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- ArchipelagoGroup of islands.
- Area AggregationA form of generalization, it is grouping areas of similar characteristics to simplify the map, may cause misinterpretation or bias.
- Area-pattern AnalysisSpatial Analysis Technique. Analysis of choropleth map to determine pattern of specified area (e.g. randomness, uniformity, clusters, etc…)
- Areal DistortionDistortion on areal properties of maps due to projection and transformation, areas displayed may not reflect reality and can be sometimes exaggerated.
- Areal InterpolationTransfer of data from source polygons to target polygons.
- Arid ClimateThe climate in areas that receive less than 50 cm per year rainfall.
- ARMAAutoRegressive Moving Average
- ArrayCollection of data/cell values that can be selected by indices.
- ArticulateClearly express and state ideas
- ASAnti-Spoofing
- As-built SurveySurveys to document location and layout of engineering works, record of design changes during construction.
- ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
- Aspatial QueryQuestioning GIS data based on non-spatial attributes.
- AspectCompass direction of slope face
- Aspect RatioThe ration between pixel width and heigth
- AssociationMap Generalization technique, to connect different elements together (generally textual elements with pictorial elements).
- Association Rules (Analysis)The analysis of the spatial relationship between two associated objects comparing against one-another.
- Astronomic LatitudeCalculated from angles measured between zenith and to known stars, it is the angel between the Earth's equatorial plane and the true vertical at an point on the surface.
- Astronomical Coordinate SystemPositioning system for celestial objects (i.e. satellites, plantes, stars) in a 3-D space (celestial sphere). Type: 1) Horizontal System 2) Equatorial System 3) Ecliptic System 4) Galactic System 5) Super Galactic System
- AtlasBook of map/charts.
- AtmosphereThe layer of gas surrounding the Earth. Type: 1) Troposphere 2) Stratosphere 3) Mesophere 4) Thermosphere 5) Exosphere
- Atmospheric CorrectionTaking into account the properties of light and its characteristics in the air, it is the process of removing the atmostpheric effects on observations/measurements/images.
- Atmospheric WindowsThe range of wavelength in which the atmosphere is particularly transmissive of energy.
- AttenuationGradual loss of energy due to medium of transmission.
- AttributeNon-spatial information about a geographical features linked to the stored values of a GIS.
- Attribute DataDescriptions and/or classifications of geographical features on a map. Types: 1) Nominal 2) Ordinal 3) Interval 4) Ratio
- Attribute DomainsDefines that allowable values for fields in a feature class or attribute table.
- Attribute ErrorAttributes of features on GIS that are incorrectly recorded.
- Attribute TypeDetermines how data is stored in GIS, can be defined by its type (e.g., number, text, binary object, date) or scale (e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).
- Augmented RealityComposite view of both the real-world and computer generated world, where real world experience of the environment is augmented by computer generated sensory input (i.e. sound, video, graphics, GPS data, etc…)
- Authalic SphereA generalised model of the Earth where the spherical model has the same surface area as the reference ellipsoid.
- AutocorrelationCorrelation of values of nearby datasets.
- Automatic LevelSelf-levelling telescopic device for Level Runs with in-built conpensating device (automatic compensators) to correct residual mislevelment.
- Autonomous PositioningUncorrected position calculated by the reciever using Code measurements.
- AutoRegressive Moving AverageMethod of non-Fourier spectral estimation, a statistical analysis of a time series.
- AUVAutonomous Underwater Vehicles
- AverageQuantity for expressing the central/most typical value of dataset, calculated by dividing sum of values of numbers in dataset.
- AzimuthHorizontal angles observed clockwise from reference meridian.
- Azimuthal ProjectionsMap projection where area is projected onto a tangential plane to the surface, generally at Poles or Equator. Types: 1) Azimuthal Equidistant 2) Lambert Azimuthal Area 3) Azimuthal Conformal Projection (Stereographic Projection) 4) Orthographic Projection 5) Gnomonic Projection
- B-ScanCross sectional image display produced by GPR, compilationo f multiple traces by GPR.
- Background KnowledgePrerequisite knowledge, should be acquired before the formal lectures or practices
- BacksightFirst reading of height measurement on level run towards the back staff on a single setup.
- BackwaterBody of stagnant (still) water in a river not reached by current.
- Band RatioA digital image-processing technique to enhance contrast between featuresn through dividing a measure of reflectance for the pixels in one image band by the other one.
- BandingA type of systematic noise of image, caused by multispectral scanners that sweep multiple scan lines simultaneously.
- Bandpass FilterBandpass filter is usded to block the wavelength exceeding a specific range.
- BandwidthRange of frequency in a given band.
- BankLand mass alongside boundary between water bodies and land.
- Bank Monitoring SurveysSurveys performed on waterways, estuaries, and coastlines of areas suspected to be subjected to erosion and material movement.
- Bar Check CalibrationOn-site calibration for echo sounders using a reference bar.