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- Prismoidal RuleRule for calculating volume within a prismoid.
- PRN CodesPseudoRandom Noise Code
- Probability Density FunctionComputing the probability of the pixel value belonging to each category for unidentified pixel classification.
- Probability DistributionSee description on Binomial Distribution.
- ProbingManual (and/or mechanically/hydraulically assisted) investigation of subsurface materials.
- Process ModelPredictive and Dynamic model for integrating knowledge of existing environmental processes with equations for quantifying these processes.
- Professional KnowledgeProfessional, technical and systematic knowledge in a specified area, differing from general knowledge which has no specific characteristics and skillsets.
- Professional LiabilityLegal obligation rising from the professionals' action (or inaction).
- ProficientExtremely familiar with the knowledge and able to operate equipment and software without instructions
- Program Evaluation and Review TechniqueProject management tool to evaluate and visualize project paths and critical paths.
- Progressive SamplingA analysis approach that starting with a small sample of data and increasing the size progressively until the accuracy cannot be improved.
- Projected CoordinatesMeasurement of location expressed in 2D system, which is based on a geographic coordinate system.
- Projection AspectThe relationship of the placement of the developable surface (projection) and the Earth's surface.
- ProjectionsPresentation of an image and/or object onto another medium, generally of another order (e.g., 3D image onto 2D map) or system (e.g. onto a coordinate system).
- Projective TransformationTransformation of coordiates digitized directly from aerial photographs of terrain, assuming there is no distortion on the photographs.
- Prompt CorrelatorCorrelator used for tracking phase and correlation peak of signal, it is when the replica signal generated from the receiver aligns perfectly with the incoming signal.
- Propagation DelayElapse time between when the signal was transmitted and when the signal was received, a measurement for length in GPS surveying.
- PropertyAttribute/characteristic of an Object.
- Proportional Symbol MappingScaling the size of geometric symbols proportionally to the data value at a particular location.
- PrototypingBuilding of a product for test of concept/process, an early release to try out design.
- ProximitySpatial query of features based on distance from of selected feature.
- Proximity AnalysisAn analytical technique used to determine the relationship between a selected point and its neighbors
- PRS CodePublic Regulated Service Code
- PSDPower Spectrum Diagrams
- Pseudo NodeWhere two line features share the same end point, can be a node with no reason for existence as line features share the same value.
- PseudocolourColour rendering techinique used to display images in false colours to analyze/eccentuate certain features/phenomena.
- Pseudoconical ProjectionMap Projection with equal-area properties with parallels at equal spaced arcs centered on a Pole. Type: 1) Bonne Projection 2) Werner Cordiform
- Pseudocylindrical ProjectionMap projection where central meridian is represented as a straight line and other meridians are longer, bowing outwards from central meridian. Type: 1) Sinusoidal Projection 2) Goode Homolosine Projection 3) Eckert Projection 4) Mollweide Projection
- Pseudokinematic PositioningCombination of Static and Kinematic methods, where one reciever is kept at a known station whilst another moves to survey other stations, similar to Stop-and-Go positioning/survey but the loss of satellite lock is permissible during the transportation of roving stations between points/stations.
- PseudoliteGround-based differential GPS receiver that transmits signals similar to GPS satellites, can be used for ranging and feasible in circumstances where no satellite signals are observable.
- Pseudorandom Noise CodeBinary signals with noise-like qualities modulated on GPS carrier waves, they are elemtns of the CDMA based satellite navigation system.
- PseudorangePseudo distance between satellite and reciever based on tiem measurements.
- Pseudorange CodeObservables within GPS, code modulated on the carrier.
- Pseudoscopic EffectOptical illusion where a hill can look like a valley due to projection of shadows.
- Pseudostatic PositioningSee definition on Pseudokinemtaic Positioning/Survey.
- PSIPound Per Square Inch
- PTWPermit-To-Work
- Push-broom ScanningScaaners record multispectral image data along a swath beneath an aircraft.
- PyramidingTehnique for building layers of rasters for display, resampling is required for building a pyramid.
- Pythagoras TheoremA relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle,a2 + b2 = c2 ,where c represents the length of the hypotenuse and a,b represent the lengths of the triangle's other two sides.
- PZ-90Coordinate system used by GLONASS satellite network.
- PZS TrianglePole-zenith-star triangle, a spherical triangle which lies on the celestial sphere and its vertices are the pole, the zenith, and thecelestial body involved.
- QAQuality Assurance
- QCQuality Control
- QPSKQuad Phase Shift Key
- QQ PlotsGraphical method for displaying probability distribution of two datasets, allows comparison of data collection and/or theoretical distribution.
- Quad Phase Shift KeyModulation scheme, where phases of the carrier wave is modulated to encode bits of data (two bits per symbol) in each phase change.
- Quad TreeStructure of dividing raster into quadrants, continuous division of raster into quadrant until it is reduced to a single-cell level (node).
- QuadranglesA flat shape with four straight sides and each vertices of four are connected by the straight line.
- Quadrantal BearingType of Bearing, defined as an angle between 0ᵒ to 90ᵒ from North/South direction (line of reference/reference meridian).