- Quadratic EquationA second-order polynomial equation having the form ax2+bx+c=0 ,where x represents an unknown, and a, b, and c represent known numbers , a≠0.
- QuadratsArea spatial sampling units.
- Quadrifilar AntennaA single frequency antenna with two orthogonal bifilar helical loops on a common axis, generally used in recreational handheld GPS receivers.
- QuadtreeMethod of data processing that results in a hierachical data structure by partitioning data set into finer units.
- Qualitative DescriptorsUse of words as descriptors, interpretation on an object by its quality.
- Qualitative MapsMap that expresses features as objects rather than numerical values, most often seen as Thematic Maps.
- Quality AssuranceMaintaining desired level of quality as indicated by industry standards.
- Quality ControlProcess of measuring quality of work, maintaining standards as set by industry.
- Quality of ObservationGenerally affected by procedures, environment and adjustment methods used both on and off site, it affacts the precision and accuracy of overall outcome.
- QuantaSee description on Photon.
- QuantileData set divided into equal segments.
- Quantile ClassificationData classification method that divides dataset into groups containing equal number of values.
- Quantitative DescriptorsUse of numbers as descriptors, interpretation on an object by its quantity.
- Quantitative MapsMap that expresses features in numeric values, opposite of Qualitative Maps.
- QuartileData set divided into 4 categories.
- QuasarAstronomical radio source.
- Query OperationsUsing logical operators to define constraints for searching/selecting data within table. Type: 1) Equal to ( = ) 2) Greater than (> ) 3) Less than ( < ) 4) Greater than or equal to ( > = ) 5) Less than or equal to ( < = ) 6) Not equal to ( < > )
- QZSSQuasi-Zenith Satellite System
- R95A measure of positional accuracy, its value is defined as a circle's radius with its center at the true position, where it encloses 95% of the data points.
- RADARRAdio Detection And Ranging
- RadargramA measure (recording) of relection amplitudes and reflection time.
- RadianThe standard unit of angular measure, 1 radian ≈ 57.3 °
- RadiationThe measuring of angles at distances from a fixed control station.
- Radio Detection And RangingAn electronic object-detection system used to determine the range, altitude, speed and direction of objects by radio waves.
- Radio PositioningPositioning technology using EM (Radio) waves, prior to the development of GPS. Types: 1) Terrestrial: RADAR, SHORAN, HIRAN, Sputnik 2) Optical: Triangulation, ,Laser Ranging 3) Extraterrestrial: Satellite Tracking, Prime Minitrack, VLBI 4) TRANSIT
- Radiometric ResolutionDescribes the perception of the levels of brightness, measured through grey value levels defined by bits (e.g., 8-bit = 256 grey value)
- RadionavigationDetermination of position, direction and distance using transmitted Radio waves.
- RAMRandom Access Memory
- Random ErrorErrors caused by factors beyond the system and control of observers.
- Random SamplingChoosing subjects from a population through unpredictable means to achieve unbiased results
- RandomnessWithout coherency or order, lack of pattern.
- Range BiasesWhen biases due to error is expressed as a range (distance).
- Range DelayOften caused by the change in speed as the signal enters the atmosphere (e.g. Ionospheric Delay, Tropospheric Delay), and/or multipath.
- Range RateRate of which range between reciever and satellite changes, measured by tracking variation in Doppler Shift.
- Range-Range ModeForm of Circular Mode positioning, it is an active position system where the transmitter on the vessel sends a signal to two or more transponders on-shore which retransmits the signal back to the ship.
- RangefinderHand held laser instruments for single measurements, mainly used indoors or for measurements that does not require a high order of accuracy.
- RangingProcess of determining distance between locations.
- Rapid Static PositioningSee definition on Fast-Static Positioning/Survey
- RasterGraphics in dot matrix data structure, represented as rectangular grid pixels.
- Raster-based Binary ModelBinary model derived from directly querying rasters.
- RasterizationConversion of vector data to raster data.
- RatioThe relationship between two numbers of the same object.
- Ratio DataType of Attribute, includes an absolute starting point (0), where data is ranked in order of magnitude with relativity to one-another to give meaningful and predictable results.
- Raw DataUncompressed, unconverted data directly obtained from instruments.
- Rayleigh ScatteringScatter of EM radiation by particles in the medium which are smaller than wavelength.
- Real-Time Differential Global Positioning SatelliteMethod of determining relative positions between known control points and unknown positions by tracking pseurange measurments in real time.
- Real-Time Kinematic ModeSimilar to DGPS but it also uses carrier phase and doppler measurements, which is collected at the base station and transmitted to the roving reciever.
- RecallTo remember and present facts, ideas and concepts of study.
- Receiver Clock BiasesDifference in Receiver clock time and GPS time that causes error.
- Receiver Noise BiasesStatic/noise on the signal that causes error.