- Bar SweepsTechnique of determining or clearing of underwater obstructions using sweep rafts (or sweep barges) to ensure safety in navigation.
- Barely AdequateIt meets the intended subject learning outcomes only in some regards.
- Barely SatisfactoryIt marginally meets the intended subject learning outcomes.
- Bart HeuristicSet of Heuristic procedures to improve value of solution.
- Base ContourWhere contouring starts.
- Base StationGPS reciever location where positional coordinates are precisely known (by previous survey data).
- BaselineLine between two stations where observations are made simultaneously.
- Basic KnowledgeThe simplest and lowest level of understanding, such as the concepts, components and functions.
- Bathymetric ChartsMap representation of submerged terrain.
- Bayesian ClassifierOne of classification method which applies two weighting factors to the probability estimate and classify the image.
- BDRFBidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
- Be familiar with…Develop both an understanding and appreciation towards concepts, elements, theories and procedures within studies with the aide of technologies of the study area.
- Beach Profile SurveyTopographic and Bathymetric survey of beach and surrounding regions.
- BeaconAn active underwater marker that periodically sends a pulse of a particular frequency.
- BearingsDirection for navigation. Type: 1) Grid Bearing 2) Magnetic Bearing 3) Whole-Circle Bearing 4) Quadrantal Bearing
- Bed ProfileProfile of seabed/riverbed produced through Direct/Indirect Hydrographic Methods.
- BeddingBottom layer of material to help with construction/foundation/building.
- BedrockSolid rock lying beneath surface (underneath soil).
- BenchmarkPoints of known elevation and position, which has been established in the Ordnance Survey by Surveyors.
- Bending MomentThe material's to an external fource that causes the material to bend.
- Between-Epoch DifferenceDifference of carrier phase measurement of a signal on one frequency from one satellite observed by receiver to be between two epochs.
- Between-Receivers DifferenceDifference of carrier phase measurements from one satellite as measured by two different receivers.
- Between-Satellites DifferenceDifference of carrier phase measurement between signals from two satellites on one frequencey observed simulaneously by one receiver.
- Bezier CurveMathematically derived (generated) curve.
- Bi-level Scanned FileBinary scanned file.
- Bicubic InterpolationExtension of cubic interpolation, which uses data from all eight surrounding pixels (a total of 16 coefficients).
- Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution FunctionA mathematical to descripe how reflectance varies for all combinations of illumination and viewing angles at a known wavelength.
- Big DataExtremely large collection of data that is difficult (inefficient) to process (e.g. analyze, capture, search, share, store, visualize, transfer, etc…) using traditional means.
- BIHBureau International de L'Heure
- Bilinear InterpolationResampling method using a weighted average of the four nearest pixel from the focal pixel.
- BIMBuilding Information Modelling
- Binary Large ObjectCollection of Binary data stored as a single entity on database, can be an image, audio or multimedia objects.
- Binary MaskBinary mask segments an image into two classes in order to apply additional processing into each class seperately.
- Binary ModelsGIS model that uses logical expression to select spatial features, with binary outputes (TRUE for a match, FALSE for no match).
- Binary Offset Carrier ModulationIts purpose is to reduce interference with BPSK modulation, it is a sub-carrier modulation where a signal is multiplied by a rectangular sub-carrier frequency.
- Binary Phase Shift KeyingModulation scheme, technique used to create Navigation Message, P Code, and C/A Code consisting of 1 and 0 imprinted onto carrier wave without altering amplitude.
- Binary TreesData structure type that takes the form a a tree where each node has not more than two children.
- Binomial DistributionFrequency of distribution where possible number of successful outcome is based on the same probability of success.
- Biophysical ModellingEstablished to relate quantitatively the data collectd by remote sensing technology to biophysical features and phenomena measured ont the surface of the earth.
- Bistatic AntennaWhere reciever and transmitter of signals are separated by a distance comparable to the target's distance.
- BitA Unit of Information, either 1 or 0 (binary system).
- BitmapImages (printed or digital display) made up of a series of dots.
- Bivariate Choropleth MapA variation of Choropleth Map, which shows two variables (phenomena) simultaneously to allow for graphical illustration of spatial relationship between the variables.
- BlackbodyA hypothetical and ideal radiator which is able to totally absorb and reemits all enery incident upon it.
- BLOBBinary Large Object
- BlockComprised by multiple strips captured by successive flights
- Block AdjustmentSee description on Triangulation.
- Block CodingEncoding of data in blocks, extension of Run-Length encoding.
- Block I, II, IIA, IIF, IIR-M, IIR SatellitesClassification of GPS satellite generation.
- Block KrigingMethod for establishing variance estimates and smoothing interpolated results.