRaster based analysis for finding the least cost of travelling between cells.
- Path LengthDistance passed by remote sensors.