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- Reciprocal LevellingSurveying method between two points at great distances, where height measurements are taken at both directions to elliminate possible atmospheric and curvature errors.
- Reciprocal SweepTest/Check for biases in alignment and offsets, involves running reciprocal lines at various speeds and results are compared against prior sweep/swath runs.
- ReclassificationLocal GIS operation to reclassify datasets/cell values into meaningful classes.
- RecognizeTo find and realize the issues and situations consciously.
- Reconstructed Carrier PhaseSee definition on Carrier Phase.
- Record DrawingsRecord of survey and/or field drawings.
- Rectangular CoordinatesSee definition on Cartesian Coordinate.
- Rectangular ProjectionMap Projection with equal spacing of meridians.
- RectificationThe procedure rectificates the image from various error and distortion.
- Reduced BearingSee definition on Quadrantal Bearing.
- Reduced LevelLevels of points calculated through Levelling adjustment, where level of points are reduced (referred) to a datum.
- Redundant ObservationObservations/measurements taken in addition to specified number of measurements in a survey to strengthen the network.
- Reference DataData defining set of values permitted to be used.
- Reference PointPoint with positional data (coordinates) of high order (high degree of accuracy and precision) for use of reference and adjustment of subsequent points in the survey.
- Reflector ConstantConstant given to the difference in the centering of the instrument (geometric center) over a location and the electronic center of the instrument.
- RefractionWave Property. A change in speed of waves when travelling between different mediums (e.g. Air-to-water).
- Refractive ErrorErrors resulting from the lack of focus of light.
- Refractive IndexValue describing the change of light and/or other radiation when travelling from one medium to another.
- Regional AreaArea of land having a definable characteristic but may not be bound by physical or fixed boundaries.
- Regional PlanningPlacement of infrastructure, settlement growth and land-use allocation for a larger regional area.
- RegressionFind a function which is suitable for the provided data.
- Regression DiagnosticA procedures which is available for regression analysis used to seek to assess the validity of a model in any of a number of different methods.
- Regression ModelInterpolation method using a number of independent variables and dependent variables in a regression equation.
- Regular SamplingThe continuous sampling at a given point.
- Rejection of ObservationsWhen results/measurments deviates from the mean by a large amount, it does not belong to the same normal distribution and therefore is reasonable to reject such observations (usual practice if deviation is three time standard deviation).
- RelateTo make connections between ideas and cocepts.
- Relational DatabaseCollection of interconnected tables.
- Relational Database Management SystemDBMS based on relational model.
- Relationship""Link/Connection between fields of different tables. Type: 1) One-to-One 2) One-to-Many 3) Many-to-One 4) Many-to-Many""
- Relative OrientationOrientation of pair of photographs in their relative positions in the stereo model.
- Relative PrecisionExpressed as a ratio, it is the precision of a measurement given its value.
- ReliabilityConsistency of measurement.
- Relief MapMap with hill and valley features, often depicted by contour lines, used to express elevation of terrain.
- Remote SensingRemote sensing is the science used to obtaining information about an object,area,or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a non-contact device.
- RenderingRendering is the process using computer programs to produce an image from a 2D or 3D model.
- Replica CodeCode generated by the receiver, identical to the code generated by the satellite, for use of identifying propagation delay.
- Representative FractionSimple fraction and/or ratio to depict scale of image (e.g., 1:1000, 1/2500)
- ReprojectionProjection of spatial data between different coordinate systems.
- ResamplingA process used to determine the pixel values to fill into the output matrix from the original images matrix
- ResectionOpposite of Intersection, it is a method of determining position of a point through observations and measurements to three other points of known coordinates/position.
- Residual Range ErrorsA result from the comparison between the observed distances with the inverse of the distances between the adjusted position and remote shore transmitter,used to evaluate accuracy of the range of measurements.
- ResolutionDegree of detail that could be displayed on a map and/or image.
- Respond to and follow closely the advancementActively respond to and keep track of industrial progress and development, latest technologies, and innovative ideas.
- Restoration ImageThe operation aims to correct distored or degraded image data to generate a more faithful representaion of the original situation.
- Retracement SurveySurveys to recover (re-discover) previously establish property/lot boundary.
- Retransmission Coupling LossEnergy loss into the air from material during return journey of signal.
- Retrograde OrbitWhen satellite rotates in the opposide direction to the rotation of the Earth.
- RFRadio Frequency
- RGBRed-Green-Blue
- RGB color cubeA color system is defined by the brightness levels of each primary color red,green,blue.