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- RHCPRight Hand Circular Polarized
- Rho-Rho ModeForm of Circular Mode positioning, it is a passive position system where the vessle contains a clock, synchronized to the clocks in the on-shore transmitters, where range is calculated from the ddifference between the time of signals.
- Rho-Theta ModeMarine Positioning where ranges and azimuths are measured from an on-shore station, similar to Range-Range Mode.
- Rhumb LineImaginary line for plotting navigation on charts, it cuts across all the meridians at the same angle.
- Right AngleAn angle equal 90°
- RINEXReceiver Independent Exchange Format
- Rip CurrentsOccurs when two oppsng current meets.
- Riparian BufferBuffer zone consisting of areas next to water bodies (e.g., streams) with vegetation and can be affected by the presense of water.
- Rise-And-FallBooking method for levelling using rise-fall of position.
- RLReduced Level
- RMSRoot Mean Square
- Robinson ProjectionA Compromise map projection that shows the entire world, representation of the whole globe as a flat image, though there are distortions on the polar regions.
- RockNatural occuring solid substance formed from one or more minerals.
- RollRotation on X-axis.
- Root DefinitionStatement of purpose for project, describing the need and reason for the project.
- Root Mean Square ErrorThe square root of the mean of the square of sum of the error.
- Rough SetsA formal approximation of a crisp set in terms of a pair of sets which give the lower and the upper approximation of the original set.
- RoutesPath for travel, generally for use in network and path analysis, made up of existing line features on a map. Type: 1) Simple Route 2) Combined Route 3) Split Route 4) Looping Route
- RoverGPS reciever(s) in GPS survey with unknown positions, could be constantly moving between locations.
- RRCRange Rate Correction
- RTDGPSReal-Time Differential Global Positioning Satellite
- RTK ModeReal-Time Kinematic Mode
- RTNReal-Time Network
- RubbersheetingProcess of adjusting coordintes of points to allow for a more accurate match between known points an dataset.
- Rubidium ClocksOscillator using Rubidium element to measure precise time.
- Run-Length EncodingData compression where sequences of data with the same value are stored as a single data value and count/number of occurances.
- Run-offWater draining away from surface of area of land, building and/or structures.
- S-BandPart of the Microwave band ranged between 2GHz - 4GHz in EM spectrum, it is mainly used in weather radar, surface ship radar and some communication satellites.
- SASelective Availability
- SagCaused by the gravitational force exerted onto measuring tape over long distances, it can cause errors in reading horizontal distances.
- Sampling TheoremSee Definition on Nyquist-Shannon Theorem
- SandLoose granular material typically a result from erosion or rocks.
- Satellite AltimetryDetermining distance between the satellite and target by measuring time taken for the (radar) signal from satellite-to-target then back to satellite.
- Satellite Clock BiasesDifference between Satellite clock time and GPS time, it can be derived from Navigation Message.
- Satellite Ephemeric ErrorDifference between the collected data and real orbital position of a GPS satellite
- Satellite HealthInformation sent within the Navigation Message regarding the status of the Satellite (e.g. possible clock errors).
- Satellite ImageryImages collected by artificial satellites.
- Satellite Laser RangingMeasuring of distance to satellite through the use of a sophisticated EDM (laser) aimed from earth to retro-reflector equipped satellites.
- Satellite OrbitHeight and shape of satellite orbits are determined by the velocity of which they travel at.
- Satellite Remote SensingApply satellite image into remote sensing research.
- Satellite SurveySurveys on ground features using Remote Sensing/Photogrammetric techniques.
- Satellite WindowsPeriod of time the largest number of satellite is available simultaneously from a specific location.
- SatisfactoryIt largely meets the intended subject learning outcomes.
- SBASSpace-Based Augmentation System
- Scalable Vector GraphicsA vector based image in XML format.
- ScaleAn expression about that one unit of distance on a photograph represents a specific size of real ground distance
- Scale FactorRatio of local scale to reference scale.
- Scatter PlotsGraph of plots against two axes.
- ScintillationFluctuation of amplitude and phase of wave when passing through a medium.
- ScopeThe extent of investigation